Zhang Chulan, who is not good at close combat, looked at the extremely fast knife in front of him, and had no time to react at all.

When Cao Ying, who was about to die here, saw this scene, he shouted angrily, and rushed towards Zhang Chulan heavily, trying to block Xiaoshi Saburo's murderous knife for him.

At this moment of the battle, the physical strength of the two had dropped to the lowest point. The reason why the two of them still stood still and did not fall was just a little bit of faith in their hearts.

The long knife penetrates into the meat.

Blood sprayed in the sky.

Cao Ying yelled angrily, grabbed the Taidao that had been pierced into his abdomen with his right hand, turned his head to look at Zhang Chulan who was still standing there as if he was completely stupid, and let out a final roar: "Zhang Chulan!"

this moment.

Needless to say.

Originally, they looked down on each other, were hostile to each other, and even thought of killing each other at one point. At this moment, there was a tacit understanding that could not be expressed in words.

Zhang Chulan turned her head, squatted slightly, turned the head of the gun, and then fired out brazenly!

A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon!

Xiaoshi Sanlang looked at the scene in front of him in horror, his energy suddenly soared, and he wanted to retreat quickly, but Cao Ying, who already had the will to die, would not allow him to do so, stretched out his hands and hugged him tightly, Let it not move at all!

The alloy spear pierced through the air, the tip of the spear pierced through the body, and blood gushed out of Saburo Koishi's body like a spring.

The bravery of the two of them made all the onmyojis around them afraid to move at all, so they had to step back step by step.

The retreat of a small group of Onmyoji here because of the loss of the leader and leader did not attract anyone's attention, and there was no slight disturbance on the huge battlefield.

Zhang Chulan supported Cao Ying with one hand, leaned on each other, stood, and scanned any enemy who wanted to come forward with sharp eyes like lightning.

The battle is still going on.

Inside the campus building on the left side of Qiluwu University, there is silence, which is in stark contrast to the tragic battlefield in front of Qiluwu University.

But here, the number of unexplained deaths is no less than that of the frontal battlefield.

Qi Nanshan stood on the spot holding a long knife that was glowing red, his eyes were like lightning, trying to disperse the monsters in front of him one by one.

Despite the embarrassment, Qi Nanshan, who had been doing useless work from the beginning to the end, never gave up.

What he is doing now is just to attract the attention of the nightmare beast.

The basement floor of Qiluwu University, a secret room.

Lan Yingying, who had been falling into a deep sleep, slowly opened her eyes when she felt the changes in the outside world, and at the same time she felt pleasantly surprised that her realm had reached the emperor level.

At the same time, it quickly locked the nightmare beast in the dormitory building that was killing people wantonly.

Although she hadn't initially grasped and stabilized her current state, it was enough for Lan Yingying.

A nightmare beast that dares to dream and kill under her nose, must not be let go!

The mysterious voice that reminded Qi Nanshan earlier was conveyed by Lan Yingying through her spiritual thoughts.

Lan Yingying stood up, walked to the door step by step, looked at the sky outside, and the tragic but heroic battlefield at the school gate, her face was calm, without the slightest fluctuation in her heart.

Whether it is a monster or a sea clan, they all deserve to die.

On the battlefield, people are dying and falling every moment.

He jumped up and rushed towards the dormitory building at top speed, but there were still people who were struggling to hold on.

Inside the dormitory building, Qi Nanshan glanced out of the corner of his eye, and clearly saw a figure rushing towards him in the night sky.

Qi Nanshan was overjoyed, but the movements of his hands never weakened. He tried his best every time he attacked, but he couldn't hurt the Nightmare Beast in the slightest!

Qi Nanshan let out a loud roar, then took a step back abruptly, the energy in his body suddenly surged, and then he drew his knife and moved forward brazenly: "If you have the guts, come out!"

Knife light flashed.

A fiery red arc of light flashed across the night sky.

The phantoms of the nightmare beasts standing in front of Qi Nanshan shattered one after another.

A cold murmur suddenly sounded in Qi Nanshan's ear: "Are you looking for me?"


Qi Nanshan froze suddenly, his scalp was numb, he turned his head stiffly to the left, and a ferocious face was already approaching.

A pair of sharp claws poked towards Qi Nan Mountain.

At this moment, a soft drink suddenly sounded.

"Evil beast, how dare you!" Lan Yingying pointed at the Nightmare Beast whose body was revealed with the tip of a three-foot Qingfeng sword.

The Nightmare Beast turned to look at the rushing Lan Yingying, with a sneer on its face.

The sharp claws never stopped, and slowly pierced into Qi Nanshan's abdomen.

"I dare, what do you want?"

The wound gradually expanded with the penetration of the sharp claws, blood began to splash out, and then slowly flowed out of Qi Nanshan's body like a spring.

Enduring the pain, Qi Nanshan bowed his head, let out a low growl, suddenly dropped the knife in his right hand and firmly grasped the sharp claws that penetrated into the abdomen, and laughed wildly at the nightmare beast beside him.


"I will die with you!"

"I, a king-level martial artist, and you, an emperor-level monster, will die together. I am enough in this life!"

The face of the nightmare beast suddenly changed, and the face that was already as dark as ink became darker in an instant.

At this time, Lan Yingying finally approached. Inspired by her divine sense, she locked onto the Nightmare Beast's body so that it could no longer escape, changing its figure, and the originally unpretentious long sword was instantly covered with light blue light. It exudes a trace of ice-cold.

At this moment, it was like a weapon covered with frost.

And the nightmare beast that was double-locked saw the frost-covered long sword approaching inch by inch, roared angrily, and tried hard to pull out its sharp claws, but it still couldn't.

Qi Nanshan, who was on the verge of death, still tightly held the nightmare beast's sharp claws with both hands.

No matter how the Nightmare Beast shakes, bites, or stirs its claws inside its body, it just stands still with no expression on its face, and its veins are bulging in its hands, just hoping to create a chance for Lan Yingying to strike fatally.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Qi Nanshan's last ray of life was completely exhausted.

The long sword quietly entered the body.

A bone-piercing frost suddenly broke out in the Nightmare Beast's body, and the tip of the sword pierced through the flesh, carrying black blood like ink.

A piercing scream and wailing sounded in the corridor.

The Nightmare Beast's innate ability collapsed in an instant, and countless people in this dormitory woke up one after another, watching the scene in front of them in horror.

They were standing on the balcony at this moment, if they took another step outside, they would fall down.

They do not have the blessing of their own abilities in their sleep, especially in the dreamland created by the nightmare beast. If the subconscious mind thinks that they are dead, then they are really dead. Even top experts and medical doctors will never be able to save them.

Light blue light poured and flickered in the corridor, and the cold air invaded the body of the nightmare beast, but for a moment, the nightmare beast, which could no longer hold on, disappeared like fireworks in an instant.

At this time, outside the gate of Qiluwu University.

The roar of the beast shook the sky.

Three sea clan imperial level monsters stood in the void, quietly watching Lan Yingying in the campus.

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