Dominate the world

Chapter 766 Pirates

In mid-air.

Haruko thought about it, and still felt a little regretful that she hadn't become stronger yet.

She closed her eyes and opened her hands to welcome the coming torrent.

"I really want to, I really want to live."

A navy-blue figure suddenly appeared below Haruko, he stood against the wind, he stood on top of the endless torrent, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the somewhat delicate, nagging figure who often forgot to give him milk.

Although sometimes annoying, but still a good girl.

It's a pity that he died so easily.

What's more, for this trip to the Neon Kingdom, Jiang Xiaobai also needed someone from the Neon Kingdom to cover up his identity.

"Is it decided? Is it decided to die at sea?"

"Don't you want to become stronger, I'll teach you."

Jiang Xiaobai's words rang in Qingzi's ears.

When Qingzi came back to her senses, Jiang Xiaobai had carried her back to the merchant ship.

Just at this time, the merchant ship also landed heavily on the rapids at the same time, the clouds and mist were peeled off layer by layer, and the merchant ship began to descend rapidly.


"Brothers, here comes another fat sheep!"


When the sharp-eyed watchman saw the situation below, he immediately began to shout loudly.

"Captain, there is a pirate ship below!"

Captain Li Qiangren immediately handed over the rudder to the chief mate who was standing aside when he heard the shout, and ran to the bow of the ship in two or three steps, holding up the binoculars to look at the situation below.

When he saw the flag on the pirate ship clearly, cold sweat began to flow down his forehead.

" turned out to be the Flame Pirates, could they appear here!" Li Qiangren was so nervous that he stuttered.

"It's over, it's over, it seems that this time it's a waste of time."

The lookout said with some concern: "Captain, they are the Fire Pirates. If we can't satisfy them, we will all be killed."

Li Qiangren was silent for a moment. This was the last time he would conduct this kind of trade. For this trade, he had bet all his wealth on it, but he did not expect to meet the Flame Pirates.

Their captain has the strength of the emperor, and there are several king-level powerhouses among the crew.

Although Li Qiangren's strength is not weak, he is only a king-level warrior, the opponent of the Fire Maker Yamamoto Hongyi.

Gritting his teeth, Li Qiangren ran back to the cabin with a solemn face, took out the treasure at the bottom of the press box, looked at the box in his hand, Li Qiangren thought, hope he will be satisfied, and spare his life.

At this time, Li Qiangren no longer expected that there would be anything left on the ship, as long as he could save his life.

As long as life is still alive, money can be earned back at any time!

Li Qiangren thought of asking Jiang Xiaobai for help, but in his opinion, no matter how strong Jiang Xiaobai is, he is just a rookie to the pirates in this sea area.

This young man can't possibly be an imperial powerhouse!

Obviously, Li Qiang had long thought that Jiang Xiaobai was just a king-level warrior, a somewhat poor king-level warrior, and a strong man with certain strength, but he was definitely not an opponent of pirates who had experienced many lives and deaths in these sea areas.

The merchant ship quickly descended from the rapids and sailed on the calm sea.

A pirate ship with a flame flag quickly sailed towards the merchant ship.

"Jump!" The fierce pirate ships shouted loudly and jumped into the merchant ship.

At the same time, the captain Li Qiangren gathered everyone on the deck long ago, and he piled up all the belongings on the deck. Li Qiangren held a box in his hand, quietly waiting for someone to come.

This is the unspoken rule of the sea, if you take money, you don't take your life, if you take your life, you don't take money.

Although there are also those who want both, but that kind of pirates, except for those who have long been strong on one side, the rest are all hunted down by all the people living in this sea area.

Rules are not just for reading.

It needs to be obeyed with one's life!

A burly figure landed steadily on the deck. The red-haired Yamamoto Hongyi held a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. He looked around and walked towards Li Qiangren with a big smile.

"Who is the captain of this ship, stand up for me!" Yamamoto Hongyi instantly restrained all expressions, stared at everyone fiercely, and said fiercely.

Li Qiangren, who had been prepared for a long time, stood up quickly and handed the small box in his hand to Hongyi Yamamoto: "I, I am the captain of this ship, my lord, all the belongings of our merchant ship are placed on the deck. This The things in the box are dedicated to you, as long as you can spare our lives."

Cold sweat kept falling from Li Qiangren's face, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, for fear that he would offend Yamamoto Hongyi in front of him if he was not careful.

The Flame Pirates are guys who want money and life!

In order to survive, Li Qiangren has already given up everything, even if he lost all his belongings, he would not hesitate to do so.

Yamamoto Hongyi grinned, smiled silently, opened the small wooden box, and saw the things in the box, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Inside the box was a green crystal.

A series of spiral patterns are scattered but orderly on the crystal, which looks so coquettish and beautiful.

That cold light was accurately captured by Jiang Xiaobai. If Li Qiang could save his life by donating his property, he didn't want to make a move, but the appearance of this strange crystal changed the incident.

Money touches people's hearts, it seems that this crystal of great value, whether it is eaten or sold, will be a great fortune.

Obviously, for safety's sake, the pirate in front of him was going to kill all members of the merchant ship.

But now, it's impossible not to make a move.

After all, he ate so many things from others, he still had to fulfill the request of saving his life.

Jiang Xiaobai walked forward slowly: "This crystal belongs to me, you have no objection, Mr. Li Qiang."

Li Qiangren was in a hurry: "Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, come back quickly, that is the envoy of fire Yamamoto Hongyi, the emperor-level powerhouse, you can't deal with it, you can't kill us, what we are facing is the flame pirate group."

"A strong man with the ability to destroy heaven and earth!"

Li Qiangren shouted urgently, which caught the attention of Koki Yamamoto.

It's not that Li Qiang underestimated Jiang Xiaobai. After all, none of the pirates who can successfully enter this area and are still alive and doing well can be underestimated. Jiang Xiaobai, who entered this sea area for the first time, also Where could be Yamamoto Koki's opponent.

Hongyi Yamamoto suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Boy, you actually want to steal my things. I don't think you know how to write the word dead."

"Don't you know that the one standing in front of you is an emperor-level warrior! The envoy of fire, Mr. Yamamoto Hongyi!" With a wave of the sword, Yamamoto Hongyi roared ferociously: "Little ones, hack them to death!"

All the pirates drew their weapons.With a grinning grin, he rushed towards the members of the merchant ship.

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