Dominate the world

Chapter 756 Nightmare

The night is deep.

The whole campus was shrouded in dark clouds, and Qilu Wuhan University seemed so quiet at two o'clock in the morning.

Since the revival of the aura, the night has become more dangerous than the day. In the wilderness, ordinary people can't live for more than 3 minutes. Even in the city, at night, the sky begins to darken, and when the sun begins to set, The number of pedestrians walking on the street will gradually decrease until only certain patrol personnel are left wandering around like ghosts on the street.

But even the blessed patrol personnel are always afraid of the night, afraid that they will get lost in the dark night. In the countless days and nights after the recovery of spiritual energy, the patrol personnel have long since died.

Dark night is the time when monsters are unscrupulous. Without the burning of the sun, they don't have the final restriction in the cage. As long as they want, they can do it.

Qi Nanshan opened his eyes and got off the bed to stand by the window, looking at the ruins outside.

Occasionally, a patrolman wearing a black robe passed by and told Qi Nanshan that it was still early and everything was safe outside.

Qi Nanshan turned his head and looked at the bed on the left. It was empty and there was no one there.

There are two beds in one room, which makes the small room a bit cramped.

From time to time, there was a penetrating sound of horror from the ruins.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!

The door was knocked.

Qi Nanshan left the window, and took the blood-stained long knife on the head of the bed in his hand. The curved blade flowed with black light from time to time. He stood in front of the door, waiting quietly and silently.

The knock on the door sounded again.

He still didn't move.


The door was opened, and a pitch-black arm stretched out through the crack of the opened door first, and then slowly, slowly, the whole body squeezed in.

"Why don't you open the door?" He looked at Qi Nanshan.

Qi Nanshan looked at it and smiled, raised the long knife in his right hand, and chopped it off!

The door closed with a bang, and through the moonlight, Qi Nanshan clearly saw a person standing outside the door, or it hadn't left yet.

There was a cut mark on its body, its body was wriggling non-stop, the cut mark was shrinking little by little, and the knock on the door sounded again.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong, three times and three times, it can be seen that he is a polite person.

Qi Nanshan sneered and carefully looked at the figure outside from the cat's eye. From the beginning to the end, his hand did not stick to the door panel for even a second.

The door was opened again.

It stood in front of the door and looked at Qi Nanshan: "Why don't you open the door?"

Stretched out his hand to grab it, the long knife was lifted by Qi Nanshan, one person and one demon grabbed the long knife at the same time, the middle-aged demon shadow supported Qi Nanshan and began to walk out, one demon shadow after another stood on the corridor outside the door, Qi Nanshan Nan Shan glanced sideways, they all looked exactly the same, they were doing a repetitive movement, knocking on the door.

From time to time, someone would come out of the house with their eyes closed and stand there quietly as if waiting for someone's order.

One after another stood in the corridor, facing the ten-story ground, ready to jump down at any moment.

Although Qi Nanshan was sober at this time, he still didn't dare to move easily, and now that the middle-aged Yaoying was robbing him of the weapon, Qi Nanshan was also very clear that once the weapon was snatched away by the middle-aged Yaoying, then He really had no hope at all.

The patrol personnel have just passed by here not long ago, and they are probably dead. If there is no other way, they can only wait to die. If this stalemate continues, he will definitely lose in the end. It will not be tired, but he Yes.

This obviously weird monster is obviously an emperor monster, otherwise, it definitely wouldn't have such a terrifying and weird power!

While being dragged to move outside, Qi Nanshan observed the surrounding situation, and gradually understood in his heart what kind of monster it was, and he was not afraid of the weapon in his hand at all. effect.

Nightmare beast!

The scariest monster since the spirit revived, no one who encountered it survived.

Those who lost their souls opened the door because they heard a knock on the door, and this kind of knock on the door is nothing more than a common thing in life, even if the patrol personnel are not careful, it is very easy to be recruited .

As soon as the door is opened, the soul will be suppressed immediately. Even though the consciousness is still there, the body has completely disobeyed orders.

Qi Nanshan looked left and right, the building was already covered by nightmare beasts, at this time, the people outside had no other choice but to save themselves.

Whether to live or die, all depends on oneself.

I don't know when the long knife began to heat up gradually, and the originally dark black handle began to turn red.

The middle-aged Yaoying let go suddenly, its hands were melting non-stop at this moment, it looked at Qi Nanshan calmly, and stepped forward again.

At this time, Qi Nanshan also felt that the weapon in his hand, the long knife, was getting hotter and hotter, but now the temperature was barely acceptable, and the curved blade of the long knife flashed a bright red light, like a volcano that was erupting. The ejected magma is general.

Swipe forward and cut off at the waist!

The middle-aged ghost still looked at Qi Nanshan calmly, but did not move forward. Fiery red ashes were floating in the air, and the middle-aged ghost began to dissipate bit by bit.

In the aisle, all the middle-aged ghosts suddenly turned their heads and looked at where Qi Nanshan was.

They all made the same movement, knocked on the door, and then pulled it out, as if there was really a door in front of them.

They took a step forward in unison, and all the middle-aged ghosts disappeared, leaving only the unconscious people in the corridor.

next moment.



The sound of doors opening rang in Qi Nanshan's ears.

Middle-aged ghosts appeared beside Qi Nanshan out of nowhere, they stretched out their hands and grabbed him.

Qi Nanshan waved the flaming long knife and kept backing away. All the claws reaching out to him were cut off one by one, and slowly melted. After a period of healing, the cracks in the hands of many ghost shadows kept wriggling black. Shadow, a pair of hands grew out of the body again.

While retreating, Qi Nanshan looked at the doors that opened out of thin air. Every time a door was opened, a ghost figure walked out of it and joined the team chasing Qi Nanshan.

Qi Nanshan looked at more and more demon shadows around him: "Which one is real, or are all of them real!"

Qingling's words rang in Qi Nanshan's ears.

"Imperial Monster Beast, Nightmare Beast"

"Qi Nanshan, your luck is good. I'm afraid your life will end early."

Hearing this familiar voice, Qi Nanshan let go of his tense nerves immediately, and said with a wry smile: "If you have a way, do it as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many people will die tonight."

"We may really lose the battle with the Sea Clan tomorrow!"

"I wake up, this kind of thing won't happen!"

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