Dominate the world

Chapter 739 Serious Injury

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Xiaobai was bombarded by the plum-blossom needle, and there were pits everywhere. In the middle, there were wounds on Jiang Xiaobai's body. All the wounds were inserted into Jiang Xiaobai's body, and blood dripped from everywhere.

After the attack, the Demon Emperor came to Jiang Xiaobai, and laughed triumphantly at Jiang Xiaobai, who was beaten by his own talent, and was thinking about how to deal with the opponent next, but with a move of divine sense, the whole person quickly backed away go.

Jiang Xiaobai's vitality was shaken, and the Qi needles all over his body scattered, he got up and looked at it regretfully, then turned around and ran into the forest.

The Demon Emperor was made even more angry by Jiang Xiaobai's actions, and all the air needles stopped in the air when his divine sense moved, and then fell to the ground after being shaken.

His innate ability was actually used by the opponent to attack him, and his divine sense attacked him again.

Invisibly, a phantom of a leopard opened its teeth and claws and grabbed the fleeing Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't show any weakness either, his divine sense turned into a giant thunder beast and charged towards him. The breeze blew past, causing a violent collision in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai paused for a moment when he was shaken, and almost stopped. His whole mind was in pain, and blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xiaobai's movements didn't stop at all, he just stretched out his hand to wipe it off, and the true understanding of Taiyue in his body burst out again.

Seeing the effect of the demon king, he turned into a leopard and chased him in the forest. A demon king appeared in front of him, and a beast roar attacked Jiang Xiaobai, causing his steps to stop again.

The Golden Leopard Demon King would not let go of this opportunity, and stepped forward to come to Jiang Xiaobai's side, striking out heavily with his front paws.

Jiang Xiaobai was blown out, hit a deep hole, and never moved again. He was exhausted, and he didn't know how many times he was beaten along the way. He only knew that running was the only way to survive, otherwise It is death itself.

Jiang Xiaobai's communicator who was wading in the pit suddenly thought about it. It was Elder Pan Feng who sent the message. He quickly sent out his location, and then the whole person climbed down like this.

The Demon Emperor came to Dakeng and turned into a human being. He was golden in color with dense spots on his face. He was wearing a long robe tied behind him, and slowly walked towards Jiang Xiaobai with his arms folded.

"Why, can't you run anymore? You interrupted my breakthrough, it's too easy to let you die like this, I'm going to tear your flesh off bit by bit!"

The demon emperor laughed.

"Hmph, if I let me break through the emperor, you are not my single enemy!" Jiang Xiaobai said on the ground.

"Unfortunately, you are not the emperor, and now you are my prisoner!" The leopard demon emperor stepped on Jiang Xiaobai's chest, and kicked Jiang Xiaobai's face casually.

Jiang Xiaobai was kicked in the face, and a few teeth were kicked out in his mouth. He spit out a mouthful of blood and teeth, and landed on the Yaohuang's body fiercely.

When did the Demon Emperor receive such an insult, his eyes narrowed slowly, his vitality was mobilized, and he kicked Jiang Xiaobai again, arched his body, gathered his vitality with his fists, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with a gust of wind .

"Monsters don't want to hurt my human race's pride!"

Suddenly, Elder Pan Feng appeared in the distance, flew forward with all his strength, picked up Jiang Xiaobai and flew into the air.

After that, eight warriors appeared in succession, lined up with Elder Pan Feng, two in the realm of emperors, and six in the realm of peak kings!

"Elder, you're finally here. If you don't come, I'll be a jerk." Jiang Xiaobai said jokingly.

Seeing that the other party was seriously injured, the people behind Tang Shanhai took out a elixir—Da Huan elixir.

"Okay, don't be so talkative, here it is, this is the Great Rehabilitation Pill, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as you eat it, it can be repaired in a short time. This is the best healing medicine."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tang Shanhai with a heartbroken look and quickly snatched it up, swallowing it in one gulp.

The Leopard Demon Emperor felt extremely angry when he saw Pan Feng rescued the man under his nose.

The breakthrough was interrupted before, and now it is hard to catch a human being, but it is rescued again, it is simply abominable.

"How dare you humans, this is Shennongjia and it's not your turn to be arrogant!"

The Demon King felt a little guilty when he saw that the other party had two emperors, but this is Shennongjia, so he couldn't lose his momentum no matter what, and he believed that other Demon Kings would notice when the other two emperors appeared. …

The Demon Emperor was also unambiguous, as soon as he flew, he began to entangle with Pan Feng.

"Hurry up, I'm here to entangle the Demon King Leopard, you retreat quickly, don't be in love with fighting." Pan Feng flew away after speaking, and collided head-on with the Demon King Leopard.

"Let's go quickly. This is Shennongjia after all. Such a battle will definitely attract other demon emperors. Let's retreat first!" Tang Shanhai began to say.

One of the disciples said, "Then Elder Pan Feng?"

Tang Shanhai began to explain: "Don't worry, relying on Elder Pan Feng's strength to repel the Golden Leopard Demon King will immediately follow up. There is no doubt about Elder Pan Feng's strength, so you don't have to worry at all."

Everyone felt relieved after hearing Tang Shanhai's explanation, and then retreated, slowly leaving the area of ​​Shennongjia.

There was a constant roaring sound in the air, and the breath of divine thoughts kept rippling in the air. The nearby ancient trees were also beaten to the ground, and even the nearby monsters suffered. Countless monsters were affected.

Jiang Xiaobai followed Tang Shanhai, the realm of the emperor, to repel many monsters along the way, and flew to the place where the army was stationed outside, because after receiving Jiang Xiaobai's distress message, there was still a large army cooperating behind him.

On the way, Tang Shanhai began to introduce Dao Qi. Nanshan searched around and found nothing. When he came back, he didn't see Jiang Xiaobai, so he left alone after waiting for a while.

However, Pan Wei and others were discovered by the Demon King because they entered the Dragon Pool by mistake, and a fierce battle ensued.

Of the six people who went, only Pan Wei returned in embarrassment, and only Jiang Xiaobai's news remained.

Because Jiang Xiaobai had swallowed the Dahuandan, the injuries in his body were no longer a big deal. Hearing Tang Shanhai's words, he couldn't help feeling that his luck was really good.

Yeah, good luck.

Then Jiang Xiaobai said:

"After I separated from Qi Nanshan, I started to explore the surrounding area. I followed the bone road and found Pan Yan at the deepest point..."

"Did you find Pan Yan? Then where is he now? Why didn't he come back with you?" Elder Pan Feng came back from the battle in the distance, just in time to hear Jiang Xiaobai's words, and began to ask about the situation of his youngest son.

"Elder Pan Feng, I'm sorry, Pan Yan is dead!" Jiang Xiaobai began to narrate everything that happened, including what the Nanhuang Temple and Pan Yan did.

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