Zhou Mingyuan smiled, his eyes were full of respect, he looked at Qi Nanshan: "Before tearing up the giant shark with your hands, if King Kong is not broken, it must be you, my lord."

Qi Nanshan frowned: "I won't leave here for now, I don't know when this battle will last!"

To Qi Nanshan's surprise, Zhou Mingyuan nodded: "We are not planning to evacuate, I just want to find a backer for my brothers before I die, so that I can take them to the coastal cities to defend the Sea Clan again, and even some Someone who can counterattack the Sea Clan one day."

Even so, Qi Nanshan still shook his head: "I don't have the energy to do these things anymore. Even if I can survive this battle, I'm afraid my strength will drop drastically."

Zhou Mingyuan's face immediately turned cold: "When the country's integrity is in danger, as a son and daughter of China, you are greedy for life and afraid of death. You really think there is nothing I can do about you!"

Then the tone gradually softened: "This is a good thing for you. When you get there, your strength should go further. Even if you are at the emperor level, it is not impossible."

"And, at the moment of life and death, there is a big opportunity, don't you think about it?"

Qi Nanshan looked up at him, smiled, raised his left hand, a stream of light flashed, and his left hand suddenly became dark: "Why, do you think that I, a king-level member of the Martial Arts Department, will be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Qi Nanshan paused, and stepped on the ground with both feet: "You took all the people away, and you didn't think about what to do with the rest. The city is not as safe as you imagined. Below, outside, They are all monsters, don't tell me you don't know."

On the one hand, they have to fight against the beasts that come down from the surrounding mountains. On the other hand, they have to build city walls along the coast to defend against tsunamis and maintain law and order in the city. Where did so many people come from? Although there are many people who volunteered to join, after all It’s a drop in the bucket, not to mention such a city, the whole country, and even the whole world are in this situation. Some countries are now in a state of anarchy, and people in some island countries are all dead in the first wave of spiritual recovery. It's over.

In Huaxia, according to statistics, half of the people have died, and it can be said that there are floating corpses everywhere.

Zhou Mingyuan said bitterly: "I, we can't manage it anymore. The strength of the Hai Clan is much larger than ours, and there are waves of tsunamis. We have tried our best."

Qi Nanshan nodded faintly. As a member of the Martial Arts Department, he was very clear about these things. So far, the Martial Arts Department did not know how much vitality it had sent to the front line, but it was always a drop in the bucket.

"Here, I'll leave it to you. Try to save as many deaths as possible." Zhou Mingyuan, who had already understood what Qi Nanshan meant, turned around and walked away disappointed.

Qi Nanshan held a long knife, looked at his back, and said loudly: "I will. After finishing here, I will go to the coastline. If I die, my soul will also go to the front line to cheer for you!"

Sitting cross-legged on top of the ruins, Qi Nanshan closed his eyes tightly, thinking of the day when the spiritual energy was revived, and the doomsday scene that day the earth collapsed.

It seems that the end of the world has really come.

Qi Nanshan remembered it clearly.

The weather was fine that day, sunny and sunny.

Qi Nanshan was taking a walk downstairs, flirting with the sweet and lovely young ladies who passed by him.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet began to shake violently, shaking continuously, and the buildings not far away were constantly collapsing like bubbles.

A loud bang sounded in his ears, deafening.

At that moment, the sky fell and the earth fell apart, and no one knew how many people were buried under the ruins.

A [-]-storey commercial building, right in front of Qi Nanshan's eyes, fell apart, like building blocks kicked away by someone, so vulnerable.

The street was full of people, looking at everything unfamiliar around them in panic. The original highly developed city, majestic and magnificent buildings, all turned into ruins.

When everything calms down.

Shouts, screams, and howls sounded one after another.

Magic City, how could there be such a strong earthquake?At that time, there was only one thought in Qi Nanshan's mind.

When he came to his own building, what he saw and what was left was only a piece of wreckage.

He cried and kept digging the stones, trying to dig out his family members from the ruins. At some point, his hands were already covered with blood.

The world, plunged into a piece of gray, is so bleak, hopeless.

At the same time, in the vast sea.

Islands sprung up from the sea like bamboo shoots in the rain, densely packed, and no one knew how many islands had appeared.

The island is full of monsters, and countless monsters rush out of the coastline.

The world is in chaos, and no one has time to look the other way.

The sky began to rain patter.

Qi Nanshan was so tired that he lay on the ground, the corners of his mouth were dry, he licked his lips unconsciously, a little salty.

"Salty? Seawater?"

Qi Nanshan is a graduate student, and his professor mainly studies the conditions for the movement of continental plates and predicts when they will move.

Correspondingly, Qi Nanshan knew some of the corresponding knowledge.

"The plate is moving." Qi Nanshan came back to his senses, analyzed the cause from the existing conditions, his eyes gradually dimmed, and he lost the slightest energy.

A roar sounded: "Tsunami!"

Immediately afterwards, the turbulent seawater rushed towards the city like a river flowing backwards, and the cold and ruthless tsunami hit this fragile city wave after wave.

In the face of a tsunami, a human being is like an ant, powerless and fragile.

The hundreds of meters long tsunami stood there like a city wall, and then fell like a ferocious beast.

At that moment, Qi Nanshan suddenly had a lot of strength, jumped up from the ground, picked up a scattered hemp rope from the ground, picked up a wooden board, fixed himself firmly on the wooden board, stood Then, head to the waves.

I don't know how many people died that day. The only thing Qi Nanshan can remember is that after waking up, there were floating corpses everywhere, old people, children, strong men, young people, and women.

That day, the whole city was like a demon city.

Fortunately, Qi Nanshan is still alive.

He has even survived to this day and has become the backbone of China. So far, he does not know how many monsters he has killed and how many powerless people he has protected.

As the sun went down, the temperature on the campus of Qiluwu University began to drop sharply.

It wasn't until the last ray of light disappeared that Qi Nanshan slowly stood up and looked in the direction of the Hai Clan's retreat. Since they haven't come yet, they probably won't come tonight.Qi Nanshan thought so.

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