Dominate the world

Chapter 774 Messed Up With A Hornet's Nest

At that point, unless it is an emperor-level warrior in person, no one is an opponent of Yamata no Orochi.

Below the emperor level, only one by one was swallowed into the snake's belly, leaving no bones left.

And it just so happened that Jiang Xiaobai, who is a Chinese, happened to know the legend of Jiuying. That guy had one more head than Yamata no Orochi, but he was still dealt with in the end.

At seven inches, it is at the intersection between the snake's head and the snake's head!

Yamata no Orochi's body arched suddenly, and venom and flames spewed out from its mouth towards Jiang Xiaobai, and the position between it and Jiang Xiaobai was separated by thousands of meters in an instant.

Wherever it passed, the cherry blossom trees were all destroyed. If one looked from the air, one could clearly see a wide trace that was a thousand meters long.

Jiang Xiaobai landed his knife on the empty space, and stopped abruptly. He didn't look at the danger ahead. He stepped heavily on the ground with his left foot, and his body moved hundreds of meters in an instant, barely avoiding these attacks.

Several energies collided and merged with each other, and then, there was a loud bang!

The air waves rolled.

Countless cherry blossom petals danced all over the sky, and then slowly drifted downward like snowflakes.

Yamata no Orochi stared at Jiang Xiaobai coldly and sharply, stabbing at Jiang Xiaobai like a sharp sword.

"Boy, kneel down and surrender to me now, maybe I can spare your life!"

"For the sake of how beautiful your woman is!"

"Otherwise, after you die, I will go to China to show you the price you have to pay for offending me!"

"By then, everyone who dies in my mouth will be because of you!"

As heavy as a bronze bell, but harsh words sounded.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, pointed the knife horizontally in his hand, pointed at Yamata no Orochi, and yelled: "Yaki no Orochi, don't talk too much, be careful not to break your teeth!"

"Between you and me, who will die and who will live, it's not certain!"

The voice fell.

Jiang Xiaobai held the knife forward, the blade pierced through the air, and the thunderbolt attached to the blade, slashing fiercely at Yamata no Orochi.

The speed was so fast that several afterimages appeared in the air.

The blade pierced into the flesh, and the thunder attached to the blade suddenly erupted.

Blood sprayed, and a hiss sounded again on the Sakura Mountain.

The Yamata no Orochi roared, and the eight snake heads blatantly bit Jiang Xiaobai, the wind howled, and the stench from his mouth hit Jiang Xiaobai's nose and mouth.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai did not retreat but advanced, and the assassin who had been hovering in the sky suddenly fell and shot away.

Cut off the heads of two snake heads in a row, and stabbed the pupils of the remaining snake heads.

The screams of mourning kept ringing out, and blood gushed out from the severed snake head like a fountain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Xiaobai's energy all over his body suddenly surged, and once again rushed into the belly of Yamata no Orochi, the horizontal knife in his hand thundered violently, and he went forward without hesitation.

The horizontal knife slowly pierced into the intersection of the eight snakes.

A mournful cry sounded suddenly, and the Yamata no Orochi raised its head to the sky and screamed, its pupils were red, and it bit Jiang Xiaobai crazily.

Jiang Xiaobai, who faced Yamata no Orochi's desperate and frantic blow, did not retreat at this moment, and the horizontal knife sank into the blade until only one handle was left.

The snake's head biting towards Jiang Xiaobai stopped abruptly, and Yamata no Orochi's body gradually softened, and then it slammed down heavily, sending up flying dust all over the sky.

But for a moment.

The cherry blossoms in the mountains withered in an instant, leaving only bare branches.

Under the Cherry Blossom Mountain, the people of the Neon Country looked at the scene in horror, gradually fell into madness, and ran towards the Cherry Blossom Mountain roaring.

Countless fighter planes took off and flew towards Yinghua Mountain at high speed.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to the side, looked out of the mountain, his expression changed, he hastily put the body of Yamata no Orochi into the Tai Chi disc, then picked up Haruko in his arms, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the islands in the sea.

"I messed up the hornet's nest, isn't it just that the Yamata no Orochi died, the guardian beast, it's necessary to come all of them!"

Thousands of meters behind Jiang Xiaobai, countless fighter planes followed behind him.


A month later.

On an island filled with black smoke, a huge factory is working non-stop.

The island is full of pirates with ragged clothes and weapons.

This is the residence of the Yanhuang organization.

Jiang Xiaobai, who shocked the whole world for a month, is now on this island.

The complete blockade of the Neon Kingdom made him only stay on the island for a month, and he was idle as well. Fortunately, he gathered his hands and occupied the island.

This month, Jiang Xiaobai has gathered almost all the Huaxia people on the island.

"Damn it, the Neon Kingdom actually blocked the passage to Huaxia. Otherwise, I should be basking in the sun in Kyoto now!" Jiang Xiaobai drank the wine in his hand and slapped the giant wooden stake in front of him heavily.


There were a total of ten people hugging the thick wooden stake and it fell apart in an instant!

The members standing around suddenly shrank their heads and looked at him in horror, for fear that the boss would go crazy again and beat them up again if he caught them.

The younger brother Jin Baoguo, who had just been accepted, patted his thick chest, and also roared angrily: "Boss, let me take people to Nihong, anyway, they don't have any top-level experts right now."

"I'm afraid they'll do it!"

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, I want to ask Yamato Aso, the owner of the izakaya, if the Nihong Country is really planning to block the route for the rest of its life!"

He took out his phone and immediately called Aso Yamato.

The phone rang quickly.

In the neon country far away from here, Aso Yamato quickly answered the phone.

"Aso Yamato, is the Neon Kingdom going to start a complete war with me! Immediately let your people create momentum in the country, otherwise, you will never even think about going to sea. If you go to sea, I will overturn one!" Jiang With a gloomy face, Xiaobai roared angrily.

Aso Yamato, who had just been woken up by the phone call, also responded unwillingly. He slapped the table in front of him and yelled, "When the war starts, let's start the war. Am I afraid of you!"

Then he went on to say: "I can't control the current affairs of Nihong. If you want to go back to Huaxia, you can solve it yourself, and don't look for me!"

In the month since Jiang Xiaobai left the Neon Nation, Aso Yamato has jumped up, and his power is already one of the best in the Neon Nation. At this time, Aso Yamato, who thinks he has some weight, is not afraid of Jiang Xiaobai at all.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't believe what Aso Yamato said, and he said with a gloomy face: "I tell you, the neon country blocks the sea currents for a day, and I can't go back to Huaxia for a day, and don't even think about your treasure exploration ships in the neon country." Enter the ruins sea!"

"If not, then don't blame me for being ruthless and kill every neon person I see!"

Aso Dahe snorted coldly. He didn't care about other people's life or death. As long as it didn't involve him, it would be fine. He opened his mouth wide and ate the cake in his hand, and then continued: "Haha, as long as you If you can kill these people, then go for it! But, you have to think about the consequences, when the time comes, I, Aso Yamato, will join forces with the Neon Army to visit your garrison."

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