Dominate the world

Chapter 767 Complicated Hearts

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the rushing pirate and shook his head slightly: "Really, I don't know how to live or die!"

With a flick of the long sleeve, there was a burst of silver-white sword energy in the air. The sharp sword energy cut through the space, and the space twisted for a short time.

"go with!"

The alloy dagger in the sleeve flew out suddenly.

There were screams followed by the "go" one after another.

Afterwards, the sea was actually quiet for a moment.

Hongyi Yamamoto held the wooden box in one hand, looked at Jiang Xiaobai in horror, and didn't dare to move for a while: "Who the hell are you!"

"How come I've never heard of you!"

Jiang Xiaobai walked towards Hongyi Yamamoto step by step, he raised his head slightly: "Who are you, and what right do you have to know who I am!"

"Hand over the box in your hand, and spare you!"

Yamamoto Hongyi threw the wooden box in his hand at Jiang Xiaobai violently, then raised his pistol like crazy and shot at him: "Die to me, you nasty bastard!"


An exclamation sounded, it was Haruko's voice.

After the shot was fired, Yamamoto Hongyi immediately discarded the pistol, touched the long sword with his right hand, and inspired his divine sense, a flame suddenly ignited on the sword.

"Fire Slash!" Yamamoto Hongyi arched his body slightly, kicked his feet suddenly, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai at top speed.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised that he dared to attack him. Are the current pirates so brave and fearless?

It seems that the pirates here are often wandering between life and death!

He calmly drew out the horizontal knife at his waist, and looked at Koki Yamamoto who was rushing towards him at top speed.

Look solemn!

"Let you see what the real fire slash looks like!"

"The momentum of sparks will never stop, my faith will turn into sparks."

"This move is called Liaoyuan!"

There is nothing to stop the spark from starting a prairie fire!

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Fire Messenger Yamamoto Hongyi slowly knelt on the ground after Jiang Xiaobai's sword.

He looked up at the sword in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and then looked down at the sword in his own hand.

The flames ignited from the wound on his body, and soon, only a pile of ashes remained.

The short silence was soon broken into warm applause, and everyone cheered for the survivors and Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

"You are the real strong man, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai."

"What kind of Fire Messenger Yamamoto Hongyi, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

Regarding these compliments, Jiang Xiaobai just shook his head without expressing anything. He retracted the horizontal knife into its scabbard, waved his right hand, and the wooden box that fell on the ground immediately flew towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Captain Li Qiangren was a little unwilling to see this scene.

As soon as the danger was lifted, the first thing he thought of was the crystals on the ground. He spent a lot of money to collect them in order to sell them on land for a good price. You know, the starting price on the black market is [-] million!

As long as it can be sold for [-] million yuan, then this trade can be said to be perfect, and it is the most successful business he has ever done in his life!

But now, it was held by a young man.

Desire, greed, blinded his eyes.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Li Qiangren raised the gun in his hand and aimed steadily at Jiang Xiaobai: "Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, the thing was originally mine, you should return it to me."

Jiang Xiaobai has never expressed any optimistic hope for the changes in people's hearts and dangers.

It is abnormal for businessmen to do nothing for profit.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and calmly looked at the man standing not far from him, a man who seemed rough in appearance but meticulous in heart.

As early as when Li Qiangren took out this mysterious crystal, Jiang Xiaobai had already thought of various possibilities. If he hadn't killed Yamamoto Hongyi in the end, I am afraid that Yamamoto Hongyi would eventually die in the hands of other pirates, even his own crew. hands.

Every time these things flowing out of the ruins and secret realms appear, they will definitely cause a huge commotion, and will stain the vast sea with countless blood.

This is true even on land.

Only Hongyi Yamamoto, who was at the early stage of the imperial class, is not qualified to have this kind of thing.

With this news, Li Qiangren can be sold at a sky-high price of several million, or even tens of millions. This information is not a one-time thing, and it can be sold to many people.

Relying on the treasures of the secret realm, he got hundreds of millions of funds in an instant. On the sea, a weak businessman is not qualified to live.

On the contrary, by selling information, it is safer and safer, and it will not attract anyone's attention.

Everyone's attention is on the secret treasure. Who would have thought of the information dealer who sold the information?

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai didn't respond, Li Qiangren held up the knife and emphasized again with a serious face: "That's mine, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, that's my thing."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, then nodded again: "I've said it before, if I save your life, the things in this wooden box are mine."

He said seriously: "For the sake of me coming to this sea area by your boat, I will not argue with you this time. Put down the knife, Mr. Li Qiang, I can pretend that this incident never happened."

Haruko standing aside looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Li Qiangren for a while, she was a little anxious, she didn't expect that the situation would change so much in an instant.

The captain is obviously a very good person, why did he raise his knife to Mr. Jiang Xiaobai just because of the contents of the box?

"Captain, captain, quickly put down the knife, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai is very strong." Haruko said eagerly.

On the one hand is Mr. Jiang Xiaobai whom she respects quite, and on the other is her boss, Li Qiangren, which makes Qingzi a little embarrassed, not knowing who to help.

Haruko's reminder made Li Qiangren wake up instantly, and quickly discarded the knife in his hand.

"Hold...Sorry, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, I was blinded by desire." Li Qiang looked at Jiang Xiaobai nervously, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai would really forgive him as he said.

Jiang Xiaobai ignored him, and waved to Qingzi, signaling her to come over.

"Didn't you always want to become stronger, eat it, and you will become stronger immediately." Jiang Xiaobai looked at her and said.

Just now, Jiang Xiaobai learned what this mysterious crystal is through the Taiji disk.

It turned out to be just a inheritance crystal with bloodline inheritance, not a genius treasure, but swallowing this crystal can indeed obtain huge energy.

Coupled with the inheritance in the blood, the value of this inheritance crystal may be incalculable.

Haruko looked at the magnificent crystal in Jiang Xiaobai's hand in surprise, pointed at herself with her little finger, and couldn't believe it was real: "I... can I really do it?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Of course."

"Eat it, and you will become stronger immediately, at least after a period of practice, you should be stronger than that Yamamoto Hongyi just now."

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