Jiang Xiaobai had this kind of experience before, and it is still fresh in his memory to this day.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, and stood up: "Since the geniuses in Kyoto have already been defeated, let me do it."

"We can't let these onmyoji ride on our heads and show off their might!"

Tang Shanhai nodded slightly and said: "That's how it should be, but don't worry about it first. I have set the day for you to compete with the young onmyoji from the Neon Country until tomorrow. You should take a good rest and prepare."

"We Huaxia must not lose this battle again!"

"Otherwise, I really don't know what troubles will arise!"

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands casually and said: "Then help me prepare a practice room, I have been idle for a long time, those boys from Qilu annoy me every day, I have long wanted to go out for a walk .”

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai left, Cao Wenlong also left immediately, but not long after receiving the news, Pan Feng rushed back to the Martial Arts Department from outside, standing in front of the window with a gloomy expression, looking at the sun hanging high in the sky, Tang Shanhai He was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea and chatting unhurriedly.

"Pan Feng, this is the end of the matter. After all, it was your son Pan Yan who wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai as a sacrifice, but in the end he lost to Jiang Xiaobai and was killed instead. Since he had such a crooked mind and his skills are not as good as others, he can't blame others. "

Pan Feng snorted coldly, his eyes were full of sternness, took a deep breath, and then turned to look at Tang Shanhai: "Tang Shanhai, it wasn't your son who died, did it?"

"Skills are not as good as people? My son Pan Yan is only one step away from the imperial realm. If it wasn't caused by Jiang Xiaobai's sneak attack, how could he die?"

"Or, would you rather listen to Jiang Xiaobai's one-sided story?"

Tang Shanhai took a sip of tea and looked up at Pan Feng, then lowered his head and blew away the heat in the cup, his words were capable but did not show weakness: "What do you want?"

"Kill Jiang Xiaobai?"

"It's not clear to you how much resources the Martial Arts Department needs to devote to cultivating a young king-level genius."

| "Just for your own selfishness, do you want him to die?"

After the words fell, Tang Shanhai stood up abruptly and walked to the door, saying coldly: "I will warn you about this matter, there is no need to discuss it. I will deal with Jiang Xiaobai myself, but I must not die!"

Even so, Pan Feng didn't have the slightest intention of getting angry at this moment, but just watched Tang Shanhai go away silently.

It wasn't until the last sun set outside the window and the last ray of light disappeared completely that Pan Feng came back to his senses.

Pan Feng looked at the photos on the table and whispered unconsciously.

"My son died just like that, at the hands of an ant."

"A king-level genius?"

"If my son didn't die, he would be at the emperor level by now!"

"Jiang Xiaobai!"

"I want you to die!"

"Yes, I will kill you first, and Jiang Xiaobai first."

Pan Feng stood up, walked out of the room, and walked towards Jiang Xiaobai's room in the Martial Arts Department.

Walking to the restaurant of the Ministry of Martial Arts, a group of elderly fried dough sticks sat talking and laughing, mostly chatting about recent news, gossip and the like.

Seeing Pan Feng coming, a group of people immediately stood up and said hello, but Pan Feng just glanced coldly and left on his own.

The group of people didn't sit down again until it was confirmed that Pan Feng was gone.

"Hey, have you heard? Jiang Xiaobai killed Elder Pan's only son, Pan Yan!" The young man who was standing on the outermost edge looked back to make sure that Pan Feng had left, and immediately turned his head and whispered. Speaking of gossip.

"Cut, if you die, you die. If Pan Yan's father was not Pan Feng, he would have died thousands of times already!"

"It's Jiang Xiaobai. It's a pity. According to Elder Pan Feng's temperament, if Elder Tang Shan Haitang did not suppress him, Jiang Xiaobai would have died in Shennongjia!"

"Jiang Xiaobai is very courageous. Even Pan Yan dares to kill him. I wouldn't dare to do it for me. Even if he kills him, he won't live long."

"On the other hand, Elder Pan is really lonely now. His only son is dead. I don't think Jiang Xiaobai will live long!"

"Who's right? Isn't there still Elder Tang?"

A group of people talk to each other without any intention of stopping.

Although Pan Feng had gone far away, with his imperial strength, he could hear all the discussions in the restaurant clearly, but the speed under his feet subconsciously accelerated a little.


The Class A practice room suddenly opened from the outside to the inside.

Pan Feng stood expressionlessly at the door, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and looked at the things on the ground that were obviously brought back from the Sea Clan's battlefield. His eyes turned bloodshot, and he said gloomyly, "My son Pan Yan should have one too!"

Jiang Xiaobai had already expected that Pan Feng would cause trouble for him, but what he didn't expect was that it was so fast, Pan Feng couldn't even wait for a moment, obviously he wanted his own life to be buried with his son .

Although Pan Feng is a master in the middle stage of the imperial class, Jiang Xiaobai has no fear at all, and he has never shown his timidity. He raised his head and looked at Pan Feng calmly: "Elder Pan, are you going to kill me?"

Pan Feng sneered, and suddenly took a step forward, pointing directly at Jiang Xiaobai with his spiritual thoughts.

"Boy, I think you are quite clear, I thought you were a fool!"

The voice fell.

The divine sense rushed away, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't move at all, until the attack of Shennian Huadao reached his front and feet, then he moved slightly, his body began to shake violently, leaving an afterimage on the spot, which appeared on the left side of the practice room.

"Elder Pan is really impatient, isn't he afraid of being punished?"

"Elder Tang is probably on his way here right now?"

"As the head of the Martial Arts Department, I am afraid that if I do not give an explanation, I will not be able to get through it if I attack and kill members in the Martial Arts Department!"

Pan Feng snorted coldly, tapped his toes, and the air wave flew towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"You're quite sharp-tongued. You're a king. If I kill you, I'll kill you. How can the Ministry of Martial Arts still take advantage of me!"

"Today, I want you to pay for my son's life!"

With that said, Pan Feng punched Jiang Xiaobai with a punch!

The practice room was like a deep sea in an instant, the air pressure in the room was extremely high, and Pan Feng's fist speed was not fast, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, no matter how he hid or changed his body shape, he could not escape Pan Feng's lock.

"Die to me!" Pan Feng yelled violently, moving forward without hesitation.

The blood is sprayed like a rainbow hanging on the moon.

Jiang Xiaobai staggered forward, half kneeling in front of Hengdao, like a dead person.

Blood flowed, and the horizontal knife suddenly glowed red.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was still sane, was ecstatic in his heart. He didn't expect that Heng Dao would simply recognize the master with a drop of blood. If I had known this, why would I need such troublesome solutions!

Pan Feng, who saw this scene, was furious, and raised his hand to get behind Jiang Xiaobai, as if he was about to pat him down!

"Bury my son Pan Yan with him!"

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