
A powerful roar suddenly erupted from Pan Feng's body, the vitality dissipated one after another, and the ground also cracked deep marks.

"What are you talking about? My son Pan Yan is dead!" Elder Pan Feng instantly filled the audience with the aura of an emperor, and with nowhere to release his anger, he punched the sea outside Shennongjia.

There was a wave of waves on the coast, and the ordinary fish and some monsters who came to investigate the news were all killed by this punch. All kinds of monster corpses floated on the entire sea for a while.

"Elder Pan Feng, please mourn!"

"Elder Pan Feng, please mourn!"


Seeing Elder Pan Feng's appearance, the others hurriedly comforted him, saying that life and death are impermanent for warriors, and asked Elder Pan Feng to relax.

"How did my son Pan Yan die, you have to explain to me clearly." Pan Fenghuang's momentum made everyone breathless, but fortunately Tang Shanhai was here at the moment, using his momentum to blow everyone away. Wrap it up.

Jiang Xiaobai continued to talk about what happened next: "The thing is like this. At first I met Pan Yan, and he was still wounded. I asked him to come back, but he said that there were ruins of the Nanhuang Temple inside and wanted to share with me. Together to explore..."


"Southern Wilderness Temple?"

"Is it really the legendary Nanhuang Temple?"


The crowd exclaimed.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "But after I entered it, I discovered that the Nanhuang Temple needs to be sacrificed to open it, so Pan Yan wanted to sacrifice me while I was not paying attention, but I found out, after a fight Pan Yan was defeated by me, and then he was sacrificed, so the wild temple was opened..."

"I saw the stone statue of Xingtian inside, and got one! Vajra fruit and vajra body fluid..."

"Vajra fruit? Where is it now? Quickly show me it." Tang Shanhai said excitedly, and began to stretch out his hands in front of Jiang Xiaobai, as if he would snatch it as soon as the other party took it out.

However, after realizing that the atmosphere was not right, he waved his hand and said, "I'm just too curious. The Vajra Fruit in the ancient book is extremely rare. It can make the Golden Body Dacheng stronger again, forging a body that can be called invincible at the same level!"

After Tang Shanhai's explanation, everyone became jealous, and even Elder Pan Feng put down his hatred and began to listen carefully to the reason of the Vajra Fruit.

"I've already eaten the Vajra Fruit..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"What about the vajra body fluid?" Elder Pan Feng asked in a strange tone.

"When I just finished using the vajra body fluid, the temple erupted with a teleportation array and teleported me out. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met the leopard demon emperor, and I was messed up so badly."

Jiang Xiaobai said regretfully.

In fact, he wanted to bring some vajra essence with him at the time, but Xingtian's weapon was so attractive that he didn't even notice if there was any vajra essence, but only vaguely remembered that there was still a little bit of it.

"Then my son Pan Yan was sacrificed just like that, and you used the opportunity inside to break through the golden body and come out alive like this?" Pan Feng's eyes flashed a gloomy coldness, which made people shudder.

"First of all, this is not my responsibility. If he doesn't take me as a sacrifice, how could he be killed by me? If he didn't want to kill me, maybe he still has half the chance?" Jiang Xiaobai showed no sign of weakness. Said.

Although others watched, except for Tang Shanhai, no one dared to touch Elder Pan Feng's bad luck at this time, even Qi Nanshan, who had just broken through to become the emperor, did not dare. He was just a child of a small family, with no backing, and no powerful family With my friends, how dare I talk at this moment.

Although Pan Feng was very angry, there was nothing he could do about Jiang Xiaobai. Now that he was the elder of the Martial Arts Department, he couldn't kill Jiang Xiaobai after he made a contribution, and he was still in public.

"Elder Pan Feng, please tell me that Pan Yan did something wrong in the first place. It is only natural for Jiang Xiaobai to fight back. Don't be too angry..."

Tang Shanhai said, constantly persuading Elder Pan Feng to calm down, he is really afraid that Pan Feng will act recklessly now, the opponent is the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department!

"Hmph, it wasn't your son who died, of course you would say that. If it was your family members who died, would you still be able to talk to me so calmly?" .

"Elder Pan Feng, I hope you put the overall situation first!" Tang Shanhai put a hand on Pan Feng's shoulder, and Yuan Qi and Pan Feng began to collide.

"Elder Pan, I'm sorry for Pan Yan's death, but I don't think I did anything wrong!" Jiang Xiaobai said flatly.

He came to a corner alone and was ready to retreat at any time. He didn't regret what he did, even if he did it again, he would still do it again, but he couldn't guarantee that Elder Pan Feng would violently kill people.

"Come on, take Jiang Xiaobai down!" Tang Shanhai frowned, and ordered people to take Jiang Xiaobai away quickly. He was afraid that Pan Feng would really be unable to hold back if he continued talking.


Then he walked out and took Jiang Xiaobai away carefully. He was worried and frightened along the way, so he carefully observed Jiang Xiaobai.

"How about it, am I handsome or not!" Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

"What? Ah? Handsome, handsome." The companion who was with him said, but he still muttered softly.

"Hey, this person really doesn't know what to say. He even dared to kill the elder's son, and he still acts like a normal person afterwards. Does he really not know how to be afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm honest in my heart, what's so scary? Ye Fan was still killed by me, and it's no big deal to have one more Pan Yan." Jiang Xiaobai answered the other party's question in a low voice.

The other party didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to answer him like this, and he froze in place for a moment.

Jiang Xiaobai walked in front alone, and noticed that he turned around behind him and shouted: "Let's go, take me to rest, I believe there will be results in the future!"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's answer, he couldn't help laughing at himself. Why are you meddling in your own business?Anyway, it won't involve me.

With a wry smile, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was walking away slowly, and followed quickly.

On the other hand, Tang Shanhai was still persuading Pan Feng. I have to say that Tang Shanhai was still very effective. With his three-inch tongue, Pan Feng really didn't intend to take action against Jiang Xiaobai.

A day later, the order came down, and all returned to Kyoto to return to their orders.

Everyone was a little unbelievable when they heard this order, but thinking about what Pan Yan did before, some people thought it was their own fault, while others thought Elder Pan Feng was selfless.

Elder Pan Feng took a special look at Jiang Xiaobai during the assembly, his eyes were extremely cold, it could be seen that Elder Pan Feng was not relieved.

After returning to Beijing, I still don't know what will happen.

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