Although he resisted Pan Feng's blow, Jiang Xiaobai, who had a super strong body, was not what he appeared to be.

Pan Feng slapped it hard with his palm, and the training room was like a strong wind blowing, and the whistling sound suddenly exploded in his ears.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't turn around to resist, but just rolled to avoid the palm, then stood still with the knife, looking at Pan Feng expressionlessly.

As for Jiang Xiaobai's ability to stand up and resist, Pan Feng was also shocked, and his murderous intent became even more intense. He snorted coldly and said, "I see how long you can resist!"

"A little king dares to kill my son Pan Feng!"

After all, the energy in the whole body suddenly soared, and the divine sense became more aggressive like a raging fire cooking oil, and even the surrounding air seemed to be boiling.

"Spiritual thoughts are like knives, blessed with anger!"

As soon as the words fell, Pan Feng held his right hand empty, and a flaming long sword of divine sense emerged in his hand. Immediately afterwards, Pan Feng tapped his feet lightly, and the sound of air crackling exploded, and his whole body shot like a stream of light. He stepped out and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai.

Facing the emperor-level powerhouse, Jiang Xiaobai didn't hold back any more, his feet kept hitting the ground, and his figure changed back and forth even more.

"Ghost Shadow!"

The temperature in the practice room dropped rapidly in an instant, and only two figures were seen flashing in it.

Jiang Xiaobai raised the middle-grade magic weapon horizontal knife suddenly, and then slashed it down heavily.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted loudly: "Five clouds swordsmanship, sword rain."

At this moment, the horizontal blade turned into a sword and rained swords all over the sky, and a three-inch sword aura emerged from the blade. Jiang Xiaobai's legs bent slightly, and then he shot at Pan Feng like a shooting arrow.

In the face of Jiang Xiaobai's compact attack, Pan Feng acted as if he had never seen it before, and just raised the fire knife transformed by his spiritual thoughts, and lightly shouted: "Everything in the world is broken, and everything is burnt!"

The red light of the blade flickered, and the fire was burning.

The two knives collided suddenly.

The flame rose, and the sword energy split inch by inch.

Jiang Xiaobai took a half step back with a muffled grunt, and the coat he was wearing was torn open by the saber energy, exposing the inner layer of the nine-turn soft armor.

A knife mark suddenly appeared on the nine-turn soft armor, and it was clearly visible as if it had been burned by a raging fire.

Despite this, the armor was not broken after all, and Jiang Xiaobai was not injured at all except for being hit by the remaining impact of the saber energy.

Patting the soft armor, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew the horizontal knife and stood in front of him to look at Pan Feng: "It seems that you are nothing more than a royal powerhouse."

Pan Feng snorted coldly, with anger in his eyes and shock in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai actually obtained a magic weapon for defense!

This is something that he has never had, otherwise, how could this kid stand in front of him for a long time, and he should have killed him with a single palm!

"Don't be too arrogant, children, I just want to torture you properly!"

"I want you to experience the torture my son Pan Yan has suffered!"

Pan Feng snorted coldly, his speed of movement suddenly accelerated and he came to Jiang Xiaobai in an instant, and slashed down fiercely with his knife!

Pan Feng shouted angrily: "Kill!"

Jiang Xiaobai stood upright with the knife, blocking the knife, but the pressure that followed followed the blade on his body. Jiang Xiaobai, who has a super strong body, was completely worthy of this simple competition.

If it wasn't for the lack of realm that caused him to fall into a disadvantage, how could he be forced into such a mess.

The two knives slashed and slashed each other, and there were no less than a hundred rounds in just a short moment, but Jiang Xiaobai still couldn't move a half step, so he had to stay in place and passively defend.

Every time the two knives intersect, attack, or resist, the floor under Jiang Xiaobai's feet will crack and sink a little.

Following Pan Feng's blatant slashing with the saber again, with a bang, the whole ground suddenly shattered and churned, exposing the loess underground.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was completely trapped in the same place, was already on the verge of collapse, but his eyes remained firm, showing no sign of giving up resistance at all, and wanted to find a gap to fight back.

The aftermath of the battle has alarmed the entire Martial Arts Department at this time, and the battle of one king and one emperor has awakened countless people in the Martial Arts Department who have just fallen asleep, rushing towards the training room one after another.

Tang Shanhai, who was far away from the other corner of the Ministry of Martial Arts, arrived first. This night, he had been thinking about how to completely resolve the anger in Pan Feng's heart, but he never thought of how to completely resolve it. He was even more afraid that Pan Feng would not be able to hold back his anger. He wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai, so he didn't sleep all night.

As soon as the battle started, Tang Shanhai immediately noticed it, and rushed towards this side with all his might.

At this time, Tang Shanhai, who was [-] meters away from the practice room, suddenly shouted: "Pan Feng, don't make mistakes, Jiang Xiaobai is the pride of my Hua Xia, and I must not die in your hands!"

"If you dare to kill him, I, Tang Shanhai, swear, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"

Pan Feng, who was already in a madness at this time, how could he listen to Tang Shanhai's warning, but the force in his hand was a little bit stronger because of this, and his aura was once again skyrocketed, and he slashed down brazenly.

"Fire Slay Demon!"

The flames that soared into the sky broke through the roof of the practice room and illuminated the entire night sky. The blazing fire of thoughts never ceased, and the temperature of the anger in Pan Feng's heart increased a little bit.

Some members of the Martial Arts Club who had already arrived couldn't get close at all because of their weak strength, and the members who got closer but had no time to retreat fell to the ground one after another.

The huge divine sense of the emperor-level powerhouse is simply not something they can resist.

At the critical moment, the Tai Chi disc that Jiang Xiaobai had never taken out suddenly flew out in front of Jiang Xiaobai and collided with the saber.

[-] meters away.

Tang Shanhai's high-grade magic weapon, the golden empty sword, flew out suddenly, pointing directly at Pan Feng, Tang Shanhai followed closely behind, and under the traction of Qi, he wanted to block the knife for Jiang Xiaobai.


The fiery red flame suddenly exploded, and the sound of metal and iron clanging echoed in the ears.

During this battle, the entire capital woke up countless people in one night, all of them looked sideways at this place, thinking that there was another monster coming down the mountain, and unexpectedly attracted two powerful emperors to attack.

The air was full of the smell of burning flames, and the oxygen in the air burned out for a moment within a radius of ten miles.

The air waves of the battle spread out from the center of the three.

Countless members of the Martial Arts Department who had already rushed to the scene retreated back to protect themselves after seeing this scene.

The sound of the sword piercing into the flesh sounded slightly, Tang Shanhai looked at Pan Feng angrily, but he never took back the golden empty sword in his hand.

"For your evil son, is it worth it?" Tang Shanhai asked Pan Feng angrily.

Pan Feng forcefully pushed the Jin Kongjian out of his body, and smiled miserably.

"I know what kind of person Pan Yan is, but I'm his father."

"My son was killed!"

"I avenged him, what's wrong?"

"The weak and the strong eat the strong, life and death are in peace!"

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