One day later, Jiang Xiaobai had already embarked on a journey to the Neon Country. The original plan was three days, but Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't stand Zhang Chulan's constant murmurs in his ears.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to refute a few times, but when he thought about the heavy casualties in this battle, part of the reason was always related to him as the dean, and most of the warriors who supported Qilu Wuda in Kyoto were almost dead.

Even Cao Ying and Qi Nanshan, who were expected to step into the imperial rank, died together in battle.

In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai fortunately set off early.

Jiang Xiaobai thought in his heart, if I wasn't a martial arts student, I would be afraid of him, a mere liberal arts student with maxed-out skills?

"Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, here is your breakfast." The waiter in a black and white maid outfit shouted softly standing beside Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had been sitting on the bow of the boat basking in the sun, slowly opened his eyes, waved his left hand lightly, and the plate in the waitress' hand immediately floated towards Jiang Xiaobai.

A steak and sliced ​​apples were quietly on the plate, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to eat.

The waitress has long been familiar with this scene. For a girl like her who works as a waiter on a merchant ship, no matter how strange her abilities and people are, she has already experienced it once, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai. Very cool ability for her.

"It's amazing. It would be nice if one day I have this ability. Then, I will be able to earn enough money earlier and go back to my hometown to be the youngest rich woman in our town." The waitress looked at her. The plate floating in the air thought.

"Ah, there's still milk, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai." The waitress woke up suddenly, remembering that she was still working and the milk was still in her hand, raised the milk, and shouted at Jiang Xiaobai.

Disturbed, Jiang Xiaobai turned over and nodded slightly to the waitress: "Thank you, Miss Haruko." He reached out to take the milk and drank it down.

Sure enough, milk with added sugar is still so delicious.

It has been half a day since Jiang Xiaobai boarded this merchant ship. All the food and supplies are provided by the captain, of course, free of charge.

For this reason, all Jiang Xiaobai needs to pay is just to make a small move when the merchant ship encounters danger.

As a royal powerhouse, Jiang Xiaobai naturally has no shortage of money.

Wealth couple law land is a must for every strong man, but it is naturally good to save some money.

This is definitely not him, Jiang Xiaobai, being stingy, absolutely not!

It costs money to become stronger!

Am I, Jiang Xiaobai, the one who lacks those three melons and two dates?

Yes!Urgent need!

Especially in such a world where cultivation resources are scarce, money is even more important.

When becoming an emperor, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that although there were not as many auras as imagined, there were countless secret realms and ruins in the world. Although the number was not as many as imagined, it was still better than none.

And most of these ruins are located in the vast sea area!

A loud cry sounded suddenly from the ship.

"The most dangerous soaring ocean current is ahead, everyone, be careful not to be photographed by the waves."

The one who yelled was the captain of the merchant ship. His name was Li Qiangren. He looked rough and his name was not a good guy, but he was a burly man with a careful heart. He was wearing a blue and white uniform. No matter how people look at it, it is awkward. On his face, there is a hideous scar from left to right. When he saw this guy for the first time, Jiang Xiaobai even felt that this guy should not run a business, he should be a pirate That's right, with this appearance, this guy will definitely be able to achieve some fame, and the key point is that this guy's realm has even reached the king level!

You know, since the recovery of spiritual energy, making money in the sea is the fastest way to make money!

Captain Li Qiang ran all the way to Jiang Xiaobai's side, and said flatteringly: "Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, you should go into the cabin first. Today's wind and waves are a bit rough, but we will definitely enter the sea safely."

Jiang Xiaobai just shook his head, ignored him, and sat calmly on the chair.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of entering the cabin, Li Qiangren did not continue to dissuade him. In his opinion, such a strong person would definitely not be afraid of mere waves. It seemed that he was too worried.

The merchant ship cut through the waves in the sea, and in an instant, it came to the current of the soaring sea and slowly sailed into it.

The moment it entered the current, the speed of the huge merchant ship suddenly accelerated.

The waves kept beating against the hull of the ship, and the water splashes first danced in the air, and then, like hail, fell heavily on the deck.

The drains are working non-stop, re-draining the seawater on the deck into the sea, where it came from, and where it went back.

The waitress Haruko stood beside Jiang Xiaobai, her small hands were tightly gripping the railing, her face was a little pale, this was not the first time she went up the Upside Down Mountain, but every time, Haruko thought she was not afraid anymore, but in the end The result is still not what she imagined.

Haruko looked at Jiang Xiaobai, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end she still didn't have the courage to speak.

Standing against the wind, Jiang Xiaobai looked away from the corner of the eye and looked at her sideways: "What do you want to say?"

The clear voice sounded in Qingzi's ears, her little face flushed immediately, and Qingzi who encouraged herself several times finally said, "Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, can you teach me how to become like you?" Strong?"

Haruko, who seemed to feel that she said something wrong, immediately shook her head: " don't need to become as strong as you, just a little stronger than ordinary people, just like you can float things in the air."

Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at her and shook his head.

Haruko was a little disappointed and disappointed, but soon, these emotions were thrown away by her, and she forced a smile: "No, it's okay, thank you, thank you, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai."

Silence, silent silence.

The loud sound of waves beating against the hull rang in my ears non-stop, which relieved Haruko from the embarrassment of this moment.

The feeling of weightlessness fell on Haruko at this moment. It turned out that the merchant ship had already reached the highest point at this moment, and the huge hull stayed in the air for a short time like a fish breaking out of the water. Then, a gust of wind Blowing on the sails, the hull began to turn, downward.

The dazed Haruko was thrown out of the merchant ship, and she was in the air. At this moment, time seemed to slow down a bit.

"Perhaps? The sea is my final destination." She thought so.

Jiang Xiaobai stood by the side of the boat, looking at Qingzi who was falling gradually, he, looked at her.

Haruko opened her mouth, as if to say, thank you.

The gentleness shown by Jiang Xiaobai made Qingzi finally dare to confide in her heart, finally dared to say what she wanted to become stronger.

Although it was not successful, at least the action was taken.

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