Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian finally climbed to the top of the mountain, only to find that the place where they appeared was just to the north of the medicine garden, and there was no guard at all because it was backed by a cliff.

In contrast, Jiang Xiaobai's situation is a little bit worse.

After getting rid of the Black Bone Demon King, he was caught by the guard guarding the medicine garden from a distance. Fortunately, the other party was in a coma, otherwise he would have faced a mountain full of monsters.

But it seems that he is also facing a mountain full of monsters now?

Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself, went to a hidden place and started to practice.

After the battle along the way, his aura also made a breakthrough, and he began to communicate with the Tai Chi disc with his mind.

Tai Chi Disc is also a font that starts clear.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: mid-stage king

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Solution (proficiency 35%)

Tactics: Jinghong Youlong (proficiency 100%), Wuyun swordsmanship (proficiency 100%), Thunder View Thought (proficiency 100%), Silver Snake Sword Qi (proficiency???)

Looking at the familiar data, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't believe it. Before he knew it, his skills could hardly keep up with the current pace. His mental power had become divine sense, and his body skills were too far behind.

Only Taiyue's true understanding of my skills can be seen now. As for Wuyun swordsmanship, it is no longer as good as the Silver Snake Sword Qi. It seems that I still need to find some skills next, otherwise I will break through the realm of the emperor. It won't work with strength.

Reaching the realm of the emperor is a huge change. Movement skills, powerful magic weapons, and powerful combat skills are all indispensable in battle. By then, it will not be the world of brute force.

Unless you can reach the level of breaking all spells with one force, but this is still a bit far away from yourself, even if it is the way to improve your physical strength this time, it is still a bit far away from the real physical invincibility.

But now that Shennongjia is so dangerous and unpredictable, a demon beast at the level of a demon king is enough to crush them, and Jiang Xiaobai noticed that the realm of this demon king is only in the middle stage of a demon king, and this level of cultivation is really terrifying.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that this place is full of vitality and there are no other monsters for the time being, so he couldn't help practicing.

Taiyue's true solution was continuously circulating in the body, and Jiang Xiaobai absorbed all the vitality around him. With the operation of Taiyue's true solution, the vitality fell into the sea of ​​energy.

The ball-like sea of ​​qi in Jiang Xiaobai's body is slowly rotating. Every time it turns, the sea of ​​qi will be more concentrated, and the vitality escaping from the sea of ​​qi will become more solid and sharp.

After using Taiyue's true solution to temper for a full 49 weeks, it slowly stopped.

After practicing, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes became more and more bright and sharp. For Jiang Xiaobai, although there is no breakthrough in the realm, the breakthrough is not far away.

If he stayed here for ten days and half a month, Jiang Xiaobai might be able to enter the realm of the late king.

"The vitality has been condensed, now it's time to condense the body."

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's physical body also began to temper, and the only five-element essence began to linger around his body, and his physical body began to slowly strengthen.

With the gradual improvement of cultivation base, the limitations of the physical body are also breaking through, but this kind of breakthrough is too resource-intensive.


After a while, the training was over, and Jiang Xiaobai showed his sharpness, like a sharp sword, ready to go.

"Now it's time to find them."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered in a low voice. It's not like he didn't notice it just now, but there are still guards from the front. It seems that he can only go around the cliff, but he doesn't know what happened to the black bone demon king.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the distance and began to think, but he still ran towards the medicine garden. The strength of three people is always stronger than that of himself alone.

Said and started to move forward.

It was a different scene in the medicine garden.

Xu Tian used elixir to slowly connect his severed arm to his arm, concentrating on self-cultivation.

Qi Nanshan is swallowing a mouthful of the elixir, Poxingcao!

Star-breaking Grass king-level medicinal material, the medicinal effect is breakthrough, which can increase the chance of breakthrough by 5.00% for people in the realm of kings.

There is no need to think about this kind of medicinal material in the outside world. As long as it appears, even the emperor's realm will be desperate, and those old people who are hopeless will be snatched away directly, and it is not their turn.

And now there are six star-breaking grasses here, you can try to break through even if the breakthrough fails, you will have experience when you break through next time, and the success rate will be higher when you break through again.

There are still so many elixir in it, even if it fails, the elixir can be restored in an instant, and there will be no short-term weakness that occurs when the breakthrough is successful or failed.

Qi Nanshan is making such a breakthrough.

After Jiang Xiaobai turned left and right, he finally approached the medicine garden, but there were obviously two more guards outside, and the Black Bone Demon King suddenly returned, but he was still in a coma.

Jiang Xiaobai approached slowly, ready to look for an opportunity.

"Old black, why did you say that this dead black bone flew directly to us, and was knocked out." A white ape demon king said.

The Black Tiger Demon King next to him said, "Ghost knows, maybe he's gone crazy, and he's still in a coma. I really want to hit him with a hammer to see if his demon pill is good."

"I think you are greedy again, but this is where the medicine garden of our White Ape Demon King is located. We should wait for him to wake up and ask him, what if he is a spy of the enemy." The White Ape Demon King began to discuss .

"I can't help it. When he wakes up, I will give him a good blow, damn it."

After finishing speaking, the Black Tiger Demon King compared his appearance with his fists, curbed the saliva in his mouth, and continued to discuss with the White Ape Demon King.

Jiang Xiaobai listened to it for a long time, but there was nothing useful. He looked at the well-guarded medicine garden and thought about it. Even if he couldn't find Qi Nanshan, it would be good to loot the Yaohuang's medicine garden.

After looking at the guards, the White Ape Demon King and the Black Tiger Demon King, how could they go in quietly...

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai thought of a way.

He moved to the side of the Black Bone Demon King, and then used his long-unused flickering dragon movement technique to come to the vicinity quickly, and then launched an attack from a distance with all his strength.

In the end, he used the piercing moon to directly cut off the rope binding the Black Bone Demon King.

Sure enough, the White Ape Demon King and the Black Tiger were attracted, looked at each other, felt that something was wrong, and began to get nervous, the White Ape Demon King quickly came to the side of Black Bone, he took out the rope from other places and tied it up again stand up.

Then he stood there and looked at him.

Heihu ran in the direction of the fist neck just now.

In this way, the two demon kings left the gate cautiously, looking around vigilantly, for fear that someone would sneak into the medicine garden.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that they ran in without paying attention, but at this time the Black Bone Demon King woke up unexpectedly, and he saw a figure of Jiang Xiaobai running into the medicine garden.

The black-bone demon king started to move, but before he could utter a sound, the fist of the white ape demon king came down, swallowing all the words for a while.

The black-bone demon king was beaten to death, but he still found a gap and said a few words to make the white ape demon king stop.

"Human, I saw a human enter the medicine garden!" The Black Bone Demon King shouted.

"What? How is it possible." Heihu said viciously.

This is where they are guarding. There are black bones first, and then humans. It is indeed a bit weird. If it is true, I am afraid...

"Look at him first, and I'll report to the Demon Emperor. If a human really broke in, I'd better get someone to catch him!" Heihu looked flustered. He ran in under his nose, which shows that he is very powerful.

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