Dominate the world

Chapter 764 Humiliating Sven

The whole chaotic battlefield suddenly became chilly, and the strength of the emperor-level powerhouse was not something they could easily resist.

And the boss of the only surviving emperor-level monster flood dragon took advantage of this gap and began to retreat rapidly.

The deaths of Jiaoren's second and third children already made him terrified, and he didn't dare to stay here anymore, for fear that he would follow the same path as his two younger brothers.

What's more, there are now two human emperor-level powerhouses here, even if they escape now, there will be an explanation, it's better than dying here!

With a flick of the dragon's tail, it retreated slowly.

But how could Jiang Xiaobai, who had been locked on Jiaolong by his divine sense, let him escape here? Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and rushed towards the Jiaoren boss expressionlessly.

Jiang Xiaobai's rapid shooting made the boss of Jiao Ren extremely anxious, and he no longer cared about hiding his movements, and flew towards the coast frantically.

As soon as Jiaolong, who was the royal strongman of the sea clan, fled, the rest of the sea clan looked at me and I looked at you. They didn't need to give any orders at all, they immediately turned around and retreated, and fled towards the sea frantically.

Only the Onmyoji of the Neon Kingdom was left roaring and attacking frantically on the spot.

Master Qi Luwu and his students saw this scene with their own eyes. Needless to say, some people who had almost lost their combat effectiveness jumped up on the spot and chased after them brazenly with weapons in their hands.

The Sea Clan collapsed completely in a short moment, and even some Sea Clan monsters who still wanted to continue fighting were routed, and the large army was engulfed farther and farther away.

The situation on the battlefield is really changing rapidly.

And Jiaolong, who has been running frantically, no matter how he escapes, he still can't escape the distance locked by Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual sense.

The jiaoren boss stopped suddenly, and the jiaolong head slowly turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai, and let out bursts of fury. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, and the radius of a hundred miles was plunged into darkness in an instant.

Even so, within the dark clouds, there has never been a sound of thunder or flashes of lightning.

"Human, aren't you afraid that I'll stop and bite you to death!" Jiaolong's eyes were fixed on Jiang Xiaobai, revealing his killing intent.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the void with a horizontal knife in his hand, and looked at Jiaolong with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "If you have the guts, come and try?"

"I thought that as a dragon, you could only run!"

"Just like you, don't even think about becoming a real dragon for the rest of your life, just be your four-clawed snake honestly!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a roar that resounded like heaven and earth.

"Human, I want you to die!" The body of the flood dragon slammed into Jiang Xiaobai at the speed of sound, and then the dragon's claws suddenly came out from under its belly. The claws were sharp, as if they could tear apart the world.

Facing the rapid impact of the dragon and the deadly claw, Jiang Xiaobai did not retreat half an inch. Standing in the sky, Jiang Xiaobai swung his knife horizontally and slammed into the dragon with the knife.

"level off hilltops!"

Under the inspiration of the divine sense, the light of thunder flickered, and the blade of the horizontal knife was attached to the light of lightning. In a short moment, the blade was like an electric blade forged by thunder.

There were crackling sounds on the blade, and Jiang Xiaobai's aura reached its peak in a short moment.

The dragon claw grabbed it, and the knife flashed.

Thunder light suddenly appeared in the sky and earth, and the electric light flickered again and again, completely illuminating the night sky.

The thunder and lightning struck the dragon's claws, and the sound of lightning strikes and electric shocks continued to explode.

The knife passed by.

A bright red flashed in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai lifted the horizontal knife upside down, and the blade slowly returned to the scabbard.

At a height of [-] meters, the dark clouds slowly dissipated. It can be said that they came and went quickly.

The dragon's head slowly turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai, and let out a final roar. Then, from the front claws to the dragon's head, the scars were neat, and the blood sprayed in the sky, like rain, and sprinkled on the ground.

Jiaolong's body began to fall slowly, and finally landed heavily on the ground.

Once Jiang Xiaobai, who was already invincible at the king level, entered the emperor level, he completely crushed most of the emperor level powerhouses. Unless they were some people with a particularly deep background, otherwise, they would not be Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at all.

And the boss of Jiaolong, who has never encountered any natural enemies, has not become a real dragon after all, even though he belongs to the dragon genus. Coupled with his lack of combat experience, he was completely killed by Jiang Xiaobai with just one blow. Xiaobai was also a little surprised, the battle went really smoothly!

Jiang Xiaobai slowly fell from the air, knocking the dragon corpse into the Tai Chi disc.

Although the pile of dragon corpses at the imperial level is not very useful for him, it is better than nothing. He who has just become an imperial level, compared to other powerful people at the imperial level, is really a poor man.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai still remembers that there are still a group of cubs waiting to be fed in Qiluwu Dali.

Although the casualties seem to be huge this time, after this battle, Jiang Xiaobai believes that among the surviving students of Qilu Martial Arts University, there will definitely be real strong people, and I am afraid that even if they are emperors, there should be a few.

After this battle, those monster beast corpses are the best training resources!

Jiang Xiaobai jumped up, rose from the ground, and quickly flew to Qilu Wuda University. For some things, he, the dean of Qiluwu University Wuyuan, was required to be present in person.

Although, at this time, Jiang Xiaobai had no chance to make a move.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai landed steadily from the air, looking at the tragic scene in front of him.

The corpses were piled up in one place, most of them were incomplete, and the blood slowly flowed down the terrain. Because many corpses fell on the ground and blocked the drain, the blood had already accumulated and was spreading everywhere. The medic who was looking for the injured and the survivors stepped into the bloody water, only showing one knee.

Zhang Chulan limped towards Jiang Xiaobai leaning on the alloy spear, his eyes were full of anger.

"As the head of the martial arts academy, where were you when the battle broke out at Qilu Martial Arts University?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, look, how many people died!"

"If you were here, these people shouldn't have died, and even a lot of people would have died!"

Zhang Chulan looked at Jiang Xiaobai with red eyes, waiting for an explanation.

Jiang Xiaobai slowly turned his head to look at Zhang Chulan, and lowered his head: "I was hunted down by the Emperor-level Onmyoji of the Neon Kingdom. If I didn't break through by luck, I'm afraid I would die too."

Zhang Chulan didn't listen to Jiang Xiaobai's explanations at all, and threw the alloy spear in his hand to the ground and shouted loudly: "Jiang Xiaobai, you are not suitable to be the head of the martial arts academy!"

"You are not here in the college crisis, you are not here after so many students died!"

"You dean, how incompetent you are!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head suddenly, looked at Zhang Chulan, and said word by word: "I know, I will resign as the dean, and after three days, I will go to the Neon Country, for my master and student Qi Luwu, Revenge and revenge!"

Zhang Chulan suddenly turned around without looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Then let's talk about it when you come back alive!"

"I, a scholar who should use a pen, was forced to use a gun. It's all your fault, Jiang Xiaobai!"

"It's so degrading!"

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