Dominate the world

Chapter 777 Escape!

For them, just because they are afraid of being surrounded by many powerful people does not mean that they are really afraid of Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, the three of them together, even if an emperor-level powerhouse comes in person, they are worthwhile. In their thinking, no matter how powerful Jiang Xiaobai is, he can't be stronger than an emperor-level warrior!

Jiang Xiaobai flicked his sleeves, several thorns flew out of the sleeves, and shot at the three of them, Jiang Xiaobai softly shouted: "The thorns!"

With the help of Taiji Yuanpan, Cihong has successfully copied several copies. Of course, this also cost Jiang Xiaobai a lot of money.

Steve's body flashed suddenly, and he immediately backed away, watching the flying swords jumping in the air vigilantly. His sixth sense told him that if he was entangled by these short flying swords, otherwise, he might take them off even if he didn't die. A layer of skin!

Even Harry, who was thick and thick, withdrew his attack in an instant and stepped aside.

The speed is astounding.

The corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked at the three of them: "Why, you dare not even take a light blow from me? How dare you speak big words in front of me?"

With a thought, several stabbing Hongfei swords immediately flew towards Kuilan. Jiang Xiaobai saw that Kuilan's speed was the fastest among the three of them. He decided to leave all three of the assassination team behind. Here, although he is not afraid of becoming an enemy of the Western Holy See, if he lets them go, there will definitely be countless guys who will come to trouble him.

Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid of trouble, but people like the Holy See were really good at invading the enemy's territory, and the key was not easy to find. If he hadn't happened to meet him today, the assassination trio would have disappeared long ago.

As soon as the assassin touched Quilan's back, he let out a soft cry.

The sound of the battle woke up the Yanhuang members in the surrounding camps, and they all jumped up and gathered towards Jiang Xiaobai's fortress.

Li Daqiang, who had been resting in the jungle, opened his eyes, picked up the saber in his hand, and ran quickly towards the palace.

On the other side, Qingzi who just fell asleep opened her eyes, and the lavender in her eyes filled her entire eye sockets in an instant, and said softly, "I never thought that someone would actually dare to assassinate Mister."

The three members of the assassination team in the fortress looked at each other. As the boss, Harry, no matter how stupid he was, knew that he couldn't stay any longer. He decisively gave the order: "Mission failed! Retreat!"

After Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his stab, he stood where he was, and did not stop the three of them from retreating. If he wanted to run away, he had to ask his subordinates.

At this time, all the cadres of Yanhuang had already gathered outside the fortress.

Haruko, who possesses a super-high illusion technique that can bring people into the illusion, took a step forward, her eyes fixed on Quilan, and the fastest Quilan suddenly felt a heavy pressure on her body, as if her body was full of pressure. Like a big mountain, it is difficult for him to walk.

He suddenly yelled, clasped his hands together, and bit the tip of his tongue, trying to stay awake.

"The Holy Light above."

The black clouds in the sky dissipated suddenly, and the faint moonlight shone down, illuminating Yanhuang Island.

Since Jiang Xiaobai officially occupied the island, he simply changed the name of the island. Although he can't return to Huaguo, it always makes people feel more friendly to have such a name.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised by Kuilan's decisiveness, but it was only a surprise.

Haruko never thought that someone could break her illusion, the purple traces in her eye sockets suddenly spread outwards, her innate illusion ability was greatly enhanced at this moment, and under the huge mental pressure, the whole body of Quilan who was running at extreme speed The person suddenly fell into a sluggish state, ran forward mechanically, and finally stood in place, motionless.

On the other hand, Li Daqiang faced Harry. Both of them competed and fought with giant strength as their main combat power. Harry, who still maintained a state of supernatural power, was like a giant.

Although Li Daqiang was trained and trained by Jiang Xiaobai, he still failed to break through to the imperial level. Compared to Harry, he was still much inferior. In front of him, Li Daqiang was like a child, so short.

Li Daqiang was also taken aback when he saw Harry, and then he was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and ran over.

The saber in his hand was then discarded on the ground without any effect.

"Get out of here!"

Harry screamed wildly, raised his huge fist and punched Li Daqiang flying, then jumped up and smashed heavily to Li Daqiang who had fallen to the ground.

There was a loud noise, and then, a scream came from Li Daqiang's mouth. He vomited blood, obviously unable to fight any more.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai also brazenly confronted Steve at this time. As the strongest of the three brothers, Steve did not choose to run away, but chose to fight Jiang Xiaobai to the death.

Steve swung his knife heavily, and then his figure suddenly became stronger, his whole body muscles arched, staring at Jiang Xiaobai opposite him and said: "Jiang Xiaobai, I'm not those yin and yang who only hide behind in the Neon Kingdom. Teacher, I don’t know how strong you are, why don’t you just let me try it!”

After finishing speaking, the whole person jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai!

Jiang Xiaobai drew out the horizontal knife and shouted angrily: "Whether I am strong or not is not up to you!"

"Yan back!"

The two of them missed each other.

A sound of metal and iron clanging suddenly sounded and echoed in the jungle.

The two terrifying slashes destroyed all the trees around the two of them, causing heavy dust to rise.

With blood dripping from the corner of Steve's mouth, and spitting out blood, he turned around and smiled charmingly at Jiang Xiaobai: "Holy Light!"

The blood that was originally flowing suddenly returned to Steve's body like a waterfall.

Steve stretched out his hand and held the long knife tightly: "Since you made a move, it's up to me now!"

Shouted loudly: "Secret technique! Crescent Moon Slash!"

A crescent moon slash instantly formed in front of the long knife, and then shot out suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled contemptuously at the incoming slash: "Small tricks!"

Then he raised the horizontal knife and rushed forward, slashing down fiercely, and the slashing blow from Steve dissipated into nothingness.

After cutting off the blow, Jiang Xiaobai jumped forward in an instant and slashed at Steve's chest. A column of blood gushed out immediately, staining the surrounding land.

Grabbing the crumbling Steve, Jiang Xiaobai looked at him with a sneer and said, "If you want to run in front of me, just stay here honestly!"

All three members of the assassination team were captured except Harry.

It stands to reason that the strength of the two shouldn't be like this, but the mistake is that the three of them are a whole, together, even emperor-level warriors are a little helpless, but once the three are separated, their strength will plummet. , let alone meeting Jiang Xiaobai, he wouldn't be able to run very far at all.

Even if Harry escaped by chance, Jiang Xiaobai, who was watching the battle situation within the range of his divine sense, would not let him go.

No matter how strong and fast they were, how could the three of them be Jiang Xiaobai's opponents?

But after a while, Harry, who can only use brute force, was severely injured by Jiang Xiaobai and fell to the ground.

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