Dominate the world

Chapter 754 The Last Burning

Banners were flying in the air, and the smell of blood filled the entire campus of Qilu Wuhan University, and the shouts of killing could be heard endlessly.

In this sneak attack on Qiluwu University, both sides of the Neon Kingdom of the Sea Clan paid a lot of money, and what they wanted was to wipe out China's follow-up vital forces as much as possible.

The Kyoto side also immediately dispatched many king-level powerhouses to support at the moment when the Qilu Wuda battle began. The emperor-level powerhouses of the Neon Kingdom in Kyoto shouldered the important responsibility of blocking the emperor-level powerhouses of the Huaxia Martial Arts Department.

For a time, Qilu Wuda was actually half an emperor-level powerhouse.

In the sky, fighter planes came from north to south, and several figures suddenly jumped out of the fighter planes, rushing towards the battle group.

The few people who jumped out seemed to have completely disregarded their personal safety at this moment, just to win this battle, and their fearlessness to such an extent inspired the teachers and students who witnessed it with their own eyes.

Qi Nanshan from the Martial Arts Department didn't even have the slightest spare energy left. He raised his saber and threw himself at the strong Sea Clan.

"The aliens from the Hai clan dare to enter the mainland of China. I really don't know how the word "death" is written!" Qi Nanshan raised his head to the sky and roared, and made a bold move.

In the sky, the fighter planes used to transport combat power did not leave just then, but turned their heads and opened fire. Several of the pilots even locked their targets on the king-level warriors from the very beginning.

The fighter plane gradually accelerated, the shells poured out in a short moment, and then slammed into it like a car.

A huge explosion sounded on the battlefield, and it was immediately drowned out by shouts of killing and screams.

Qi Nanshan knew very well that personal force would be completely useless in the face of such a large-scale battle, unless there was a force that completely crushed all the strong opponents.

"I only hate that I am not an emperor-level Xeon!"

"If I am an emperor-level Xeon, I will definitely kill all the sea people, and see if you dare to come to China to provoke a war!"

The king-level powerhouse of the sea clan, the blue-eyed crab king, snorted coldly, and quickly turned into a body and rushed towards Qi Nanshan.

The monster beasts of the Sea Clan that had returned to their original bodies were three points stronger than those in human form. After a rush, wherever they passed, no matter the Sea Clan, Onmyoji, Qilu teachers and students flew out screaming.

Qi Nanshan looked at the charging king-level sea clan with a sinister smile on his mouth, roared fiercely like a demon rushing to eat, and pounced fiercely.

"Give me death!"

The king-level sea monster, Qingyan Crab King yelled and smashed two huge crab claws at Qi Nanshan.

"Little human race, dare to fight against my sea clan!"

"The strength of our Sea Clan is something that you humans can never imagine!"

A man and a beast collided together, and there was a bang, and there was a sudden explosion.

The sky was filled with smog, yellow sand flew up, and the blood column shot straight into the sky, and then fell heavily.

Blood with the smell of the sea covered the ground.


The Qingyan Crab King of the Sea Clan fell heavily to the ground. There was a deep knife mark on its body, which seemed to have split it in half!

Qi Nanshan stood on the spot, holding the knife horizontally, his eyes were sharp, and under the traction of Qi, he immediately locked on the next strong Sea Clan!

But at the next moment, three sea clan king-level monsters suddenly rushed towards Qi Nanshan.

One of the king-level monsters turned into its own body and bit Qi Nanshan fiercely!

Qi Nanshan sneered, holding a long knife and slowly closing his eyes.

Opening his eyes, there was no light at all, and while he was breathing, the veins all over Qi Nanshan's body popped up, and he murmured, "Xuanjia golden body!"

A black light flashed across Qi Nanshan's body, and immediately after that, there was a sound of gold and iron clanging.

At this moment, countless people turned their heads to look at Qi Nanshan, thinking that this time Qi Nanshan would definitely die. Half of Qi Nanshan's body was in the huge mouth of the giant shark, and his sharp fangs were about to kill him with one bite. shredded.


A crisp sound rang out.

"Uh...ah!!!" Qi Nanshan grabbed the shark's mouth with both hands, straightened it suddenly, and then his arms began to tremble violently.

Blood gushed like a spring, spraying on Qi Nanshan's body.

A tragic beast roar sounded.


Qi Nanshan jumped up, his eyes were already bloodshot, and he slashed the giant shark's head with a knife, and the bone crack sounded again.

"level off hilltops!"


The giant shark could no longer support its huge body, and lay silently on the ground, motionless.

With the passage of time, the huge body of the giant shark began to shrink continuously, and the dark red flesh and blood essence returned to the sky and the earth.

After the blood mist cleared, Qi Nanshan slowly stood up, and then looked around at the sea monsters standing beside them: "You guys, why don't you come and have a try? I'm very weak now."

At that moment, Qi Nanshan understood what happened, his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes, even if he was as cautious and astute as him, he still didn't understand what happened and what it was.

Qi Nanshan didn't think about it too much, since he couldn't figure it out, then he didn't think about it, at least, he was still alive now, right?

Forcibly consuming the body's potential and vitality, Qi Nanshan knew that even if he survived this battle, he might be far away from the emperor's rank in this life.

But at this moment, half a foot into the emperor's level is enough for Qi Nanshan, but he doesn't know how long this state can last.

With a loud roar, Qi Nanshan rushed out again!

A loud cry suddenly sounded between the sky and the earth, and all the sea people stopped immediately and retreated.

On the huge battlefield, only human beings were left standing there blankly, looking at the corpses on the ground and the blood drowning their bare feet.

Qi Nanshan sneered at the receding Hai Clan, covered his nose and mouth with his left hand, and walked towards the intact building amidst the ruins.

Now, what he needs most is rest!

The icy and biting cold air penetrated through the gap and entered Qi Nanshan's room. He wrapped himself in the quilt and watched the screen that was broadcast on the TV that was lucky to be preserved.

At this time, the TV began to shake violently suddenly.

Qi Nanshan immediately got up, picked up his saber and walked out.

The Sea Clan seems to be coming again.

I don't know when a lot of soldiers came to the huge square. Judging from the situation, it seemed that they were treating the wounded.

Walking on the road, a dilapidated billboard stood upside down, only the words Qilu could be seen, and the font behind it was missing.

As soon as Qi Nanshan walked out, the school officer looked at him sensitively, ordered his subordinates to continue shouting in a low voice, jumped off the truck, and walked quickly towards Qi Nanshan.

"My lord in front, wait a minute, I want to chat with you." The school officer came behind Qi Nanshan in two steps, and grabbed him.

Stretching out his hand, he said solemnly: "Get to know me, my lord Zhou Mingyuan, Major."

Qi Nanshan stretched out his hand calmly: "Qin Nanshan, Martial Arts Department, I wonder if the major needs my help?"

In front of the gate of Qiluwu University, there are many people, and they are rushing to treat the wounded.

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