Dominate the world

Chapter 743 The Great War

The fighter plane flew forward to the Jiangnan area, and Jiang Xiaobai went directly to the gate of Liu's house.

There were only a few guards left in the entire Liu family, and the old man and the child were gone. Jiang Xiaobai thought that something bad had happened, and was just about to turn around and leave, and a servant came out of the Liu family.

"Excuse me, are you Young Master Jiang?" the servant asked tentatively.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that the other party was someone who came out of the Liu family's mansion, and immediately calmed down and began to answer: "Yes, I am Jiang Xiaobai, who are you from the Liu family?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked in a nervous mood, he was afraid that he would hear some bad news.

"That's great, I'm waiting for Young Master Jiang here by Patriarch's order, and let me say a word to you when I see Young Master Jiang."

"The monsters in the sea area have landed, and the Liu family is duty-bound. They have arranged for the old and young, women and children to take refuge in a safe place, and the elite children of the family have also been arranged to disperse. Don't worry about Qilu Wuda."

Hearing the answer from the servants of the Liu family, Jiang Xiaobai's heart was finally relieved, and he said:

"Then go to a safe place now, this place will soon face war, and I won't be able to take care of you by then."

"Jiang Shao, don't worry, the master has already arranged for us to escape, as long as we see Jiang Shao, we can leave, villain!" The servant of the Liu family cupped Jiang Xiaobai, then walked to the Liu family mansion, and began to arrange the final One evacuation.

But after all, it is the ancestral land that has lived for so long, and there are still many people who are unwilling to leave and just want to wait here, even if the city is broken.

In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai can only say that the death battle has been reported to Jiangnan!

Qi Nanshan and the others were filled with emotion when they saw the Liu family like this. If human beings can unite like the Liu family, why not drive these monsters out? Unfortunately, human beings will never be able to until the end.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobai and others began to fly to the battlefield. Many people on the front line were still fighting bloody battles. They didn't have the time to stay here any longer.

"Let's go, the earlier we go to the front, the less sacrifice we will have," Qi Nanshan said.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai and others watched the news from the front line with sad faces. It was obvious that the battle situation was not very optimistic.

When they just came to the battlefield, they saw countless corpses on the coast, including human beings and monsters, but most of them were ordinary people's corpses. Many people who were unwilling to leave their hometowns also participated in the war, even if they died, they would bite Get down a bite of the monster's meat.

"Kill, avenge our brother!"

"Ahhh, I'm going to tear your corpses into pieces!"


"Jiang Shao, let's take action too!" Behind him, a companion in the realm of kings looked at Jiang Xiaobai with red eyes. Above is a wall!

A wall made of human flesh, countless warriors died.

Some warriors would rather blow themselves up than deal a painful blow to the monster.

"Let's go, avenge our compatriots!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted and began to rush to the battlefield.

The monsters in the sea area rushed forward, there was the crab monster king, and the octopus monster king was more ordinary shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Although they couldn't do damage, they were too many, even if they piled up for you to kill. Last ten days in the middle of the night.

An octopus demon king stretched out his eight tentacles, acting recklessly in the battlefield, resisting six human kings at the same time, and still using his remaining two tentacles to reach out to the crowd below.

Bringing more casualties, Jiang Xiaobai roared and began to join the battle.


Jiang Xiaobai took a quick step, a hole appeared on the ground, and he came in front of the Octopus Demon King.

"I'll help you!"

Jiang Xiaobai took out the Gengjin sword and slashed forward fiercely.

"Ah, damn human, you actually cut off one of my arms, the Octopus Demon King, and killed me!"

One of the tentacles of the eight-clawed octopus demon king was cut off, and he wailed in pain.

"Brother, good swordsmanship, let's entangle him, and you kill it with your sword." The people who were fighting the eight-clawed demon king were very happy to see the previous scene, and finally a strong man noticed this place.

Jiang Xiaobai was also taken aback for a moment.It turned out that the Gengjin sword had been strengthened, and after being strengthened by the Gengjin sword, it became sharper, comparable to a mid-level emperor-level magic weapon!

Jiang Xiaobai's fighting awareness was not bad either. He immediately came back to his senses when he heard the other party's shout, and ghostly shadows hovered around the battlefield.

The Eight-Clawed Demon King would not let Jiang Xiaobai be so happy, the tentacles that had just been cut off regenerated and flew straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Damn human, you can't run away!" The Octopus Demon King started to hit all the tentacles in the direction of Jiang Xiaobai. Although he was restrained by other people, he didn't care. It was just a tease.


Jiang Xiaobai's divine sense turned into a giant thunder beast roaring in the air, watching the eight-clawed demon king rushing towards him.

The invisible thunder breath in the air gradually became stronger.

"Ahhh..." The Eight-Clawed Demon King tore his head torn apart by the roar of the thunder monster, but he didn't die immediately, but became even crazier.

The Octopus Demon King is different from ordinary land monsters. They live in the sea, and he is a prototype of an octopus with eight tentacles, so his demon pills are divided into eight and stored at the ends of the eight tentacles.

Only by destroying eight tentacles at the same time can the Octopus Demon King be truly killed!

Under the observation of the giant thunder beast, Jiang Xiaobai found that although the life breath of the eight-clawed demon king had weakened, he did not die. He immediately thought that it might be different from the land monsters, so he stood on guard all over.

"Finally dead, brother, I'm Wang Wei of the Wang Family! Thank you." Wang Wei thought that the Octopus Demon King was doomed, so he relaxed his vigilance and began to thank Jiang Xiaobai.

"Be careful!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded.


Who knew that the Octopus Demon King was not seriously injured, but a sneak attack destroyed one of Wang Wei's hands.

Seeing the movement of the demon king, Jiang Xiaobai rushed to attack, but he still hadn't had time, and was attacked by the demon king, but this also revealed a flaw, and he slashed on the demon pill in the tentacles with his sword.

It caused a fierce resistance from the Octopus Demon King.

"Everyone, be careful, the demon king's demon core is concentrated in the eight tentacles. Let's attack together and destroy him."

Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

The others didn't dare to be careless when they saw that Wang Wei was injured, and began to focus on the attack of the Octopus Demon King.

Seeing that the other party was so crazy, the Octopus Demon King couldn't help regretting why he provoked Jiang Xiaobai, and began to flee towards the sea area. Only in the sea area can his strength be brought to the extreme, and it is too disadvantageous on land.

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