Sitting in the huge valley, Jiang Xiaobai walked forward with difficulty.

Not far ahead is the place of Fengchan.

The place where the demon clan has been fighting for years since the recovery of spiritual energy, here, on Mount Tai, the demon clan is the real overlord.

It has been the eighth day since he came here, and today, Jiang Xiaobai finally determined how dangerous the place he was in was.

Even if he wants to find someone to help, it is a pity that until today, he still has not encountered even a single human race.

Only Koizumi Nosuke who always followed behind him, was thrown away by him again and again, and kept up again and again.

The little food left was also eaten yesterday, and today, he hasn't eaten a single thing.

"Neon Kingdom, Onmyoji! When I reach the imperial level, I will make you pay the price you deserve!" Jiang Xiaobai cursed in a low voice as he rolled over a boulder out of breath.

Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the scorching sun above his head, and heaved a long sigh: "Bastards, there is no one to talk to, and the promised emperors are walking everywhere, and the kings are not as good as dogs? They are all so fucking dead." where it goes?"

It wasn't until the sun completely set and the sky began to get dark that Jiang Xiaobai walked to the edge of the battlefield with difficulty. Not far from where he was standing, there was a corpse of a monster savage tiger lying there alone. .

As the battlefield of the Yaozu's war for many years, the aura of killing has already spread in the huge valley, and the strong smell of blood keeps piercing Jiang Xiaobai's nose.

Although he has gone through so many battles, Jiang Xiaobai has never smelled such a strong smell of blood and noisy stench.

It was the smell of corpses, the stench emitted by the long-term oxidation of blood after coagulation.

Looking up, countless corpses of alien beasts were scattered all over the battlefield in a mess. Today's battlefield is surprisingly calm, with no wars or bloody killings.

A group of king-level dire wolves, led by the leader, kept gnawing on the relatively fresh corpses in the battlefield. After finishing their dinner, the leader wolf stood vigilantly on the highest point, watching the surroundings. Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, It caught its attention, and after the bloodthirsty red light flashed in its eyes, it followed with wise eyes. It stood at a corner that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't see, stared at him, and stared at him closely. Follow his figure.

Jiang Xiaobai stared straight at the corpse of the demon clan not far away. Whether he will get food for today depends on whether he can successfully walk to the middle of the battlefield and get a piece of flesh and blood.

The premise is that he does not cause the slightest movement, and the group of dire wolves opposite him are completely uninterested in him.

He looked around and moved forward slowly.

As soon as he stepped into the edge of the battlefield, the murderous aura left in the battlefield swarmed up like bees seeing pollen.

A muffled hum came from Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and in an instant, dark red blood slowly flowed out from his seven orifices.

Bursts of tingling pain kept disturbing his nerves, and his body began to tremble gradually.


Because he couldn't bear the attack of that force, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly fell to his knees.

The pack of wolves that had been wandering around the battlefield immediately rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai under the leadership of the wolf king. To the wolf king, a corpse that had been dead for an unknown amount of time was no match for a fresh prey, even though the prey looked It seems a little weak, but it is enough for the wolves to fight their teeth.

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes, looked at the demon corpse not far away, and slowly stood up. For him, whether he can live or not depends on this time!

Jiang Xiaobai believes that it is difficult for him, and Koizumi Nosuke, who is not familiar with the terrain here, will definitely have a harder time than him!

Even if he is a strong man in the late stage of the imperial class!

Forbidden place for humans!

No kidding!

Speed ​​up, go forward!

The Tai Chi disc flashed out, and instantly gathered the newly dead corpses on the ground into it.

A group of dire wolves had already approached Jiang Xiaobai, and they were about to pounce upon them.

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, raised the horizontal knife in his hand and looked directly at the wolf king: "Go away!"

The blood energy rose to the sky, and the whole body's energy was directed at the wolf king.

The Wolf King whimpered and arched his waist, watching Jiang Xiaobai step back cautiously.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, left the battlefield immediately, and continued to climb up step by step.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Xiaobai looked back and couldn't see the bottom of the mountain at all, but when he looked up, he found that he was already in the clouds.

Looking around, Jiang Xiaobai realized that he had already reached the top of the mountain.

Just as I was about to step forward and sit down under the tree, a heavy pressure suddenly hit me.

A thought suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

"Ordered by heaven, you will live forever!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly: "Now the emperor is no longer happy!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Xiaobai's whole body's energy suddenly surged. Every moment, Jiang Xiaobai clearly found that his realm had loosened. As time went by, the pressure on his body became heavier and heavier.

A crisp sound resounded from Jiang Xiaobai's body.

A completely different breath emerged from Jiang Xiaobai's body.

The Tai Chi disc also jumped out automatically at this time.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai.

Cultivation level: early stage of imperial level.

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Solution (proficiency 80%)

Tactics: Nether Ghost Shadow (100% proficiency), Wuyun Swordsmanship (100% proficiency), Silver Snake Sword Qi (100% proficiency for three inches), Bajiu Xuan Gong (10% proficiency for the second stage)

Magic weapon: middle-grade magic weapon nine-turn soft armor, sea clan horizontal knife.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes and felt a completely different feeling. The original pressure on his body had completely disappeared at this time, and his realm had directly entered the imperial level.

A stern look flashed in his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai stood up and walked down the mountain leisurely.


Outside Qiluwu University.

Tens of thousands of elite sea tribes, onmyojis of the Neon Kingdom, stood in formation, staring coldly at the tens of thousands of teachers and students in Qiluwu Dali.

The strategy of five emperor-level powerhouses leading a team to challenge Huaxia to attract attention was completely successful, causing tens of thousands of sea tribes and onmyojis to appear in Huaxia, and even more frantically preparing to break through Qilu Wuda and obtain countless cheats in it , resources, and even unearthed treasures in the ruins.

Just as the battle between the two sides was about to begin, a Confucian scholar in green shirt flew from afar with a pen.

It was Zhang Chulan who had returned from training!

Zhang Chulan stood in front of the two phalanxes, her eyes were calm, and her face was even more lazy.

Zhang Chulan bent down slightly to look at the tens of thousands of teachers and students of Qilu Academy of Arts, picked up a pen, and then shouted loudly: "Nowadays when foreigners invade, what should we do as scholars?"

Tens of thousands of people raised their pens in unison: "Pick up the pen to defend against the enemy!"


Tens of thousands of Zhanzi Jue flew to the Sea Clan in an instant.

When Zhang Chulan wrote, his whole body's vitality soared. Under the rendering of pen and ink, the scholar stood upright in the blue sky, firmly blocking the gate of Qiluwu University.

"If anyone dares to enter my Qilu Martial Arts University, let me speak with arrogance first!"

Tens of thousands of teachers and students wrote together.

Tens of thousands of strands of awe-inspiring air burst forth.

"If anyone dares to enter my Qilu Martial Arts University, let me speak with arrogance first!"

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