In the canyon, there are jagged rocks and small pit-like pools, not deep, but very shallow.

Standing in front of the mouth of the canyon, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the monsters that were gradually rushing up, sneered, turned and walked in.

Jiang Xiaobai had been waiting inside for a while, the Gengjin sword on his back was stuck in the ground, standing where he was, looking at the only passage in the canyon.

This canyon is a dead end, with a total length of only 500 meters. Apart from going out from the exit, the only way to go is to fly upwards. However, surrounded by many monsters, Jiang Xiaobai dare not push it too far. He just wants to hurry over here. Find Koizumi's help.

Outside the canyon, Koizumi Nosuke was standing deep in the dense forest.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had just entered the canyon, saw Koizumi's Nosuke from a long distance. As he advanced, he carefully observed the surroundings. The further in, the narrower the terrain, and the more exposed rocks on the two sides of the mountain.

Turn around, stand still, take out the food and nibble on it one by one, and drink water occasionally to replenish energy.

Running all the way for such a long distance, if you don't replenish energy, your body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Even though he is already at the imperial level, Jiang Xiaobai still has to be careful on Mount Tai where there are many monsters.

Koizumi Nosuke, who was standing outside the canyon, slowly walked out of the dense forest. When he saw the canyon, his face immediately turned black and black, hesitating whether he should go in or not. There is a great possibility that there are monsters inside. At the same time, just now, He already smelled the target!

Koizumi's nosuke immediately turned to look at the dense forest, his eyes gradually became vicious, and he murmured viciously in a low voice: "Even if I die, I will complete my task!"

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

As soon as he walked into the valley, Koizumi Nosuke saw Jiang Xiaobai at the other end of the canyon, grinning grinningly, and gradually began to accelerate.

"finally found you!"



Thirty miles away from Qilu University, groups of soldiers are gathering, moving forward desperately, running.

The noise of the propeller resounded in this piece of heaven and earth.

The soldiers leading the team looked forward anxiously, looking down at the map on the screen from time to time, wanting to know how far away they were.

I don't know when hundreds of tanks and chariots gathered together, and there are more vehicles, the chariots are coming here, and the mobile forces that are a little farther away are also trying their best to get closer here.

The group of beasts of the sea clan discovered something abnormal, and the king of the sea clan began to send low-intelligence war beasts to intercept them, trying to block them as much as possible, and wanting to keep their supporting enemies behind.

Because it is a long-distance battle, the detection range of the radar system of the tank is not very far. In terms of information, it is weaker than the natural radar system of the Sea Clan.

Thirty miles seemed like a distance between life and death.

Hundreds of chariots rushed across the wilderness, like a pack of wolves hunting, casting nets, hunting, and moving quickly towards the target location.

On the campus of Qilu Wuhan University.

Zhang Chulan and Cao Yingyu were back to back, supporting each other's bodies, and at the same time blocking the blind spot for each other.

The violent attack continued, and hundreds of Onmyojis from the Neon Kingdom still survived. At this time, the entire campus was already filled with the wreckage of Onmyojis, and the ground also unknowingly increased a lot.

Under their feet is all the blood left by the Onmyoji of the Neon Kingdom.

The smell of blood wafted back and forth in the campus, and the killing intent became stronger and stronger.

The long sword in Cao Ying's hand has four or five gaps, because there are too many slashing and stabbing strikes, and the life of the weapon is almost reaching its limit. Every slashing and stabbing may be the last blow of the long sword.

Zhang Chulan was holding an alloy spear, but the tip of the spear had become a little blunt, not as sharp as before.

He picked it up from the ground and didn't know whose it belonged to.

Perhaps its owner is dead.

This is not the most important thing. The physical strength of the two of them is also declining rapidly, and the strength in their bodies is also rapidly weakening, but the attacks of the onmyojis have not stopped since the beginning.

The feats, the feats like splashing the sky, are right in front of them, and they don't need any urging from the leader. They rush forward like chicken blood, even if the people around them change after another Even if the number of companions has been greatly reduced, their attacks and forward steps still have no intention of stopping.

There was a clang of gold and iron.

Cao Ying shortened his body and dodged a blow, then the long sword slammed into the opponent's chest, and the other hand took advantage of the situation to grab the already weak Taidao and continued to attack.

Zhang Chulan's face had already turned pale. Although he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries on the surface, the arrogance he had aroused the day before still needed time to recuperate. Playing consecutive battles is a very hurtful thing, not to mention Such a fierce battle has lasted for several hours, and even his body of iron can't bear it, not to mention that he is not a person who is good at close combat.

It's just that there are too many people on the other side, making it impossible for him to distance himself.

Cao Ying seemed to notice something strange, and immediately said: "Back back, you have a rest first, I will carry it for a while, if you die first, I won't live long."

Zhang Chulan didn't refute, and smashed the head of an onmyoji with a single shot, and immediately retreated to replenish water, and hurry up to replenish food. After all, no one knows how long the fight will last. As time goes by, the action will definitely become slower. It's better to rest for a while while you still have some strength, so that you can last longer.

After resting, Zhang Chulan let out a long howl, her face gradually turned rosy, she raised her body, and rushed forward again.

"Do you need a break?" he said.

Cao Ying shook his head and said out of breath, "No need."

Because he received too many attacks, his body had already reached its limit, and every movement began to become extremely slow.

They have been fighting for three hours and lost hundreds of people. Hundreds of onmyojis failed to take down the two of them. The leading officer was already feeling impatient and impatient.

He stopped an onmyoji who was about to step forward, grabbed the weapon from his hand, and stepped forward again.

"If I don't kill both of you today, I won't be Saburo Xiaoshi!"

"I can spare your life if you surrender now, otherwise, you will be humiliated to death by us!"

He jumped up, raised his two sabers high, and then slashed down heavily!

He didn't find Cao Ying, he knew he couldn't beat him, so he found Zhang Chulan.

As long as one person is taken first, then the remaining person will not be able to hold on for long. The distance from victory is only a matter of time.

Twenty miles away.

The wolves are on the attack!

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