Dominate the world

Chapter 760 Lan Yingying is Seriously Injured

Tonight's night seems to be extraordinarily gloomy, like a thick inkstone, too deep to dissolve...

Outside the gate of Qiluwu, the fighting atmosphere between the two factions has gradually entered a fever pitch.

It can be said that the Hai Clan came prepared this time. Dozens of Wuwang-level powerhouses have surrounded the gate of Qilu Martial Arts University in three circles and three circles outside. The gate's defense line is at stake!

Qilu Martial Arts University is led by a late-stage king-level powerhouse, and he is a little bit overwhelmed by the fierce offensive of the Hai Clan.There are a dozen or so more Martial King-level powerhouses on the opposite side than on his side.But fortunately, the opponent has not yet appeared a strong person at the Martial Emperor level.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he saw three black spots in the distant gloomy sky moving rapidly towards this side, getting closer and closer to the battlefield here.

Could it be... the emperor-level powerhouse of the Sea Clan!

His pupils shrank, and he cursed his crow's mouth inwardly.When he saw the three black dots slowly land on the opponent's camp, his heart suddenly became cold.

Damn it! There is no strong man on my side who can fight!

In the blink of an eye, the three emperor-level powerhouses on the opposite side had already joined the battlefield.

Everyone knows that the distance between a king-level powerhouse and a Wuhuang-level powerhouse is not a so-called big rank at all.With just this step, it is unknown how many Martial King level powerhouses got stuck.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, his eyes were tearing apart.At this moment, a blue light shot up from the dormitory building and shot directly at the school gate.

"It's Lan Yingying!"

On the side of Qilu Wuda University, people who are familiar with Lan Yingying have already recognized her, and shouted in surprise.

Lan Yingying's appearance undoubtedly gave everyone in Qilu Wuda a shot in the arm. They all became motivated to fight, and threw all kinds of skills and weapons at the enemies of the sea clan opposite them as if they were dying.

The three Martial Emperor level powerhouses of the Sea Clan on the opposite side also noticed something was wrong. The three of them looked at each other and withdrew from the big battlefield.

Lan Yingying's face was stern, how could she not see the disadvantages of Qilu Wuda University at this moment?Just now when she was in the dormitory building, she felt the aura of the three emperor-level powerhouses from a distance, and she couldn't care about anything else, so she rushed to support Qilu Wu University.

I saw Lan Yingying pointing her toes and leaping into the air, and the three Martial Emperor-level powerhouses of the Sea Clan also came into the air one after another like Lan Yingying.

"Hehe, the one who didn't expect to come is a beauty."

These three Martial Emperors of the Sea Clan are three brothers, all belong to the Jiaoren clan. Although the scales on their bodies can almost disappear when they become human beings at the emperor level, there are still some sea-blue scales on their cheeks. The rugged hands give people a terrifying feeling.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want! If the emperor-level elders of our Huaxia Martial Arts Department come after a while, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Lan Yingying said coldly, holding an ice blue long sword in her hand.

Although she said so in her mouth, everyone knew that Qilu Martial Arts University couldn't get the Martial Emperor to fight at all, otherwise, it wouldn't be forced to this point.

"Hohohoho, I didn't expect the little beauty to be quite capable."

"Big brother and third brother, you go down and help those boys, I can take care of this girl myself!"

Jiaoren's second child smiled "hohohoho", and the laughter squeezed out of his throat was extremely strange.Coupled with the general appearance of neither human nor ghost after the transformation of Jiaoren, Lan Yingying felt nauseous for a while.

"Well then, I'll give you this chance, and the two of us will just watch from the sidelines."

The boss of the Jiaoren frowned and said, he exchanged a glance with the third Jiaoren and stepped aside, his eyes still focused on Lan Yingying and the two of them all the time.

Jiaoren's second child muttered a few words, as if he was not satisfied with the two brothers' distrust of him.

Lan Yingying's gaze was fixed, and she took the opportunity to raise her long sword and swipe at the opponent, but the opponent was also a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse, and she still had a sense of fighting.

"Out of control."

Jiao Ren's second child grinned, revealing several jagged fangs.I saw a light shield emitting from him, directly blocking Lan Yingying's attack.

I saw Jiao Ren's second child clasping his hands in the air, playing a set of palms in a messy manner.Bursts of golden blue palm-shaped afterimages struck towards Lan Yingying.Facing the harsh wind of the palm, Lan Yingying's face was solemn, and she kept waving her long sword in her hand to resist, but there were still waves of aftermath that would affect her, leaving a few shallow blood marks on her face where the wind of the palm passed .

"Little beauty, why don't you just admit defeat, I don't have the heart to hurt you. As long as you are willing to go back to the Sea Clan with our brothers, I guarantee that you will be very popular in the future!"

Jiao Ren's second child laughed strangely, and looked up and down Lan Yingying with malicious intent.

"You fart!"

Lan Yingying was completely irritated by Jiao Ren's second child, and the flames of anger were burning in her beautiful eyes.

"Hey... In fact, there is nothing wrong with learning to be smart sometimes, just be soft?"

Jiao Ren's second child said with feigned regret.

"I said, it seems that my second brother likes you very much, or you can just come and be my sister-in-law!"

The youngest Jiaoren beside him also yelled loudly there.

"wishful thinking!"

Lan Yingying sneered, and she dodged the sharp claws stretched out by Jiaoren's second child in a flash, instead she stuck out her sword and took the head of Jiaoren's second child directly.

Jiaoren's second child frowned secretly. Although Lan Yingying's explosive power was not very strong, her speed was indeed difficult to deal with.Although he is famous for his strength, but if he encounters Lan Yingying's loach-like fighting style, he feels powerless to punch cotton.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one dragon had already fought for hundreds of rounds.Lan Yingying took several palms from Jiaoren's second child abruptly, but it was not serious, but Jiaoren's second child was a little upset at this time, and even her steps were out of rhythm.


Lan Yingying's eyes lit up, and she poked at the abdomen of Jiaoren's second child with a sword at an extremely fast speed, and the long sword directly pierced through the body of Jiaoren's second child.

At the same time, Jiao Ren's second child was not a vegetarian either, and the moment he felt something was wrong, he suddenly slapped Lan Yingying hard.

Jiaoren's abdomen is an extremely fragile place. With the improvement of cultivation base, not only has it not been strengthened, but it is still the most vulnerable weakness of the whole body.

At this time, Jiao Ren's second child fell straight down from the sky like a balloon being deflated.

Seeing this scene, many king-level powerhouses of Qilu Martial Arts University rushed forward one after another to make up for Jiaoren's second child.

In less than three seconds, Jiao Ren's second child was surrounded by everyone from Qilu Martial Arts University, and all the sea clan powerhouses didn't even have time to react, Jiao Ren's second child died under the sword of everyone like this.

"The emperor-level monster of the sea clan is dead! Go! Defeat the sea clan in one fell swoop!"

Qilu Wuda Middle School did not know who suddenly yelled such a sentence, which greatly boosted morale. Everyone in Qilu Wuda University shouted and waved their swords and spears in their hands, slaughtering the enemies in front of them recklessly.

Although she had successfully beheaded a sea clan emperor-level powerhouse, Lan Yingying's situation at the moment was not optimistic.Just now, Jiao Ren's second child's last few palms were all firmly received by him, a rusty smell rushed up from his throat, Lan Yingying blushed, and exerted all her strength to suppress the blood pressure. , Barely did not lose face in front of the other two Jiao people.

" dare to kill my second brother!"

The third Jiaoren stared blankly at this scene, as if he still hadn't reacted.At this moment, the boss of Jiaoren was so angry that his eyes were red, and his fingers tremblingly pointed at Lan Yingying, who had a normal complexion.

"I killed him to save him face!"

Lan Yingying pretended to be calm and said that the situation couldn't be clearer at this time, the two people on the opposite side seemed to be about to fight with each other.

Lan Yingying raised the ice-blue long sword that still had the blood of Jiaoren's second child in her hand, her heart skipped a beat, she bit the tip of her tongue, and spurted a mouthful of heart blood onto the sword tip.In an instant, the ice-blue long sword completely absorbed the blood, and the original blue luster gradually glowed with blood.

If there is someone familiar with this move at this moment, they will definitely turn pale with shock at this moment.It can be said that Lan Yingying was prepared to do her best with this move, and the damage to her body and cultivation was extremely huge.If one is not done well, there is a risk of backlash from cultivation.At this time, it seems that he is really ready to put all his eggs in one basket.

The eldest Jiaoren and the third Jiaoren looked at each other, and suddenly let out a loud roar, which caused all the people of the Sea Clan to raise their heads to echo, and some of the weaker ones were suppressed by the coercion of the two. play.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them transformed into dragon-shaped dragons, their bodies were so large that they took up half of the sky at first glance.Looking around, there is an indescribable fear in this deep night accompanied by two dragons circling.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Lan Yingying felt a chill in her heart.This is the first time she has seen Jiaolong's real body, with slender and rugged legs, a horse's head and a snake's tail, a hundred meters long.One dragon is wearing black blue scales, and the other is wearing dark blue scales.The color of the dragon's scale armor is closely related to its cultivation. From the color of the scale armor, it can be seen that the black blue scale armor is the eldest of the Jiaoren, and the dark blue scale armor is the third of the Jiaoren.

"Heh, if you dare to hurt my second brother, you will bear the punishment you deserve!"

The eldest Jiaoren roared angrily, and rushed towards Lan Yingying at the same time as the third Jiaoren.

Lan Yingying gritted her teeth, put the long sword in her hand in front of her body, dodged to avoid the flick of the third Jiaoren's tail, and jumped onto the head of the Jiaoren boss.The youngest Jiaoren roared angrily, and knocked down the gate of Qiluwu University with a flick of his tail.Facing a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse like Jiao Ren Lao San, even the Qilu Wu University gate made of granite and with defensive runes added could not withstand a single blow.

Lan Yingying, who witnessed all this with her own eyes, was startled, even the school gate was easily knocked down by Jiao Ren's third child, if the tail flick fell on her just now, she would never dare to imagine it!

You must know that both the beast race and the human race have their own advantages in practicing martial arts.The human race is a born martial artist, but the orc race has to go through several transformations before it can stand on the same starting line as the human martial arts master.However, if the cultivation reaches a certain height, once the orc martial arts master shows his powerful real body, his physical strength will be beyond the reach of human martial arts masters even after chasing for thousands of years.

At this time, Lan Yingying was lying on top of the head of the Jiaoren boss, her hands tightly holding the two horns that had just grown a little on the head of the Jiaoren boss.The Jiaoren boss kept shaking his head, just trying to shake Lan Yingying off.But who knows that Lan Yingying is like a piece of brown sugar, she can't be driven away or thrown away.With Lan Yingying's current position, even the third child of the Jiaoren would have to weigh it carefully if she wanted to make a move, for fear of accidentally hurting her elder brother.

"You human martial arts practitioners are really ridiculous!"

The Jiaoren boss whose horns were being held by Lan Yingying was completely angry, and let out a sharp cry, the impact seemed to pierce Lan Yingying's eardrums.Not to mention the group of Martial King level powerhouses of Qilu Wuda who were affected, even the people from the Hai Clan frowned.

Lan Yingying was the one who felt the most uncomfortable. You must know that she was the closest person to the boss of the Jiaoren, so she naturally suffered the greatest impact.It was too late to close the perception of the seven orifices, so Lan Yingying could only carry it down abruptly.She only felt dizzy in her mind for a while, her hands and feet were weak, and she accidentally let go of the Jiaoren boss's horns in her hand, and fell down from the air.

At the same time, the king-level battlefield below is not optimistic.As everyone expected, Qiluwu was retreating steadily, and even the previous morale boosts could not make up for the fundamental gap in their strength and numbers.

One good news and one bad news, just now when Lan Yingying fell down, she was caught by everyone from Qilu Wuda University.The same thing was also bad news, Lan Yingying was bleeding from seven orifices and was seriously injured, her breath was weak, and she might die here at any time.

The boss of Jiaoren and the third child of Jiaoren have also come down at this moment, turning into human bodies, looking for the body of the second child of Jiaoren.After searching to no avail, the anger of the two of them can be said to have reached its peak, and the murderous aura around them seemed to be condensed into a solid body in the next second, and everyone could almost see the blood mist emitted by the two of them.

"Qilu Martial Arts! We, the Sea Clan, will definitely step on it!"

The Jiaoren boss roared angrily, and rushed into the fighting battlefield with a dodge, slashing at the Qiluwu people one after another like chopping vegetables, each knife was full of anger and the grief of losing a loved one.

Seeing this, all the powerhouses of the Hai Clan shouted loudly, waved their weapons, and pushed forward the battle line like a group of demons dancing wildly.The people of Qilu Wuda retreated steadily, and many people had retreated to the school gate.But even so, everyone in the Hai Clan was not satisfied.

They roared and bitten, even every brick and tile of Qiluwu University was spared.It can be said that the sea clan passed through, and there was not a single intact building left, even the gate of Qiluwu University was demolished by them.

Many students of Qiluwu University watched this scene and couldn't help feeling sad.Is it possible that the school that I have studied and grown for so long will be destroyed today?

Seeing this scene, Lan Yingying stood up abruptly and rushed towards the sea clan imperial monster once again.

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