Dominate the world

Chapter 757 Illusion

And on the other side, above Mount Tai.

Under the night, Mount Tai was no longer bustling and noisy, full of roars and screams of monsters, and the moon hanging high in the sky brought a few lights to the dark Mount Tai.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking down the mountain, stood in place, staring at the location of Qilu Martial Arts University in a daze.

In Jiang Xiaobai's hand, he was holding a notebook, recording the monsters Jiang Xiaobai encountered since he descended the mountain, some of them were very detailed, some of them were very vague.

Most of the monsters in the dark night are wandering aimlessly. Occasionally, when something falls on the ground, groups of monsters will immediately rush up and tear everything they touch.

The Taiji disk hovered beside Jiang Xiaobai, ready to block a fatal blow for Jiang Xiaobai at any time.

It was late at night, and Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking down a flight of stairs, closed his eyes abruptly, and stood there quietly as if he had lost his soul.

I don't know when, bursts of crying began to sound outside the window. Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked out of the window quietly. At this time, he was awakened by the crying outside. Jiang Xiaobai stood up and looked out of the window with a serious face.

A figure squatted under the street lamp, a little thin, it seemed to be a broken girl.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and said softly, "Then what's that outside?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't figure out what was going on outside, but it was very unusual for the surrounding monsters to act as if they didn't hear this crying sound in the middle of the night.

"No matter what it is, it's not a person anyway." Jiang Xiaobai took the long knife that was placed aside in his hand and looked out the window.

As Jiang Xiaobai moved forward, the surrounding monsters were rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wherever the blade passed, ordinary monsters had no possibility of being alive.

Standing in front of the thin figure, Jiang Xiaobai drew out his long knife and stretched it over, trying to push away the hair that blocked her face.

As soon as the long knife touched the hair, it was suddenly hooped. The hair on the head of the crying and laughing man rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai along the blade like a climbing snake vine. people crying.

She raised her head, her face was covered with blood, her fangs were exposed, and she rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Crying also turned into laughter at this moment.

Jiang Xiaobai decisively dropped the knife and stepped back.

Then, holding the knife again, he yelled, "Cry for me!"

The hair on the crying and laughing man's head also grew automatically without wind at this moment, and it grew like a tentacles in the air, blocking Jiang Xiaobai's every attack.

Jiang Xiaobai stood where he was, waving his knife indifferently, and looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

The long knife danced a knife flower at Jiang Xiaobai's, the tip of the knife pointed at the crying and laughing man, standing still, waiting for the crying and laughing man's attack.

The crying and laughing man let out a stern laugh, and rushed over. Jiang Xiaobai did not retreat but advanced, and swung the long knife in the air one after another to cut off the long hair that was attacking him. The human body continues to move forward without stopping.

The internal organs of the Crying and Laughing Man had been damaged long ago. At this time, a wound suddenly appeared on his body, and the accumulated fluid in the body immediately flowed out along with the internal organs.

Jiang Xiaobai stood still with the knife in his hand, his eyes were cold, without any emotion: "Go on and cry for me!"

There was still no cry, and the wailers were still laughing. The monsters hiding in the surrounding buildings seemed to have encountered something terrifying, and they all hid themselves in the dark corners and dared not move.

"Laugh at me!" Jiang Xiaobai raised his knife and chopped it off!

The long hair flying around in the air suddenly fell down like a kite with a broken string, and the head of the crying and laughing man rolled to the ground, and his open mouth seemed to be still laughing.

Jiang Xiaobai bent down and pulled the hair that was left on the ground. The hair that had lost its vitality was no longer as tough as before, and it would break as soon as it was pulled. Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and said, "Waste my time."

Even so, the solemn expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face still did not diminish.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was just about to turn back, suddenly changed his face.


I should be in Tarzan!

Where is this place?

Heart demon?



Jiang Xiaobai's expression was terrified, and the horizontal knife in his hand suddenly swept outwards, and the energy in his whole body soared several times, but no matter how Jiang Xiaobai broke out and destroyed the surrounding buildings, he still could not escape this illusion.

This is the fantasy land waiting for him.

"Why didn't I fall into the illusion when I went up the mountain, but it was triggered when I went down the mountain?" Jiang Xiaobai began to think about why he fell into such a situation.

I don't know how long it has been, but Jiang Xiaobai, who had been standing there, suddenly opened his eyes, and the Tai Chi Disc Protector flew to Jiang Xiaobai's side.

"So that's the case, this is just an illusion that the predecessors of the ancient dynasties came to prevent aliens from ascending to accept my China's luck, and if I am a Chinese, no matter who comes, they will be recognized by the land of China and blessed by luck. "

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood why he immediately advanced by leaps and bounds at the top of Mount Tai and easily reached the emperor level.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled softly: "I didn't expect that being attacked and fleeing to Mount Tai would have such benefits. I'm afraid I only need to practice step by step in the future, and I'm afraid it won't be a little difficult to enter the emperor level."

In the distance, a violent howl suddenly sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes froze suddenly, and he jumped out of the ancient road with his feet and rushed towards the place where the howling sound was.

Koizumi's help!

Must be him!

There is no third person in Taishan now!

When I woke up, it was already the second day here, and the only food was gone.

Koizumi's help can often hear the roar of imperial monsters in the deep forest, but he can't just go in like this, let alone his target has not been killed by him yet!

Unfortunately, he was injured!

If it is in Nihong, in normal days, this small injury is nothing more than a trivial matter, even if it is not treated, it only needs to rest for a while to heal itself.

But here.

Sitting on this mountain, there are no companions, and there is little food, and fresh water is even scarcer.

Moreover, there are all monsters around, and there are not a few emperor-level monsters!

Koizumosuke already regretted a bit at this time, but it was not his character to give up and leave like this, and if he failed, it would definitely become a shame in his life!

For glory, kill the target no matter what!

Koizumi Nosuke looked at the cloudy sky and murmured, "Even if it is death, I must kill that bastard first."

A roar from the bottom rang in his ears, and Koizumi's help immediately got up and looked around.

"Who is it? Come out!" Koizumi said nervously.

A big colorful tiger walked out from the grass, its eyes were fixed on Koizumi Nosuke.

Seeing that the colorful tiger in front of him was just a king-level monster, Koizumi Nosuke roared wildly and slashed at it.

Blood was flying.

The smell of blood began to gradually waft into the distance.

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