Dominate the world

Chapter 773 8 Qi Orochi

Jiang Xiaobai was a little dumbfounded by her appearance of being a money fan. He didn't expect that what the girl said on the boat before turned out to be true.

Really a money fanatic!

When I saw gold, I couldn't even speak!

Tsuruta-san's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Haruko nervously. After seeing Haruko's appearance, he secretly rejoiced, this matter is settled!

Gradually regaining her composure, Haruko hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the box on the ground, then looked at Tsuruta-san, and said slyly: "This is not enough, you have seen our husband's strength, as long as our husband is here, your izakaya It will definitely become the safest place for neon, and at that time, it doesn’t matter how much money you want, just how much money you want.”

Saying so, Haruko opened her palm and said, "Five boxes! Only five boxes of gold like this can be used in the name of our husband every month. Every time you make a move, you must have a treasure from the sea area. One is fine, but you must satisfy the husband. !"

Looking at Haruko's open palm, Tsuruta-san wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth, and then nodded heavily: "No problem, five boxes, each time you sell a treasure from the sea area, let the master choose until Until you are satisfied!"

He Tianshan then turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai, and said flatteringly, "I don't know what your honorable name is, my lord?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "Jiang Xiaobai."

He Tianshan looked serious, bowed, and bent over: "He Tianshan has met Mr. Jiang Xiaobai. If there was any offense before, please forgive me. We will entrust you to the izakaya from now on."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand casually, signaling Qingzi to follow him.

"Let's go, come with me to Sakura Mountain again, kill that Yamata no Orochi and we can leave here."

Haruko nodded obediently, and she let Jiang Xiaobai hold her hand only in the guru realm.

The next moment, the two of them soared into the sky and headed straight for Yinghua Mountain.


On the Cherry Blossom Mountain, there will be slow cherry blossoms blooming all over the mountains and plains all the year round before a certain season. Since the recovery of the spiritual energy, the cherry blossoms on the Cherry Blossom Mountain are in full bloom all year round. The gorgeous scenery is unique in the world.

A man and a woman walked on the mountain road, looking at the cherry blossoms beside the road, while walking towards the top of the mountain.

"It's so beautiful, sir." Haruko said with a smile looking at the cherry blossoms all over the mountains and plains.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, looked up at the top of the mountain and said softly, "I hope you can see more. After today, I'm afraid we won't be able to see the cherry blossoms all year round."

Qingzi was a little puzzled, she tilted her head, her eyes widened, she looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Why? Sir?"

"Why can't I see it again after today?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly and said, "Once Yamata no Orochi dies, the cherry blossoms will fall."

There was another sentence, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't say it.

Once Yamata no Orochi dies, the fortunes of the Neon Kingdom will decline to freezing point, and there will be no possibility of recovery!

The demise of the Onmyoji Shrine may have been known to Yamata no Orochi at this time. Now, because of the emptiness of the top powerhouses in the Neon Kingdom, Yamata no Orochi only dared to stay on Sakura Mountain and use the natural formation of Sakura Mountain to hide itself for safety. Dare to go out and investigate.

A young man dressed in white, dotted with cherry blossoms, suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Haruko, his eyes were cold, and he looked at them with disgust: "You are the ones who destroyed the Onmyoji Shrine!"

"Damn Chinese people!"

"Those onmyojis who went to China should be dead by now." The handsome young man looked at Jiang Xiaobai sharply and said.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, waved his hand at Qingzi and said, "Qingzi, step back a little."

"This should be the protector beast of the Neon Kingdom, Yamata no Orochi."

Haruko's face changed suddenly, and she quickly backed away, looking at Yamata no Orochi in horror, she was only two steps away from Yamata no Orochi just now.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward slowly and stood in front of Yamata no Orochi with a sneer, "Who does a snake pretend to be?"

"Do you think that if you become a human, you are really human?"

"You've been a snake all your life, a beast, and you'll always be a beast."

"Where are your other seven heads? Release them for your uncle to see!"

"Little boy."

The face of the handsome young man transformed by Yamata no Orochi suddenly changed, his face was livid, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly and changed, and then the pupils stood up and turned into snake pupils.

"you wanna die!"

"Huaxia people!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and flicked his sleeves, several thorns flew out of his sleeves one after another, hovering around Jiang Xiaobai's side, flying in a messy but orderly manner.

His right hand rests on the handle of the horizontal knife at his waist, ready to be unsheathed at any time.

"Little brat, do you think I'll be afraid of you if you're famous and you have many heads?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't show any weakness, his eyes were fixed on Yamata no Orochi, and as long as it moved slightly, Jiang Xiaobai was ready to twitch The knife is forward.

A howl suddenly sounded.

At some point, there were countless snakes crawling on the Sakura Mountain, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Yamata no Orochi turned into its own body in an instant, sixteen pairs of huge pupils stared coldly at Jiang Xiaobai, ready to kill Jiang Xiaobai completely at any time!

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and suddenly raised the horizontal knife to the sky, and his spiritual sense was aroused.

Thunder flashes.

Snakes belong to Yin, and thunder belongs to Yang.

Ten Thousand Snakes retreat!

Yamata no Orochi roared crazily when he saw the thunder in front of him. As a monster of the imperial class, he was no longer afraid of thunder and lightning after being enshrined by the Neon Kingdom for many years, but the fear deeply buried in his bones was driving him to escape as soon as possible!

Escape from this terrifying Chinese man in front of you!

The attributes of each head of Yamata no Orochi are different, and almost every head has the strength of the emperor, and Jiang Xiaobai is facing only one Yamata no Orochi, but it is equivalent to Dealing with eight emperor-level warriors at the same time was dangerous, so Jiang Xiaobai had to be careful and never make a move easily.

Yamata no Orochi roared and swam forward. The snake's head suddenly moved forward, opened its huge mouth, and bit Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

The other seven snake heads also launched attacks of various attributes at the same time, lasing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai pulled out the Tai Chi disc and flew it around his body, blocking all attribute attacks one after another.

There was a roar on the Sakura Mountain, and the people of the Neon Country at the foot of the mountain only thought that it was the sacred beast of the protection of the country, Yamata no Orochi, who was hunting on the mountain.

Jiang Xiaobai's body arched slightly, and his toes suddenly hit the ground heavily.

With a swish, Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards Yamata no Orochi brazenly with a horizontal knife in his hand.


The lightning flashed, and Jiang Xiaobai's entire figure turned into a light blue streamer and flew towards Yamata no Orochi.

The tip of the knife points straight to the seven-inch point of Yamata no Orochi.

The snake is seven inches long, and the Yamata no Orochi has eight heads, so if you can't kill them all with one blow, otherwise everything will be useless.

No matter which snake head is cut, as long as the other snake heads are not dead, the chopped snake head will grow again after a short recovery.

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