Dominate the world

Chapter 721 Departure, Shennongjia

Jiang Xiaobai and the eleven warriors looked at the names, but none of them knew them.

But one of them has a very eye-catching name - Pan Yan.

Seeing this name, several warriors started to look at Pan Feng.

"That's right. The Pan Yan you saw is indeed related to me. He is my youngest son. He was the one who led the team when we went to Shennongjia to investigate." Pan Feng said directly without hiding anything.

"The main task this time is still for you to complete. I will send you to the place closest to Shennongjia, and then you will explore in depth. We will help you contain the monsters on the periphery. If there is any emergency, we will send you out at any time." Signal!"

When Pan Feng said this, he focused on Jiang Xiaobai.

To be honest, he was most worried about Jiang Xiaobai, because this time his eldest son Pan Wei also went there, but it was just to rescue his younger brother.

But this Jiang Xiaobai, Pan Feng was really worried about whether he could obey the command.

Through the conversation between Jiang Xiaobai and Tang Shanhai just now, he could feel that Jiang Xiaobai was definitely a thorn in the side. When other people saw Tang Shanhai, they would be respectful and respectful, while Jiang Xiaobai seemed extremely relaxed.

One must know that Tang Shanhai is the elder of the Martial Arts Department, an emperor-level powerhouse respected by everyone, and Jiang Xiaobai is just a king-level powerhouse. When facing an emperor-level powerhouse, shouldn't he be extremely respected?

In fact, Pan Feng didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai treated Tang Shanhai like this when he was a master, if he knew, he would be frightened.

Facing the emperor-level powerhouse, Jiang Xiaobai felt awe in his heart, but he would not show it easily. After all, for him, the emperor-level powerhouse is not out of reach. In a few years, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely be able to Promoted to the realm of the emperor-level powerhouse.

"Understood, we will do our best to complete the task!"

Eleven people answered in unison.

"Okay, I wish you all the best of luck in advance, and then go back and get ready. We will set off early tomorrow morning." Pan Feng glanced at everyone.

Then he turned around and led Pan Wei out of the conference room, saying something from time to time on the way, it seemed that he wanted to give some careful instructions, after all, he was his son, and the youngest son, Pan Yan, had already been trapped in Shennongjia. What a mistake.I'm afraid that Pan Feng will die.

Neither Pan Wei nor Pan Yan has a family yet and lives under the orders of the Ministry of Martial Arts all day long.

Originally, there was no Pan Wei's business this time, but Pan Wei took the initiative to ask for Ying and argued hard, which led to Pan Feng and Pan Wei's father and son leading the team together. However, Pan Feng was responsible for protecting, while Pan Wei went deep into it.

"Xiaobai, don't leave yet, I have something to tell you!" Tang Shanhai shouted as he looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was about to leave.

"Senior Tang, what do you need from me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Shanhai playfully.

From his point of view, going out this time may not be so simple. A seemingly simple mission of saving lives has the son of an elder going there. From the perspective of others, Pan Wei is just eager to save his younger brother, but Jiang Xiaobai is not like that look.

"Xiaobai, don't blame me. According to the information I got, this trip to Shennongjia does have extraordinary benefits, but it's up to you to get it, and be careful with Pan Wei."

Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai's face and knew that he was a little angry that he signed up for him privately, but this did not hinder the next thing.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai has this character. In fact, when Jiang Xiaobai came to the Martial Arts Department, he had already expressed his attitude.

Jiang Xiaobai is different from others. If he is unwilling to deal with the Martial Arts Department, even if dozens of martial arts fighters capture him, he will do his work without any effort. It is different now.

"Pan Wei is the elder's son, what should I be careful about? Also, is the chance you said true or false? Why don't I believe it so much?"

"It's okay for Elder Tang to fool other warriors, but it's not appropriate to fool me!"

Jiang Xiaobai just sat on the bench carelessly, leaving Tang Shanhai standing alone, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai's expression, and then said: "The reason why Pan Feng let his son go this time is because he saved Pan Yan, and second, because he found something inside. It is said that there is something about the strongest immortal golden body." , but no one knows the specifics."

"Really?" I was still somewhat interested in Jiang Xiaobai.

Tang Shanhai nodded.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go first!" Jiang Xiaobai got up and left with a wave of his hand. He went to the square outside to recuperate and prepare for the next trip.

Seeing this, Tang Shanhai could only smile, and then left to find Pan Feng, discussing the deployment of this operation, all matters related to retreat and attack.

The monster emperors in Shennongjia are not vegetarians, and it takes a lot of planning to completely avoid them.

In fact, they don't want to go to war with monsters, but if they encounter unavoidable situations and have to go to war, let them minimize casualties.

These king-level powerhouses are all the future of the Huaguo Martial Arts Department.

Some of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department are already old, or were seriously injured during the battle. If it is a few years later, they will definitely need to replenish fresh blood, and the candidates will be selected from among the king-level warriors in front of them. pick it out.

These king-level powerhouses all showed excited and nervous expressions on their faces. They were excited because of the opportunity in Shennongjia, and nervous because of the danger in Shennongjia.

The degree of danger in Shennongjia can definitely be ranked among the top three in China.

But the more such a place is, the stronger the opportunities contained in it.

The members of the small family did not act abnormally, they were all excitedly discussing how to conquer Shennongjia, only a few members of the top families gathered together to discuss something.

In fact, several of Jiang Xiaobai's group were pulled over by the Cao family, including Zhang Wanqing who challenged Jiang Xiaobai before.

They are all from small families, and they don't have any cultivation resources. They can only rely on big families or explore the ruins by themselves to obtain resources. However, it seems that their harvest is good, and everyone has a smile on their faces.

Only Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian stood alone in the middle of the square, including Jiang Xiaobai.

Qi Nanshan saw that Jiang Xiaobai was alone, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what do you think of this rescue trip in Shennongjia? If young people need help, they can tell at any time. Everyone is from a small family and should help each other."

Jiang Xiaobai watched Qi Nanshan come over to say hello to him, but he couldn't refuse.

After all, the person who stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face didn't he, he also took the initiative to shake hands and start talking.

But just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to speak, Elder Pan Feng came out, along with Pan Yan.

"Quiet, everyone is ready to go!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Tian, ​​follow me, set off immediately, aim for Shennongjia!"

After Elder Pan Feng finished speaking, he came to the fighter plane and began to call for others.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Pan Wei. When Pan Wei just came out, he looked at him for a moment. It was a bit weird, which made him have to be on guard. After the news came out, there was an inexplicable aura on his body. It should be the magic weapon that Elder Pan prepared for him.

Just after Jiang Xiaobai boarded the plane, another member of the 11-person team looked unfriendly, and at the same time, there was a faint dark aura that made people feel disgusted, but fortunately, it appeared for a short time, even the emperor did not observe it .

A figure in the distance smiled satisfied when he received the news.

"Hmph, Jiang Xiaobai, let me see how you live this time!"

This person is Ye Fan's father, Ye Yuhu!

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