Dominate the world

Chapter 728 How is it possible

Jiang Xiaobai was a little worried when he heard this sentence from a distance, what if they really called the Demon Emperor over.

After thinking about it, he turned back,

In sight, the Black Tiger Demon King was about to leave, while the White Ape Demon King was tying up the Black Bone Demon King, when he looked up, he saw Zhengjiang Xiaobai.

"You actually ran out, then don't blame us for being rude, and capture you and hand you over to Lord Demon Emperor!"

The black tiger demon king slowly approached Jiang Xiaobai, and the white ape demon king ignored the black bone demon king, and came to the black tiger to watch how Jiang Xiaobai was beaten to death.

"I think it's better for you to die. I heard that tiger whip wine can be a great tonic. I don't know how about the king's tiger whip wine?" Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, not afraid of the black tiger demon king in front of him at all.

"Human, you have offended me, go to hell with me!"

The Black Tiger Demon King roared angrily, and saw the entire Tiger Fist glowing with black light, like a black hole attacking.

The prototype of the Black Tiger Demon King is the Nether Black Tiger. It is rumored that it comes from hell. The natural ability is a force of the netherworld, which is extremely corrosive. Relying on this talent characteristic, there are few opponents in the realm of the Demon King.

Even the demon emperor praised that if he can break through the emperor, then the demon clan can gain another great power.


Under the physical collision, Heihu retreated eight steps, while Jiang Xiaobai only retreated three steps.

This fell into Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, but it was unusual. The monster's physical body is strong, but under his golden body tempered, he rarely encountered anyone who would fight head-on with him, such as Cao Ying before. Fairly powerful.

This black tiger must have a good bloodline ability, from the dark power just now to the current physical body.

"I didn't expect that you, a big tiger, have a good body." Jiang Xiaobai said jokingly, but in fact his heart was churning.

"Your physical body is not bad!" Heihu gritted his teeth. He took a few steps back from the collision just now, but he actually received a surge of vitality. If it wasn't for his special blood...

The black tiger immediately transformed into a physical body, and a black tiger appeared, with two pairs of wings on its back, a black thunder flickering between its eyebrows, and two tiger claws that were extremely sharp, glowing with black light.

The white ape demon king on the side was a little surprised. He didn't expect this human being to be so powerful. He even forced the black tiger demon king to reveal his real body. He knew the strength of the black tiger demon king. In his hands, he could only Can survive a hundred moves, after a hundred moves, life and death are unpredictable.

"Humans, go die for me."

"Ghost Shadow!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Black Tiger Demon King turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place.

Jiang Xiaobai gradually put away his contemptuous expression. He didn't expect that this black tiger was not only physically strong, but also so fast. However, if there is a chance to kill him and refine it with a Tai Chi disc, I don't know if he can train it.

With his eyes closed, Jiang Xiaobai unfolded his divine sense, paying attention to every move around him.

Under the observation of Divine Sense, I saw a black shadow lurking in a corner, all the strength of my body was gathered, as long as there was an opportunity, I would suddenly launch an attack.

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately showed a surprised expression to lure the other party into being fooled.

The white ape demon king next to him was also proud when he saw the expression of the human being, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He had already expected Jiang Xiaobai lying on the ground in the next moment.

as predicted.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's shocked expression, Heihu was very proud, just when he thought Jiang Xiaobai turned to look for him, he attacked suddenly, the light of his claws restrained, and hit Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

"Finally waiting for you." Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and saw a sword thunder!

Heihu knew that he had been fooled when he saw the other party's expression, but he still went all out, since he had already made a move, he couldn't keep his hand, even if he failed, he still had to take a bite!

"Sword Thunder!"

Jiang Xiaobai, who used Wuyun swordsmanship, mobilized his vitality, and the surroundings began to shoot thunderously, colliding with the black tiger's claws.

"Bang bang bang!"

Heihu turned over and was knocked down to the ground. He knocked down several big trees along the way before stopping, bleeding profusely.

"Black tiger!" Seeing the black tiger that was knocked into the air, the white ape couldn't believe it. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was about to hit the black tiger again, he quickly put down the black bone demon king, and stopped Jiang Xiaobai with a leap. before.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Jiang Xiaobai summoned the three-thorn sword and used the silver snake sword energy.

The three-inch sword energy was stopped by the oncoming white ape demon king, and the black tiger demon king alone was not enough to defeat the opponent, so they could only unite.

The White Ape Demon King dashed forward, and the demonic energy in his body shot up into the sky.This white ape is of the same species as what Jiang Xiaobai encountered on Mount Tai, and it also contains the unique eight or nine profound arts.

And the Black Tiger Demon King used his own ghost image to support him, and Jiang Xiaobai was a little overwhelmed for a while.

The Black Tiger Demon King is really annoying, if you do it to yourself, you will be scratched by the opponent if you are not careful, but this is also an opportunity to practice, Jiang Xiaobai began to practice the Silver Snake Sword Qi!

If the two demon kings knew that they had become each other's training partner, they would be depressed to death.

At the same time, blunt data appeared on the Tai Chi disk.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: mid-stage king

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Solution (36%)

Tactics: Silver Snake Sword Qi (grows four inches in length), Frightening Dragon Flying Dragon (100% proficiency), Wuyun Swordsmanship (100% proficiency)

Taiyue's true solution proficiency increased a little?

The Silver Snake Sword Qi also heard the four inches?

It seems that the battle is quite effective!

Jiang Xiaobai fought harder and harder, and the scars on his body became more and more due to the black tiger's attack, but the expression in his eyes became more determined.

If things go on like this, they will soon be defeated.

"Human, what about your arrogance, weren't you quite proud just now? Hahaha" the Black Tiger Demon King proudly left another wound on Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"The mere human beings still want to fight with me, the Black Tiger Demon King. They are asking for a dead end." The Black Tiger Demon King is very proud, thinking that he is also a Demon King, and he has let humans live under his hands for so long. joke.

The human must be killed as soon as possible.

When the Black Tiger Demon King was about to kill him with one blow, Jiang Xiaobai's attack became stronger and stronger.

The white ape demon king has been able to parry from the beginning, and now the wounds are increasing.

Tactics: Silver Snake Sword Qi (growth length [-] inches [-])

Jiang Xiaobai was able to react to the attack of the black tiger demon king in time, but it would be difficult to fall in front of the two demon kings, so he could only speed up the pace of attack. Change looming.

Tactics: Silver Snake Sword Qi (growth length [-] inches [-])

Proficiency has been refreshed?

Jiang Xiaobai became happy, and the silver snake sword energy in his hand suddenly increased by an inch, and immediately smashed the arm of the White Ape Demon King.

"how is this possible?"

The two demon kings were stunned.

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