Dominate the world

Chapter 775 The Western Holy See

"You!" Jiang Xiaobai stared at the other party coldly.

This Aso Yamato is getting bolder and bolder!There is also Mount Hetian, no news at all!


Before Jiang Xiaobai could finish speaking, Aso Yamato hung up the phone!

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the phone, stood up angrily, and said coldly: "Aso Yamato, Nihong Country, it seems that Yamata no Orochi's death hasn't made your hearts hurt yet!"

"Aso Yamato, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!"

He looked at Jin Baoguo: "Second brother, go and clean up all the pirates of the Neon Nation nearby, and by the way, go to the vicinity of the Chaotian Hailiu, and if you encounter a single Neon Nation warship, kill it for me! "

Jin Baoguo stood up abruptly, and suddenly, the situation changed!


After all, with a wave of his hand, he took his deployment and boarded the boat, heading towards the vast sea.

On the other side, the Western Holy See, the Pope's Palace.

In the pure white palace, the highest leaders of the Western Holy See are all gathered here today.

"I didn't expect that the sacred beast of the Neon Kingdom, Yaqi Orochi, would be killed by Jiang Xiaobai, who had just risen!" Among the high priests, one was wearing a black suit, with white curly hair on top, and an old face. With a fluffy white beard, a flat hat on his head, and an abnormal scar on his left face, he held a cup of coffee in his hand, gently blowing away the rising heat, took a sip, and looked at him seriously Four others.

"He should have been killed a long time ago, otherwise, sooner or later, this Jiang Xiaobai will become the enemy of our Holy See!"

"He must be killed!" An old man with golden hair stood up and said decisively.

"Don't forget, he is a member of Huaxia. Are we going to war with Huaxia! That is Huaxia, not those small countries, and Jiang Xiaobai is one of the elders of the martial arts minister in Kyoto!" The Pope leaned on his crutches and hit the ground heavily. Remind everyone!

"If you don't kill him, our Holy See will meet him sooner or later. According to the data, this kid has grown up too fast!" Flying dance was extremely icy, but it didn't destroy anything, which showed its strength.

The Pope pondered for a while, raised his head, and said with a serious face: "Let the assassination troops take action and kill Jiang Xiaobai. In this way, there is no need to start a war with Huaxia, and if Nihong and Huaxia officially start a war, we can also join in the open !"

The other four felt that what he said made sense, and they didn't want to start a war with Huaxia just like this, so they immediately agreed!

As soon as the words fell, the three members of the assassination team came to them immediately, standing there silently, waiting for the pope to give an order.

As the assassination force directly under the Holy See, it can be said that it is full of talents and strong.

Especially the three people in front of them are the three most powerful in the assassination team, otherwise, they would not be qualified to meet the Pope.

The Pope looked at them blankly: "Assassinate Jiang Xiaobai, don't start a dispute with Nihong, retreat immediately after the task is completed."

"Yes!" The three shouted in unison, and immediately retreated.

With their identities, they are not qualified to stay here for a long time. The only ones who are qualified are the five in front of them. Even if they are heads of state, the Pope's Palace is not a place where they can come and go whenever they want.

The majesty of the Pope is inviolable!

at the same time.

As a result, various forces became more cautious in their contact with Jiang Xiaobai.

Li Daqiang held the handle of the knife with one hand, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai carelessly: "Boss, why don't you let me gather my brothers and simply disperse the warships of the Neon Kingdom, so as to save trouble, and we can go back sooner."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qingzi who was following behind him indifferently, shook his head, and said flatly: "At this time, we must not easily provoke a war. Don't forget that the Sea Clan is our biggest enemy!"

"What's more, some forces in the Neon Kingdom are still sending us weapons. Once a war breaks out, our weapons will definitely be seriously insufficient!"

Li Daqiang scratched his head. He was not very good at these intrigues, and he was not willing to think about them. After the boss said so, he had no choice but to put down the knife, smiled embarrassingly, and stood quietly aside.

Fighting people is his strong point, and this kind of thing that requires brains is not his strong point, the stubborn Li Daqiang thought in his heart.

As a neon person, Qingzi has completely surrendered at this time, and she agrees with Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts very much. She nodded and said flatly: "I agree with Mr. Jiang Xiaobai's words, the initiative is in our hands, they don't Dare to enter the waters of the islands."

Haruko paused for a moment, and the wide cloak on her body automatically said without wind: "We'd better be more cautious, if the Sea Clan gets the chance, it will really be over."

As she said that, Haruko brought the coffee she had made earlier to Jiang Xiaobai, and she smiled and said, "Sir, do you need coffee?"

Jiang Xiaobai waved to her, took the coffee from Qingzi, blew it lightly, and took a sip, his eyes lit up: "Not bad, Qingzi's craft is getting better and better."

Being praised by Jiang Xiaobai, Haruko felt a little shy and ran out quickly.

After Qingzi ran away, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two of them solemnly: "Don't say anything about going to war in the future, after all, we in Huaxia have always paid attention to peace and long live."

It was already approaching noon at this time, and the temperature began to rise gradually, making people feel warm and comfortable.

One after another shouts sounded in an orderly manner, it was the sound of members repairing the ship.

Compared with the land, the boat is the home of these people.

Jiang Xiaobai looked out the window, gradually lost in thought.

"Boss, I'm going out first if I don't have anything to do." Li Daqiang felt a little bored, and immediately said goodbye to Jiang Xiaobai. He was going to find a place to sleep, take a good rest, and better eat something. He felt a little hungry.

Li Daqiang's voice woke Jiang Xiaobai up suddenly. He came back to his senses and quickly called Li Daqiang to stop: "According to the wind, someone may come to attack me these few days. You should be careful."

On the other side, the three strongest members of the assassination team also started to move, approaching the island where Jiang Xiaobai was.

The actions of the three members of the assassination team were extremely subtle, and no one could tell that these three were actually the strongest trio of the Holy See's assassination team.

Steve was walking in a dark and damp alley wearing an Indian mask, under a wide cloak, holding two powder guns in his hands all the time.

Quinlan, who was nearly two meters tall, looked extremely burly to ordinary people. It must be said that he was a full fifty centimeters taller than Harry beside him.

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