Dominate the world

Chapter 776 Assassination Unit

Harry hunched over and looked calmly at Kuilan who came back from the outside: "Is everything done? We have to set off tomorrow to kill Jiang Xiaobai."

Steve let out a horrified laugh before revealing his information: "I received news that the Neon Nation is sending troops towards the Yanhuang organization. If we set off tomorrow, it may be a little earlier than them."

"According to the Pope's order, Jiang Xiaobai, we must kill him!" Kui Lan looked at the two of them and said in a gloomy tone.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them shouted in unison.

"Long live the Holy See!"

A drunk man stumbled into the alley by mistake and wanted to go out when he heard the sound. He just wanted to find a place to sleep well.

The eyes under Quilan's mask changed, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Death!"

Stepping on his feet at an extremely fast speed, he came behind the drunk man in an instant.


Two gunshots sounded immediately.

No one noticed that someone was killed in this remote corner, and even if they did, no one would care. This is a sinful world, full of killings everywhere, and everyone is between killing and being killed.

The dock started making loud noises!

Quilan said in a deep voice: "Set sail, let's go."

The three of them looked at each other, and with a flash, they came to the cabin of a huge material ship, hiding in a dark corner.

Here, they have to spend three full days before they can see the dawn sun again.

"Hold the anchor! Brothers, let's go!" A loud shout sounded.

It was the shout of the captain of the supply ship.

The ship shook, and the three assassins at the bottom of the cabin looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mission, start!"

On the vast sea, a cargo ship is advancing at full speed.

The cannons on the bow were extremely powerful, and the two huge and long main cannons were cleaned very quickly. It seemed that any ship in front of it would only end up being smashed to pieces.

Even though a cannon is equipped with such heavy firepower, it has to be said that the sea area of ​​the islands is really an extremely dangerous place.

Full of opportunity, but also with danger!

It was already dark at this time, and the night on the sea seemed so quiet and silent except for the occasional sound of waves.

It has been four days since the departure, and finally arrived at the destination tonight.

The three members of the assassination team were still hidden in their bodies, exploring everywhere cautiously.

As the eldest of the three, Harry walked in the front because of his thin stature. Although he thought he was taking the speed route based on his size, he was actually a strong man who took the strength route. Quinlan, who is the strongest, takes the speed route, while the second child, Steve, takes the balanced route. Among the three, he is also the strongest.

None of the three are lower than the emperor level, but they have a set of three-person combined attack, which is worthwhile even against the emperor-level powerhouse. This is why the three dared to come to the islands to assassinate Jiang Xiao. white.

The three who were proficient in concealment were groping around in the dark. Even Haruko, who was proficient in illusion and had a strong spiritual sense, did not notice that three rogues had come to the camp.

There was no moon tonight, and there was only the sound of snoring on the island at this time. The members of the patrol walked back and forth in twos and threes, but did not find three figures hidden in the shadows in the far corner.

When a group of patrolling personnel passed by, Harry swaggered from the shadows and looked around carelessly, looking for Jiang Xiaobai everywhere.

Kuilan looked around for a while, and said in a low voice, "Go to the fortress ahead, I guess Jiang Xiaobai should be there."

Harry and Steve followed Quilan's fingers to look at the fortress not far away, nodded, and felt that what Quinlan said made sense: "You are still smart, Quinlan, you have thought of all this."

There were no patrolling personnel around the fort, not even a guard. The three of them walked into the fort unimpeded. Inside the fort, it was dark, and even a night light was not turned on.

It was a gate made of refined iron. Inside the gate, the lights were uncharacteristically bright. The light from the crack of the door attracted the attention of the three of them. The three of them looked at each other and walked forward to the gate cautiously.

Inside the door, a burly figure was practicing. This room turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai's bedroom. Jiang Xiaobai, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door when he heard a slight abnormal sound.

Outside the door, three figures overlapped, through the crack of the door, desperately trying to see the situation in the room clearly. .

Jiang Xiaobai frowned, got up slowly, took out his weapon, and walked slowly to the door.

Opening the door suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three of them expressionlessly, a little surprised and a little confused: "Assassination troops?"

The three members of the assassination team didn't expect the door to open suddenly, and they fell to the ground. Seeing someone talking, they immediately stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai vigilantly. Harry looked at Jiang Xiaobai arrogantly with his chest out: "Jiang Xiaobai ? Kneel down immediately if you are sensible, and we will spare your life!"

"Otherwise, hum!" After finishing speaking, Harry raised his fist, and then showed his plump muscles!

Compared with Harry's arrogance and arrogance, Quilan was much more cautious. He took a step back slightly, promising that he could escape at any time. He knew very well that this was West Lomus Island, Jiang Xiaobai's territory, and there were many people around him. They are all members of the Dragon Hunting Group. If there is a battle, they will definitely explain it here. They have no ships waiting for them at sea at any time.

And Steve, with a flash of killing intent in his eyes, rubbed his hands, his muscles tensed, and his body was slightly bowed, he was actually ready to attack Jiang Xiaobai at any time.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the three of them, raised the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, and said calmly: "Since you are here, you don't have to leave. You dare to invade my territory. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Harry was not aware of the crisis at all. Relying on his work for the Pope and his identity as an assassination force, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he threatened: "Jiang Xiaobai, you'd better think clearly. Since you know the assassination force, you should know ,You are dead!"

Jiang Xiaobai acted as if he hadn't heard, and slashed at Harry with a wave: "Assassination troops, are they amazing! They're just a bunch of lackeys!"

The moment Jiang Xiaobai charged forward, Steve instantly completed his energy surge, possessed his spiritual thoughts, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Harry took a deep breath suddenly, and shouted: "Divine power!" He rose again and again, and finally, like a little giant, he clenched his left hand and slammed at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely!

Kuilan's eyes suddenly changed, and his figure began to move quickly. A strong wind suddenly blew up in the fortress.

Inside the fortress, Quilan was everywhere in an instant.

A series of slashes shot at Jiang Xiaobai rapidly.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and broke up the slashes one after another, and shouted in a deep voice: "Thunder!"

"If you run away, I really don't want to chase you. If that's the case, just stay here!"

"Exactly, I am very short of people!"

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