However, after eating the food inside, even the cultivation base began to loosen. The cultivation base of the three of them had reached the current peak. To break through still depends on the divine sense and chance. After a meal, the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"I didn't expect it. I was looking for someone, but now I'm full of food and drink. I don't know how many times like this will happen." Qi Nanshan suddenly sighed.

"It's definitely possible. If I can go back safely this time, I'll invite you to eat. You will always be my most trusted brothers." Xu Tian vowed, and looked at the two of them with different eyesight.

"We will definitely be able to drive away the monsters. At that time, this world will still be ours, and we can live like this at any time." Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the sky, thinking about something.

"Certainly possible!"

"Certainly possible!"

Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian said in unison, and then looked at the distant sky together.

A figure flashed past the door not far away—the White Ape Demon Emperor!

When the White Ape Demon King died, the White Ape Demon King was furious. His most beloved junior was killed by someone else under his nose, but he didn't even know who the murderer was.

For this reason, he also killed several of his subordinates, and then came here alone, the medicine garden.

The battlefield he saw was a fierce struggle. It seemed that a person in the realm of kings should have done it, but how could a person in the realm of kings kill his own descendants?

There must be something odd in it.

Just when he walked into the medicine garden, he became completely angry when he heard the voices of Jiang Xiaobai and the others, human beings!It turned out to be three humans!

What a shame!

The White Ape Demon King stared at Jiang Xiaobai and the other three with fiery eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a powerful aura coming towards him suddenly, and he stood up from the grass and looked not far away.

"Bold human being!" The White Ape Demon Emperor walked out directly and roared at the three of them.

"The White Ape Demon Emperor!" Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes halfway.

Then he looked at the Demon Emperor in front of him, and began to think in his heart.

The blood of the White Ape Demon Emperor should also belong to that bloodline. If he can be killed and handed over to Taiji Yuanpan to refine, I wonder if there will be eight or nine profound skills.

The White Ape Demon King also noticed the pot in front of him, and he could still smell the aroma inside, but when he saw the meat of an ape, his anger reached its peak in an instant, and he shot brazenly.

Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian looked at the furious white ape demon emperor and became cautious, and inadvertently remembered that there seemed to be an ape arm in the pot just now, wouldn't it be...

Seeing that the two of them understood the situation, Jiang Xiaobai put away the pot, and the three quickly put out their strongest defenses.


Bang bang bang!

The White Ape Demon Emperor was furious and sent the three of them flying with one punch. Jiang Xiaobai was the first to bear the brunt. Although his physical body was relatively strong, his feet stretched a hundred meters long on the ground, and blood dripped from his hands slowly. fall.

Qi Nanshan's strength has greatly increased due to several breakthrough failures. Fortunately, he only suffered a slight injury, but Xu Tian is not feeling well. His arm was injured before and now he just connected it. Not a day later, he was hit hard again.

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he grabbed his right hand and began to take out the medicinal materials and eat them.

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Nanshan were also unambiguous. They just pulled out a few herbs and stuffed them into their mouths. It didn't matter what the herbs were. At this time, they didn't care about anything as long as they could heal the injury.

"You guys, you dare to use my medicinal materials to heal my wounds in front of me, and take my life!" The white ape demon emperor moved his mind and began to attack Jiang Xiaobai, who was the strongest.

The other two also kicked one by one.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a wave of spiritual power coming towards him, and quickly used his immature spiritual sense to fight it.

This scene shocked the White Ape Demon Emperor!

"A human being in the realm of kings actually possesses spiritual thoughts? You should be the one who killed my descendants. Wait until I beat you to ashes to avenge my descendants!" The White Ape Demon Emperor said and began to attack.

Spiritual thoughts began to linger in the sky, Jiang Xiaobai reluctantly fought with the Demon Emperor, and the effect of the ghost ghost was fully revealed at this time.

Take a look at it.

Tactics: Nether Ghost (Proficiency 1%)

Although he couldn't beat the White Ape Demon Emperor head-on, but fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of him with his divine sense, and then he spoke.

"Qi Nanshan, Xu Tian, ​​I will use my divine sense to restrain the Demon Emperor head-on. The two of you wait for the opportunity to attack. I will cooperate with you and kill him together. What's wrong with the Demon Emperor? At worst, we will kill him together!"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled at the corner of his mouth, then wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand and started to attack again.

Qi Nanshan and Xu Tian saw that it was not easy to escape alone, and joining forces at this time was the best way.

Xu Tian let out a roar and started to attack.

"Five thunders hit the top!"

Qi Nanshan also started a frontal attack.


Although the white ape demon emperor's divine sense was restrained by Jiang Xiaobai, the pervert, but the demon emperor was a demon emperor after all, even if he didn't have divine sense, he could kill them with other abilities.

Jiang Xiaobai ate the medicinal material he had just obtained while making a move.

Xu Tian was the weakest, and was beaten out by the White Ape Demon King when he seized the opportunity. His hands turned into debris and flew up, and he was thrown into a distance and fell into a coma with blood flowing.

Qi Nanshan was also seriously injured in the collision, with blood flowing from his mouth at the moment, and he was fighting with a little willpower, but the more he fought, the stronger his willpower became, and his mental strength began to change in the direction of divine sense.

The White Ape Demon Emperor's attention was all attracted by Jiang Xiaobai, and he didn't notice the changes in Qi Nanshan at all.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel well either, he didn't know how many times he had been beaten by the Demon Emperor, only when his divine sense saw his proficiency, he became a little happy.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: late king

Kung Fu: Taiyue True Explanation

Tactics: Nether Ghost Shadow Level 30 (100% proficiency), Silver Snake Sword Qi (grows five inches in length), Wuyun Swordsmanship Great Accomplishment ([-]% proficiency)

Jiang Xiaobai is also sighing, this improvement speed is a bit fast!

It's just a little weaker, and it can respond to the demon emperor's attack, only occasionally being hit.

Finally, Qi Nanshan ushered in his own transformation, and the vitality around him began to riot, and began to revolve around Qi Nanshan, and his breath continued to increase. The whole person began to be violent, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.


With a roar, the surrounding vitality was absorbed, and even the herbs in the medicine garden began to wither, and the breath calmed down for a moment.

Qi Nanshan broke through the realm of the emperor.

With Qi Nanshan's breakthrough, the situation was broken, and the White Ape Demon King began to realize the danger, and took a few steps back at this time.

However, Jiang Xiaobai and others will not let go of this good opportunity. Qi Nanshan has just made a breakthrough and needs an opponent to practice with. Isn't the White Ape Demon King the best partner for training.

Gradually, the protagonist of the battle changed from Jiang Xiaobai to Qi Nanshan.

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