"What's the matter?" Tang Shanhai followed up.

The king who came down from the fighter plane hurriedly said, "Elder, young Li Jian, the sea monsters have already landed in the Jiangnan area."

"Because of the sudden attack of monsters in the sea area, our defensive front in the Jiangnan area was broken through immediately, and some monsters in the mountains, rivers and lakes also launched attacks at the same time, and urgent support is needed!"

After Wu Zhe finished speaking, everyone fell silent, even Pan Feng wasn't thinking about Pan Yan and Jiang Xiaobai at the moment.

"Sea monsters have landed in Jiangnan? Is there something wrong with the Liu family in Jiangnan?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes, flew to him, grabbed his clothes and began to ask.

"Because of the pre-arranged tricks, the Liu family in Jiangnan did not receive any major damage, and the descendants of the family have been sent to other places in advance. Now the high-level members of the family have organized personnel to fight against the monsters."

"Elder, please send people to the Jiangnan area as soon as possible, otherwise the strength of the Liu family alone will not be able to hold on soon, and then the monsters will go all the way to the inland, elder!" Li Jian then knelt down in Tang Shanhai crying in front of him.

"How could it be the Liu family, what about the others? What about the Cao family in Jiangnan?" Jiang Xiaobai said with red eyes, at this moment he couldn't control his emotions at all.

Thinking of Liu Doudou over there, the whole person almost went crazy.

"The Cao family, the Cao family is assembling a team, but they are waiting for the order from the Martial Arts Department, saying that they are marching together with the Martial Arts Department. Other families saw the Cao family doing this..."

Li Jian raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, a little afraid to speak, and finally explained in a low voice: "Others saw that the Cao family did not take the initiative to attack, so they followed suit and waited for the order from the Ministry of Martial Arts. Only a few families volunteered, but not many."

Li Jian's voice trembled so badly that even the Cao family didn't dare to rush up immediately. One could imagine how terrifying this monster attack was.

If there is no support, how can the Liu family survive alone.

Everyone looked at Ye Tiannan.

Ye Tiannan looked in the direction of Jiangnan with an ugly expression, making it impossible for outsiders to guess what he was thinking right now.

After a while...

"Elder, don't think about it anymore, I am willing to go!"

"Elder, count me in. I also want to see what is so terrifying about the monsters in the sea area, so that everyone will be frightened by the news."

"Elder, give the order."

"Elder, we must go to Jiangnan to support, we must!"


Ye Tiannan looked at the people below who were asking for a battle with bold words, smiled with satisfaction, and said:

"Everyone, right now the monsters in the sea area are landing, and fighting is starting everywhere. Since the Jiangnan area is the most serious, let us take out our weapons to give priority to supporting the Jiangnan area, and other areas cannot relax."

"So...Jiang Xiaobai!" Ye Tiannan stared at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes sparkling.

"Here!" Jiang Xiaobai was the first to bear the brunt, Liu Doudou was right there, and he couldn't wait to go back.

He wants to know what's going on with Liu's family now, he's afraid to hear bad news again at this time.

Ever since he experienced what happened in Los Angeles, he has vowed to never let this kind of thing happen again, if the Liu family...

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to think about it anymore, he just wanted to go back now, he couldn't stay any longer.

In order to restrain himself, Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists.

"As the elder of the Martial Arts Minister, I now announce that Jiang Xiaobai will set off immediately in order to lead the leading troops back to the south of the Yangtze River to support the front, and there must be no mistakes!"

Ye Tiannan looked at the other people again, and kept calling out the names among the candidates below. There were a total of twenty names, one emperor, and nineteen kings.

Everyone is ready to go, ready to rush to the battlefield.

Soon, fighter planes were summoned to the sky above Yanjing, and the personnel went up one by one, but after a while, the fighter planes flew away again, as if they had never been there.

When the people below were still immersed in the trip to Shennongjia, talking about the old and junior killers of the Minister of Martial Arts, Jiang Xiaobai and the others had already embarked on a new journey.

They don't know that this is just the beginning. With the explosion of vitality in this world, more and more powerful people will appear, accompanied by even more powerful monsters. Who will be able to defend themselves by then?

On the fighter plane.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what do you think of the resistance in the Jiangnan area this time when monsters from the sea area landed?" Qi Nanshan walked up to Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

The only person Qi Nanshan knows here is Jiang Xiaobai, who is relatively more familiar, so he can only chat with him.

"Those so-called martial arts families are all alone, and when the war really breaks out, they are often not as good as those front-line fighters, but they are also enjoying themselves behind, and will eventually suffer a devastating blow sooner or later."

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes and opened his mouth, but he still had things about the Liu family in mind.

As he said, families like the Liu family are rare and respectable, but how many of them are like the Cao family, hiding behind and enjoying the life brought about by others' hard work.

Only when the real battle comes before them, will they know how cruel the war is, and they will pay the price for it.

"The Cao family's choice is inevitable. Everyone will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They will only unite when they are facing the same situation. Moreover, not all villains are the same. Otherwise, why would people from other families follow the Liu family?"

"I heard that there are still many vassal families of the Cao family, don't you think so?"

Qi Nanshan said lightly, he is also a member of the small family, he knows the suffering of the small family, and has always been on the front line of fighting, so their fighting power is stronger than that of ordinary family children, but so what?

After all, he has reached the emperor by himself, how many of his peers have reached the emperor?Sooner or later, one day I will be stronger than those descendants of the family!

Qi Nanshan's eyes were firm.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qi Nanshan and thought in his heart. He knew it was inevitable, but he was still angry when he really faced it, especially when the righteousness of the human race came first.

"By the way, I heard that you are still the son-in-law of the Liu family. I'm so anxious this time, I'm afraid it has something to do with it." Qi Nanshan suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his sight was unclear.

Jiang Xiaobai trembled when he heard the word "son-in-law of the Liu family".

"That's right. My most important person is probably on the front line right now. I want to rush back as quickly as possible. I'm afraid that what happened in Los Angeles will happen before my eyes again." Jiang Xiaobai looked in the direction of the Jiangnan area.

Qi Nanshan realized that he seemed to have evoked unpleasant memories of the other party and began to comfort him: "It will definitely not, and aren't we going to support it?"

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Nanshan looked at each other and smiled, but neither of them was at peace.

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