Dominate the world

Chapter 741 Yanjing

The crowd came to the sky of Yanjing again with the fighter planes, one king after another, and even a very small number of emperors were already waiting below.

"Congratulations to Elder Pan Feng and Jiang Xiaobai for their safe return. I believe it has brought us good news. Welcome." Ye Tiannan said happily.

Pan Feng didn't appreciate it, but just nodded lightly, without even saying hello, and went straight to the meeting room, leaving a group of people standing there dryly.

Tang Shanhai hurried out to fight the scene.

"We did bring back news this time, and we have a simple understanding of Shennongjia, but some bad things happened, including Elder Pan Feng's son."

Speaking of this, Tang Shanhai glanced at the direction Pan Feng was leaving.

"You mean Elder Pan Feng's most beloved son, Pan Yan?" Ye Tiannan began to ask tentatively.

"Yes, because of the opening of the Nanhuang Temple, Jiang Xiaobai finally killed him, so Elder Pan Feng was like that just now. Don't blame Elder Pan Feng, after all, it was his most beloved son who died."

Tang Shanhai said regretfully about what happened, but the news he brought shocked the people present.

They all looked at Jiang Xiaobai with very different expressions.

"Have you heard? Jiang Xiaobai went out this time and killed Pan Yan, Elder Pan Feng's most beloved son."

"Have you heard it too? This is the news that just came back."

"What, in my opinion, this Jiang Xiaobai is really a killer of the younger generation of the Martial Arts Minister. How long has it been? If you meet one, you will die."

"It's true what you said, but is Jiang Xiaobai really not afraid at all? You know, whether it's Ye Fan or Pan Yan, there is an emperor behind him."

"I don't think Jiang Xiaobai will be easy to mess with in the future. Be careful, everyone, don't get too close to him, or you won't know how to die."

"I think it's the same. It's better for everyone to pretend that they don't know each other."

A group of people walked towards the meeting room after a while of greetings.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was the protagonist, he practiced alone in the corner as if nothing had happened.

in the conference room.

"Let's talk about it, there must be a solution to this matter, my son can't die in vain!" Elder Pan Feng said.

Although Jiang Xiaobai made meritorious service in this operation, his son died!It was still killed by Jiang Xiaobai, he must give him a punishment.

A person stood up from the corner and said, "Why, Elder Pan Feng, your son is a son, so our son is not a son? Pan Yan is not the only one who died!"

The one who spoke was the father of one of the people who was sacrificed by Pan Yan on the stone plate of the Eight Diagrams Array. Strictly speaking, Pan Feng is also his enemy!

He would also like to thank Jiang Xiaobai for avenging his son.

"You..." Pan Feng was blocked by one sentence.

"And my son, why is our son not important, just deserve to die."

"I think Jiang Xiaobai should be rewarded for his ability to discern right from wrong."

"I agree too."

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing, what a shame for people outside!"

"Elder Pan Feng, please calm down, look at me, my grandson was also killed by him, but what about me now? Don't forget, you are the elder of the Martial Arts Minister first, and then Pan Yan's father!"

Ye Tiannan said righteously.

Only then did everyone start to realize that, yes, Pan Yan was not the first to be killed. If he wanted to be angry, Elder Ye Tiannan should be the one who should be angry the most. He wished Jiang Xiaobai would die.

Pan Feng had no choice but to give up, but he was not reconciled.

As the Minister of Martial Arts, his actions were indeed unfair, but he was also Pan Yan's father, so he couldn't forgive Jiang Xiaobai just like that.

He can't be as selfless as Ye Tiannan.

Pan Feng's eyes kept shining, and the others were still thinking about whether to reward or punish Jiang Xiaobai for this action. Once a decision was made, it might mean fighting against Elder Pan Feng.

It's hard for Ye Tian to say anything else, he has already said what should be said, whether Pan Feng can listen to it is not his problem, if the other party really does something out of line, then he can't be blamed.

Although it's a bit regretful, Ye Tiannan, as the Minister of Martial Arts, this is what he should do. He can't do favoritism because it involves himself. white.

"Since you all said so about this matter, I have nothing to say, but it is a personal matter, and how to deal with it is your business. You just need to give me a result."

After Pan Feng finished speaking, he sat in the corner of the conference room by himself, closed his eyes and listened to their discussion about Jiang Xiaobai.

Pan Feng kept venting on his body with his fingers, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which looked a bit desolate when he wiped it away.

Seeing this, Ye Tiannan wanted to comfort his old partner, but he didn't know where to start, so he came to Pan Feng and sat down by himself.

The whole meeting started a heated discussion around Jiang Xiaobai, and Ye Tiannan also sat in the corner with Pan Feng.

The final result is to honor all those who died in this operation as martyrs and set up a stele of heroes, in which all heroes who died will be engraved from now on!

Among them was Pan Yan.

Although there were mixed praises and criticisms, but considering Pan Feng's status as the twelve elders of the Wu Dao Department, everyone still added Pan Yan's name, and Jiang Xiaobai neither rewarded nor punished.

In the end, everyone was lamenting the selflessness of Grand Duke Pan Feng, but they forgot that Jiang Xiaobai was the victim, and what he did was for the good of everyone.

But at this time, no one stood up to speak for him.

This article is over, if you continue to entangle, I don't know what will happen.

Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised to see the result, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth. He thought that Pan Feng would stop him and trip him up, but it was too smooth.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help looking at Pan Feng.

I saw Pan Feng and Ye Tiannan standing together, and the eyes of the others were full of pity, but when Jiang Xiaobai saw Pan Feng's eyes, he still found that there was a trace of resentment in his eyes, and there was endless hatred. They are entangled together, producing thick black air, which has been hovering around the eyes.

"It's not good, it's not good! The big thing is not good!"

A voice came from a distance, breaking the atmosphere of the scene.

"What's going on, what's the matter with being so flustered!" Pan Feng was unhappy when this person came over and yelled, which made Pan Feng's anger well up in his heart for a while.

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