"Hahaha, monster, it's my turn next, just die." Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly, attacking continuously with the silver snake sword energy in his hand.

After ten rounds, the strength of the Black Tiger Demon King was also weakening. Jiang Xiaobai seized a gap and hit the Black Tiger Demon King directly with his right fist.

Immediately, a flying body startled Hong Youlong's movement method, and then the silver snake sword energy pierced over, and the black tiger demon king was beheaded, dripping with blood.

Seeing this, the White Ape Demon King hurriedly ran over, but Jiang Xiaobai threw Ciyue out and hit the White Ape directly in the heart.

Died on the spot.

Seeing this, the black-bone demon king quickly pretended to be dead, jokingly, the two major demon kings were killed, not to mention he was tied up, so he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

The Black Bone Demon King was full of remorse, he had nothing to do to fight this human being, wouldn't it be good in the air?It's all right now, I have to take my life.

Don't notice me, don't notice me.

Jiang Xiaobai came to the bodies of the two demon kings, and his spiritual thoughts communicated with the Tai Chi disc, and immediately the corpses of the monsters on the ground disappeared. The Tai Chi disc showed a new technique, and even his cultivation had broken through the first level. Reach the late stage of the king.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: late king

Kung Fu: Taiyue True Explanation

Tactics: Nether Ghost Shadow (0% proficiency for the first level), Silver Snake Sword Qi (grows five inches in length), Wuyun Swordsmanship Great Accomplishment (100% proficiency)

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the information on the panel and raised the corners of his mouth, Ghost ghost?Why suddenly there is such a skill?

Could it be the technique of the Black Tiger Demon King just now?

With this body technique, I can be like a fish in water again in future battles, but it's a pity that I didn't get the eight or nine profound skills I wanted.

Although I didn't get the Bajiu Xuangong, it's not bad to be able to get a new movement technique.

From the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, he looked at the trembling black-bone demon king who was hiding aside, and it was a little funny. Before, he had tossed himself a lot, but now...

This big demon king, two monsters disappeared inexplicably just now, and now they are coming to look for me again, so they shouldn't attack me, don't come to me, don't come to me.

The Black Bone Demon King kept talking to himself, and even covered his eyes with his wings, creating the illusion that he couldn't see.

But the sky failed, Jiang Xiaobai slowly came to the Black Bone Demon King and kicked his wings.

"What's the matter, don't you know me? Black bone demon king?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the black bone demon king who was pretending to be dead and still trembling on the ground with a smile on his face.

"Well, can you pretend you didn't see me? Or can you just pass me off as a fart?" The Black Bone Demon King begged for mercy.

"Aren't you very arrogant before, why is that kind of arrogance, where is it going?"

"Where the heihu lord and the white ape lord are neither... oh. No, no, that big tiger and monkey are not your opponents. How dare I." The Black Bone Demon King still begged for mercy, hoping that the other party would let him go. Pass yourself.

As for how to settle their accounts after escaping, that's another matter.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the dishonest black bone demon king and didn't point it out. He didn't intend to let him go. The other party is also a demon king after all. His wings are made of high-quality materials. It is said that it is much stronger than ordinary weapons.

Furthermore, even if you don't want it yourself, selling it is still a resource.

The black bone demon king slowly began to move his body, his mouth was still begging for mercy, which was not what a demon king should look like.

But Jiang Xiaobai would not give the other party this chance, Ciyue quietly appeared behind the Black Bone Demon King, and after turning around, the Black Tiger Demon King really started to run away.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai immediately killed him with the stabbing moon, packed his body and put it in the storage bag.

Jiang Xiaobai looked around, the place has become messy due to the battle just now, it is more important to find a companion right now.

The guard of the medicine garden had been killed by him. At this time, he walked along the gate and entered, which can be described as extremely easy.

But as soon as he entered Jiang Xiaobai regretted it.

Xu Tian and Qi Nanshan have already ruined the entire medicine garden.

Qi Nanshan's aura is still a little unstable, the realm is still the peak of the king, but the aura is stronger than the usual peak of the king.

And Xu Tian was taking a seven-star grass and devouring it directly. A powerful vitality erupted in Xu Tian's body, and there was a scent of medicinal materials on his body.

"Damn it, you two can't do this! Xu Tian quickly put down the Seven Star Grass in your hand, it's too wasteful to eat it directly." Jiang Xiaobai ran and shouted.

As soon as Qi Nanshan opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Xiaobai not only pawing and tugging in the medicine garden with one hand, but also taking something out of Xu Tian's mouth, talking about waste and waste in his mouth.

"Jiang Xiaobai? Why are you here?" Qi Nanshan said.

The two were still arguing and didn't hear his words at all.

Helpless, he could only get up and pull the two of them away!

"What are you arguing about? Stop it, stop it for me." Qi Nanshan took a lot of effort to pull the two apart.

"If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. I am the dean of Qiluwu University. If I have some resources, I must think of my students." Jiang Xiaobai said dissatisfied.

But what he did in his hands completely betrayed him, and the vitality in his mouth was everywhere with his words.

In the next second, Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian stared at Jiang Xiaobai with wide eyes.

He did not know where to take out a pot.

Yes, a pot, not only a pot, he also directly picked up the spiritual spring water from the medicine garden to boil the water, set it up directly, put the black-bone demon king just now into the pot, and casually put a few on the ground The elixir was put into the pot.

"Here, Jiang Xiaobai, where did you get the pot!" Xu Tian looked at Jiang Xiaobai a little at a loss, his jaw almost dropped.

"Shut up your chin, the food isn't ready yet, but you have to pay if you want to eat it." Jiang Xiaobai said, looking at the herbs in Xu Tian's pocket.

Xu Tian noticed the other party's eyes and quickly covered his pocket.

Slowly, Jiang Xiaobai kept putting condiments and medicinal materials, together with the black-bone demon king of king realm, a scent wafted out.

Qi Nanshan took a closer look and found the ingredients inside. He had to praise it. The other party really knows how to eat it. He probably cooked a lot after smelling the aroma.

Carelessly, he went directly to Jiang Xiaobai's side, took out a spoon, and tasted it from the pot.

"Well, it tastes good, but it's a bit bland." Qi Nanshan not only drank but also clicked his tongue.

"Pay the money, I haven't tasted it yet?" Jiang Xiaobai pretended to stop it, but it didn't work. Instead, Xu Tian who was on the side joined in.

In this way, the three of them started fighting for food in a medicine garden, um, fighting for food, if people from the outside world found out about this, they might blow up Da Ya, who would have thought that three king-level powerhouses would fight for one food up.

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