Dominate the world

Chapter 751 Yamaguchi Quan 2

Hearing Pan Feng's words, Tang Shanhai's face darkened even more, and he silently withdrew the golden sword that had pierced into Pan Feng's heart: "If that's the case, don't blame me."

"Jiang Xiaobai's talent is rare in the world, and it is enough to keep China safe for thousands of years."

Pan Feng snorted coldly, covered his heart with his right hand and looked at Tang Shanhai disdainfully: "I'm going to die, so don't fool me with your big principles."

Afterwards, Pan Feng looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was standing behind the Tai Chi disc: "Fortunately, you didn't die, but don't forget, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

After saying that, the pupils dilated slightly, and the air mechanism began to shrink sharply, and after a while, there was no more sound.

Jiang Xiaobai staggered back to take back the Taiji disc, thanked Tang Shanhai slightly, turned around and left without looking at Pan Feng again.

Tang Shanhai set Pan Feng's body on fire with a wave of his hand, then turned to look at everyone, his voice was full of coldness: "Today's matter must not be publicized, if anyone dares to gossip behind my back, don't blame me You are welcome!"

"The combat power of Shennongjia and the offshore cities has been in short supply!"

After all, he caught up with Jiang Xiaobai and said: "Tomorrow at noon on the outskirts of Kyoto, you will fight Yamaguchi Gonji, the strongest young generation in the Neon Country. The opponent is a peak king. You are in this state, and you will be fine tomorrow." ?”

"If the injury is serious, I will let others go on top."

"In this battle, if you lose, you lose. As long as you are still alive, don't hurt your roots by being brave!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head and said softly: "No problem, I will definitely be there at noon tomorrow, thank you Elder Tang for your concern."

Tang Shanhai nodded slightly: "In that case, I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and flew to the depths of the Martial Arts Department, where there was a person waiting for him to pass.


One night passed, although under Tang Shanhai's strict prohibition, no one in the Martial Arts Department dared to discuss too much what happened last night, but the whole capital was discussing the battle last night.

Those who were curious began to directly ask familiar members of the Martial Arts Department, but apart from no comment, they did not find any useful information.

The core members and a group of elders who really knew what happened last night had already left the capital at dawn, and arrived in the outskirts of the capital to watch the battle at noon today.

At the same time, it is also a defense against changes.


The scorching sun hangs high in the sky, the birds fly into the forest, and the beasts flee in panic.

As the captain of the team, Harano Jiro sat opposite Tang Shanhai with a calm face and talked freely. The successive victories of Yamaguchi Gonji these days really made him happy.

The thought of being able to defeat Huaxia made Yuan Ye Erlang even more excited, and he wished to end in person and teach Huaxia's young strong men a lesson.

In addition to Gonji Yamaguchi, in order to protect the success of this trip, the Neon Kingdom even sent five emperor-level powerhouses, and Tang Shanhai also left the Budo Department in Kyoto just to be on the safe side in case there were any changes. All the emperor-level powerhouses were drawn.

Although the number of people is not as large as that of the Neon Country, it is enough to ensure that China's majesty cannot be violated.

Yamaguchi Quanji squinted his eyes and looked around, looked up at the sun, and then looked at Tang Shanhai arrogantly: "Elder Tang, why haven't the young and strong men of your country come yet?"

"If it was in my neon country, this kind of thing would never happen."

Shankou Quaner looked at Tang Shanhai with a smile and said with a sneer: "Is it because you young and powerful Chinese people are afraid to come?"

"If that's the case, I'll make an appointment another day. I, Yamaguchi Gonji, still have the tolerance."

"I will never think that you are afraid just because your country's young people break their appointments."

Tang Shanhai snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves and said: "It's nonsense, I am in China, how can I break the appointment because of this?"

"Even if the person we made an appointment with doesn't come, I, Huaxia, still have a peerless genius to fight on my behalf!"

Yuanye Erlang looked at Tang Shanhai with a sneer: "In that case, then we don't have to wait any longer. Since you broke the appointment, and you have a lot of talents in Huaxia, why don't you choose another young and strong man to play?"

"If your side wins this battle, within ten years, my Neon Kingdom will not step into China again?"

"This bet, does Elder Tang dare to take it?"

This time, Tang Shanhai was unable to refute anymore, but for the sake of face, Tang Shanhai said coldly: "Then don't regret it!"

The voice just fell.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had recovered after a night, slowly fell from the sky and stood beside Tang Shanhai and looked at Quanji Yamaguchi with a smile: "Who said that I, a young and strong man in China, would be afraid of people from a few small island countries?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stepped forward and shouted violently: "If you have the guts, stand in front of me, Jiang Xiaobai!"

"Let me teach you how to speak and how to behave!"

Gonji Yamaguchi was about to get up, but was stopped by Yuanye Erlang with his hidden eyes. Yuanye Erlang looked at Tang Shanhai and said, "If we win this battle, you Huaxia will give me a ruin for Neon."

Just as Tang Shanhai was about to speak, Jiang Xiaobai laughed softly: "If you win, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will give you two seats, but if you lose, go back and demolish the Onmyoji Shrine for me!"

"This bet, do you dare!"

Gonji Yamaguchi stood up suddenly, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with disdain: "Why don't you dare!"

Yuan Ye Erlang got up immediately, and then looked at Tang Shanhai: "This battle, regardless of life and death, both sides have their own destiny!"

Tang Shanhai sneered: "Your emperor-level powerhouses shouldn't make small moves just because they can't help it!"

Then the two shook their heads at the same time and stopped looking at each other.

Jiang Xiaobai walked towards the field indifferently, looked at Quanji Yamaguchi calmly, and thought in his heart.

A person from a small island country thinks that if he has some achievements, he dares to come to China to show off his might, but he really doesn't know how to write the word "dead"!

But Gonji Yamaguchi was also looking at Jiang Xiaobai, and said sarcastically, "If you surrender now, I, Gonji Yamaguchi, can spare your life!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and Geng Jinjian jumped out of the Tai Chi disc and said in front of him: "Let's see the real chapter under my hands."


Quanji Yamaguchi couldn't hold back any more at this word, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai angrily with a howl.

"Yin Yang Secret Art. Snow Maiden!"

"Absolute zero!"

In an instant, it was the hottest noon of the day, and snowflakes began to fall in the sky, and the temperature within a radius of [-] meters dropped sharply.

A fair-skinned girl floated down from the sky and stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, twirling a small umbrella, her eyes were full of murderous intent, and her whole body was extremely cold.

With bare hands and feet, she walked towards Jiang Xiaobai step by step, with her eyes open, but she couldn't see any brilliance.

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly.

"The onmyojis in the Neon Kingdom know how to play tricks!"

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