Dominate the world

Chapter 726 Black Bone Demon King

"Finally I saw the exit, hahaha!" Xu Tian saw the mountains outside, and was overjoyed at the moment, and finally escaped from death. As long as he goes out and relies on these resources, he is expected to break through the emperor.

Thinking of this, Xu Tian's eyes were full of joy, and he didn't notice that there was actually a cliff outside the cave.



Jiang Xiaobai stretched out a hand to grab Xu Tian's back, and Xu Tian was already hanging in the air with one foot, stepping on the air, with a look of fear on his face.

"thanks, thanks."

Xu Tian with a pale face did not expect that their exit was indeed an exit, but it was an exit by the cliff, no wonder.

Looking from the entrance of the cave, there are forests outside, and there are several areas that are shining with light, and there are a lot of monsters walking back and forth nearby.

"Look, Jinhou Ridge is not far from our location, and there may be a medicine garden on this road." Qi Nanshan opened the map while talking, and kept comparing it with the map.

"However, the difficulty is how we can climb all the way up this unobstructed cliff without being discovered by monsters!"

"It's difficult. It's at least five miles from here to the top of the mountain, and there are countless monsters around. Even if a bird finds us, our lives will be in danger." Jiang Xiaobai's face was a little heavy.

Looking up, there are three big trees on the entire cliff. This is the only shelter. There is no guarantee that there will be monsters inside, but the map shows that there is a medicine garden on the top of the mountain.

In other words, it is very likely that a battle will break out directly as soon as it goes up.

"No way, if we stay here all the time, the risk factor will be greater, and this place is the closest to our destination, as long as we climb to the top of the mountain and walk five hundred miles west, it will be our destination this time."

Qi Nanshan carefully analyzed the pros and cons of going out from here, and it is very likely that he will be discovered if he stays here!But if you go, you have to choose a surefire strategy.

"Don't even think about it. If you stay here, you will definitely die. If you go out, you will still have a chance. I have the best physical skills, so let me take the lead. As long as there are no demon emperors, it shouldn't be a big problem for us to go out."

Jiang Xiaobai said to a big tree not far away that he saw a shadow inside just now, and when he looked over with his spiritual sense, he only found a small snake there.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Xiaobai stabbed the star and moon directly, and the snake shadow in the distance screamed and fell from the tree.

"Let's hurry up, it's getting more and more unsafe here."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai began to exercise his body skills, flew up in one step, and landed in the branches. The movement was so fast that even the monsters inside had no time to react before being knocked out.

Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian saw that Jiang Xiaobai had already set off, and it was not good for the two of them to stay here anymore. Just like Jiang Xiaobai said, if they continued to stay here, the chances of being discovered would be higher. The Snake Demon King just now was an example .

When the two had just stepped onto the branch, there was a faint roar of a beast in the cave.

Angry voices echoed in the cave.

The three people on the branch hid under the shadow of the tree, and did not attract the monster's attention for a while.

"Fortunately, we left early. If we are one step too late, I'm afraid we will have to fight monsters again. I'm afraid..."

Thinking about the consequences, the three of them are afraid after a meal, but right now they can only wait for the monsters to disperse and climb to the top of the mountain before thinking about other things.

After a while, the monster retreated slowly from the cave, and began a rigorous search in Shennongjia.


Seeing the fading monster, the three of them began to relax, looked at the big tree next to the cliff, and began to try to climb away.

"Let's go, hurry up before the monsters notice us."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

The two also started the process.

Just as the three of them slowly climbed the cliff, danger appeared in the distance.

"Hmph, this group of damned humans actually appeared here, wait for me to kill them and receive the reward in front of Lord Demon Emperor, hehe."

A black crow flew by in the sky. It was originally out to hunt, but it heard that humans came in again, and wanted to see if there was a chance to kill one.

Human blood essence is a great tonic for monsters, and he, the black bone demon king, needs it a lot.

The three of them were still climbing cautiously, not daring to do other things along the way, for fear of attracting the attention of monsters.

Suddenly, the Black Bone Demon King made a sudden move, flying towards Xu Tian like a sharp sword.


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly reminded.


Xu Tian didn't notice the threat in the sky, and even Jiang Xiaobai didn't realize it until the Black Bone Demon King made a move.

Xu Tian's right hand was bombarded, and blood began to flow out from his body.

"Hahaha, you brave humans dare to go deep into Shennongjia. You really want to die. Watch me, Black Bones, arrest you and bring you to the Demon Emperor."

Hei Gu laughed outrageously, he is the king on this cliff, and he has the strength to keep Jiang Xiaobai and the others here.

After speaking, the Black Bone Demon King started to attack again. With the advantage of the sky, the three of Jiang Xiaobai had no countermeasures for a while and could only dodge on the cliff.

"Jiang Xiaobai, hurry up and think of a way, otherwise we will have to explain here sooner or later."

Xu Tian said, he was injured just now, and now he can only climb up carefully under the protection of Qi Nanshan.

"No way, I'll hold him back. You play by ear. It's best if you can keep him. Even if you can't stay, you have to rush up as fast as possible."

Jiang Xiaobai used his body skills to the extreme, and jumped onto the back of the Black-Bone Demon King in a flying motion.

"Damn human, get off your uncle's back quickly!" The black-bone demon king roared angrily when he saw Jiang Xiaobai dare to run on his back. He hated others running on his back. Wu Yaowei.


Seeing that there was no way for the Black-Bone Demon King to throw the opponent off, his eyeballs rolled, and they began to go straight into the sky. At the same time, the entire bird body began to spin, flying up like a tornado.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly grabbed the opponent's feathers, and the feathers on his back had been pulled out several times, the black bone demon king roared in pain.


The Black Bone Demon King flew straight down from the air in the blink of an eye when he reached the highest point, and rushed into the woods on the top of the mountain regardless of the pain, knocking over the trees non-stop.

Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to run down, clenched his fists before leaving, his vitality formed a fist in the air, and hit the head of the Black Bone Demon King.

Landing on the ground, recalling the approximate position of Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian in his mind after they capped off, he rushed away.

The Black Bone Demon King, who fell on the ground, happened to bump into the gate of the medicine garden, and was arrested by the guards guarding the medicine garden.

Unfortunately, the Black Bone Demon King was falling at high speed, bumping into east and west, and was punched by Jiang Xiaobai before leaving, and he fell into a coma.

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