Dominate the world

Chapter 724 Sima Nan wants to kill him

"Don't look at me like that, I have a reason." Sima Nan hurriedly explained.

He was an adventurer before, and he often explored this kind of ancient ruins and ancient forests. This time he followed him because he just explored here. As long as he is careful, his life can still be saved.

Hearing that everyone was relieved, it would be much better to have someone who is familiar with the environment in this ghost place than to fumble around by yourself.

It's just that I didn't say it until now, it seems that I have bad intentions.

Jiang Xiaobai thought to himself.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier, causing us to travel so much!" Zhang Wanqing blamed Sima Nan a little bit.

"Who knew we could meet the black bamboo forest." Sima Nan muttered in a low voice.

"Okay, Sima Nan will lead the way, let's hurry up, the monsters will come and we won't be able to leave!"

Jiang Xiaobai and the others immediately started rushing non-stop again, but this time it was much better.

Sima Nan led the way, avoiding monsters and dangers along the way without any risk.

Shennongjia deserves to be Shennongjia, if you don't pay attention, you may die on the spot.

Jiang Xiaobai fell at the back of the team. He touched the surrounding trees from time to time, and ran to the top of the trees to observe the monsters along the way.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the distance between him and the large army gradually narrowed.

His pace of following Sima Nan gradually slowed down, and a tree in his peripheral vision suddenly appeared several familiar marks.

After careful observation, it seems to be a special mark. I found a few along the road but didn't pay attention.

Could it be the mark of Si's previous team?

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it, but he didn't notice that they had arrived at their destination.

A dark cave.

"Is this the place?" Qi Nanshan asked.

"That's right. There was a monster here before. It was a black bear demon king. We will observe it after every expedition. The peak of the king can break through the king at any time." Sima Nan began to introduce.


Suddenly, a painful roar came out of the cave.

Jiang Xiaobai and the others looked happy. Hearing this voice, the monsters inside are probably breaking through, and it is not easy, and it is very likely to fail. If this time passes...

Several people looked at each other and smiled, and slowly walked into the cave by coincidence, a monster that was about to break through the emperor, in case of failure, all the materials for its body were of the highest quality.

The blood of the monster, the bone of the monster!Even the treasures collected by monsters, these things are exciting to think about.

"Let's go in slowly to see the situation. In case the black bear demon king inside is really breaking through and facing failure, then we will attack in groups. When the spoils come, let's see how everyone works. What do you think?"

As an old man, Qi Nanshan still had a lot of experience, so he said the distribution plan in the shortest time to prevent the situation caused by the internal strife in the team.

"I found this here, I will choose a treasure first if I enter later!" Sima Nan said.

"no problem!"

"no problem."

Everyone agreed that this place was brought over by him, so it was just a treasure, what if it didn't exist?At that time, it is not about the distribution of the situation.

As I slowly deepened, I finally saw the specific situation.

A black bear demon king is breaking through, and there are a few flowers next to him, which seems to be preparations for this breakthrough, but the situation is not very good.

Because the breath of essence and blood in the demon king's body is constantly weakening, and the breath of thunder in the mind of the black bear demon king keeps leaking out, the fire of life may be extinguished at any time.


Seeing the situation, Zhang Wanqing directly slapped the Demon King without waiting for other people to react.

There was a loud bang, and the entire cave was filled with dust.

"Ah, you despicable humans! How could you appear in such a place! Damn it!"

The breakthrough of the Black Bear Demon King was interrupted, and cracks began to appear in the primordial spirit of a little black bear just now in his mind.

When the others saw Zhang Wanqing make a move, they also made moves one after another.

"Zhang Wanqing!"

Jiang Xiaobai shot directly, came in front of the Black Bear Demon King, summoned Ciyue, and destroyed Yuanshen with one blow!

Except for the last roar, there was no sound in the cave, and it was eerily quiet.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, their faces were covered with sweat, and they didn't dare to move.

And the few flowers next to the Black Bear Demon King were quietly taken away by someone when Jiang Xiaobai made a move.

The sound gradually disappeared.

Everyone's mood also calmed down.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief...

"Where's the flower next to the demon king just now? Why did it disappear?" Zhang Wanqing's voice caught everyone's attention.

"Look at everything first, there must be more monsters breaking through the emperor!" Jiang Xiaobai also felt something was wrong.

A group of people began to search in the cave, but there were only a few medicinal materials here.

The cave is only one zhang in size, and only a little light appears when you go inside!

"Look! Thousand-year stalactite!"

Going to the inside of the cave, Qi Nanshan began to discover treasures. There was a faint light on the top of the cave, and the liquid was still dripping slowly. There was a hole in the ground, and when the hole was removed, a small pool was found.

There are hundreds of drops of Wannian stalactites in it!

"There is a stone gate here, and there is a high possibility that it will be the collection of the Black Bear Demon King!"

Everyone found some treasures one after another, but Sima Nan slowly hid in the corner, and the dark cave shone with light from time to time.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shimen and began to think. He had noticed something wrong with Sima Nan just now. This person had intentionally or unintentionally avoided shooting since he entered the cave, and he didn't even care about some treasures?

Very weird.

Jiang Xiaobai just stood there, watching Qi Nanshan harvest the ten-thousand-year-old stalactite in the depths, Zhang Wanqing and Xu Tian were trying to open the stone gate.

And Sima Nan completely disappeared this time.

A faint murderous intent rose from the cave.

Jiang Xiaobai began to close his eyes, and began to investigate with his mental strength, when suddenly a cold light appeared on his face.

Sima Nan, who was hiding in the dark, became proud.

I thought it was nothing special, but it turned out to be nothing more than that, after I kill you and leave, the Ye family’s reward will belong to me.

When the time comes, I will hide and practice for a period of time, who would dare to look down on me when I break through to the emperor!

The moment Sima Nan shot, Jiang Xiaobai reacted, opened his eyes suddenly, turned his head to the right once, the palm of his right hand shone with golden light, and grabbed the stabbing sword.

"Finally can't stand it anymore?"

Jiang Xiaobai's hand holding the sword began to exert strength, and his left hand clenched a fist to strike at Sima Nan as well.

"What?" Sima Nan was surprised, the fatal blow was dodged, and his weapon was still grabbed by the opponent, but did he really think that he was made of mud, and dared to take his weapon with his hands.

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