Dominate the world

Chapter 723 Terrible

"Forget it, Brother Pan is Brother Pan! Hey!"

But Jiang Xiaobai's heart was full of uproar, hell?This is something that only exists in mythology.


The vines are slowly eroding Jiang Xiaobai's body, and the distance is still stretching, seemingly endless.

Death Vine!

How could there be such a thing here!

Jiang Xiaobai carefully recalled the knowledge in his mind, and found that it was very similar to the death vines in the ancient books of the previous life, and the passage to hell mentioned by Tai Chi Yuanpan just now, it is very possible.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly deployed it, a burst of true energy penetrated from his body, and the vines shattered to the ground.

A dozen or so pieces of black vines turned into ashes as soon as they fell to the ground, as if nothing had happened just now. Only the scars on Jiang Xiaobai's body proved what happened.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little scared, but it wasn't the time to be scared right now. He turned around and looked at the others, who were mostly entangled by vines.

At this time, I can't take care of other things, so I can only rescue everyone first.

"Wake up quickly!"


The death vine seemed to have noticed Jiang Xiaobai's actions, and quickly stretched out more vines from the ground, trying to take him down in one fell swoop.

But how could Jiang Xiaobai, who was prepared, be caught again so easily, and took out the weapon from the storage bag

Triple stab sword!

Constantly waving, approaching the four of them at the same time.

After yelling just now, Qi Nanshan, who had the highest cultivation base, finally came to his senses. Seeing the vines all over his body, he started to attack without saying a word!

"Five thunders hit the top!"

In an instant, all the nearby vines started to retreat, as if as soon as Qi Nanshan used the power of thunder and lightning, they would disappear in a hurry.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what's going on?"

The awakened Qi Nanshan began to ask questions, and at the same time began to rescue his companions. Gradually, the five of them woke up, and Sun Miao's face turned pale, because he was the first to contact him, and the previous battle with Jiang Xiaobai hurt the sea. All, so the most injured.

All the spiritual power disappeared, even the power of the immortal golden body was weakened a lot, and the realm fell to the middle stage of the king.

Others also had injuries of varying degrees, but Jiang Xiaobai reacted the fastest and seemed more relaxed, but in fact the spiritual power in his body was slowly decreasing.

"Old Qi, you and I each take one, get out quickly, this place is not suitable for staying any longer, Xu Tian, ​​can you go by yourself?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the crowd worriedly.

There are vines beside him. After seeing Qi Nanshan's use of thunder and lightning, the effect is amazing, and he also started to use the newly learned sword thunder!

But my vitality is running out, I'm afraid I can't use it many times, and the vine looks endless, and I can't find the core of the vine, I'm afraid...

"No problem, let's go south, get out quickly. Or these damn vines will pounce on us again."

Xu Tian, ​​who had just destroyed the vines beside him, had already walked south, not waiting for Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

"Okay! Go"


Boom boom boom!

The monsters in the vicinity, whether they are masters or kings, started to run wildly, relying on their instincts to stay away from the boundless black, but there were always some monsters that had no time to escape and fell into it.

However, in an instant, all the monsters that fell into it turned into a pile of bones, and their flesh and blood, including their souls, were gone.

"What? This is too scary." Zhang Wanqing's legs gave way in fright, and she almost followed in the footsteps of those monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai grabbed Zhang Wanqing in time, so he didn't fall into it, but Jiang Xiaobai and others hurriedly escaped from this place with all their strength, they were afraid that they would have to confess to being here after a while.

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai and the others ran all the way in the jungle, and the monsters along the way also avoided it early because of the breath of the black bamboo forest, so Jiang Xiaobai and the others can be said to be unimpeded.

Finally, after running wildly for half an hour, the death vines gradually receded, and Jiang Xiaobai and the others saw clearly what they had come into contact with just now.

Everywhere you look, there are endless black bamboo forests!

The hearts of the five people present were a little apprehensive, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, because he probably knew which place was which just now!

Black Bamboo Forest!

"Black Bamboo Forest! That is the most terrifying and mysterious forbidden place in Shennongjia, the Black Bamboo Forest!" Zhang Wanqing's face was pale, and he said slowly in a trembling voice. After speaking, he sat on the ground as if dehydrated.

"It's actually a black bamboo forest."

"My God, we are so lucky."

"It turned out to be a black bamboo forest!"

Qi Nanshan's face was a bit ugly, he didn't expect to meet the black bamboo forest here, it was a miracle that they survived the black bamboo forest, which was out of ten.

Thinking of this, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai. If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai, he might have to explain here.

But why can he react so quickly?

Jiang Xiaobai noticed Qi Nanshan's gaze and explained: "My mental power is relatively strong, and as long as I am determined, it is possible to break free. Those illusions are all changing according to people's desires, so as long as you control your mind It's not dangerous."

Zhang Wanqing was still in shock.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's calm appearance, he felt even more frightened in his heart. If he had done something to him just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Let's hurry up and find a safe place first. When I came here just now, I found some monsters nearby. I'm afraid they will deal with us when the black bamboo forest disappears completely." Jiang Xiaobai said.

But now everyone's vitality is almost exhausted, in case there are monsters...

Jiang Xiaobai jumped onto a century-old tree. From the top of the tree, he could see a lot of scenery. The entire Shennongjia mountain was densely covered with forests. Their current location was close to the mountainside.


There was a sound of birdsong in the distance, and the roar of wolves continued to come from the jungle.

Jiang Xiaobai's complexion changed, and he jumped down from the top of the tree and began to speak.

"Let's go quickly! The group of monsters that were frightened away in the black bamboo forest just now seem to be led by someone and are slowly coming back."

"What? Running again? We just stopped, and the vitality in our body is running out. Where else can we run at this time." Zhang Wanqing said.

"Yeah, and we ran around just now and now we don't even know the exact location." Qi Nanshan's face was full of sadness. Although he didn't hurt him when he broke through just now, but after running all the way, he was afraid that he would die before he could save anyone. up.

"No way, if you don't run and stay, you can only die." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Well, I know this place. There is a cave less than thirty miles away. There is a black bear monster inside. As long as you move quickly, you can kill the monster and hide in it for a while!"

The one who spoke was Sima Nan, another companion who had escaped from birth.

As soon as he said this, Jiang Xiaobai and the others looked at him, so familiar with this place?

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