Dominate the world

Chapter 778 Collection

When the three of them were escorted in front of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai raised his horizontal knife and hacked Steve to death without even thinking about it!

Looking at the many new tactics emerging from the Tai Chi disc, Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly became a little ugly.

After all, they are also the assassination troops of the Western Holy See, why don't they even have a strong combat method, do the people of the Western Holy See rely on hand-to-hand combat?

After all, it is still at the imperial level, and Jiang Xiaobai is a little disappointed to be mixed up to this point.

It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to discard it!

Called Haruko, asked her to deal with the remaining two people, use illusion to modify the memory, and send it back to the Western Holy See, then she didn't care anymore, just waved her hand to signal that everyone can go to rest.

Jiang Xiaobai, who returned to the bedroom, cursed secretly in his heart

The shitty Western Holy See dares to break ground on Lao Tzu's head!

When I am free, I must let you have a taste of it!

Western Holy See, Pope's Palace.

Both Harry and Quilan stood in front of the Pope, covered in blood, facing the supreme power of the Western Holy See, the Pope. They stood there trembling and bowing their heads.

Pope Albert looked at the two with a gloomy face: "Why are you the only two back? Where's Steve?"

Quilan lowered his head and said with red eyes, "My lord, Steve, died in battle."

As the highest authority in the Western Holy See, Pope Albert doesn't care who dies. What he really wants to know is whether the mission has been completed, and whether the newly emerged Jiang Xiaobai has been killed!

"Where is Jiang Xiaobai, did you kill him?" Albert looked at the two of them with an unhappy face. If he couldn't get a satisfactory answer, he didn't mind killing the two trash together. In the Holy See, as long as he wanted, he could find someone stronger than them at any time.

Harry raised his head. As the boss, everything about the mission must go through his mouth. He whispered: "My lord, when we got there, we were ambushed by Jiang Xiaobai, so Steve was killed. Die in battle." At the end, his voice became lower and lower.

Hearing that the task had not been completed, Albert's face sank: "In that case, what are you doing back? The task is not completed, what are you doing back!"

Sitting on the other side, a man was wearing a white priest's uniform, a big bald head, glasses, and a knife hanging from his waist. He glanced lazily at Harry: "Since he's not dead, forget it, we We can't really go to war with Huaguo, after all, the Sea Clan is the biggest threat now, if we don't eliminate it, we humans will have no possibility of peace."

"After all, he is still at the emperor's level, and he can also make a contribution to mankind. The Lord told us to be tolerant, Your Majesty, you are too impatient."

Pope Albert snorted coldly and shook his hands: "If this is the case, forget it, but only this time."

While he was speaking, the pastor named Blue quickly waved to the two of them, indicating that they could go down.

When the two stepped back, Pope Albert looked at Bruce: "When did you become so talkative?"

Bruce was playing with the heavy knife in his hand, a little bored and lazy, if it wasn't for something, he didn't want to stay here, he raised his head: "It's shameful to kill meaninglessly, not to mention, Quilan and Harry, in the assassination team The strength is pretty good, if you kill them, don't you find it troublesome when we have to form an assassination team again."

Pope Albert smiled: "Boring, this kind of thing naturally has the following to do."

Harry and Quilan, who left the Holy Land, looked at each other and said in their hearts.

"The mission begins."

Before leaving Yanhuang Island, Jiang Xiaobai specially called the two of them to instruct them to perform a special task, that is, to monitor the movement of the Holy See at all times, and at the same time deliver weapons and supplies to Yanhuang Island.

These tasks alone are enough for the two of them to keep busy.

In order not to disturb the peace of the few human beings, Jiang Xiaobai specifically asked the two of them to only monitor and do nothing else.

Wait until he takes this group of people back to Huaxia.


It will be completely turned upside down!

On the other side, Yanhuang Island!

Today, something earth-shattering happened!

Jiang Xiaobai called together many cadres and announced two things!

Sitting on the main seat, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the many cadres below!

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at everyone expressionlessly, and said slowly: "I have received news that Aso Yamato is on the way to Yanhuang Island in cooperation with the Neon Kingdom official."

"Since Aso Yamato and the officials of the Neon Kingdom dare to openly provoke a war, we can't show weakness. Yanhuang Island, whoever wants to come or leave whenever he wants!"

After a pause, Jiang Xiaobai's voice gradually amplified, resounding throughout the fortress: "Do you have any objections!"

Li Daqiang, who was still seriously injured, was the first to jump out, shouting excitedly: "Let's fight, let's fight!"

With the first one, there will be the second one, Jin Baoguo hesitated for a while, and finally agreed aloud.

Jiang Xiaobai's decision was not something he could object to.

The wings of his subordinates are already full, and they are not lost to any force in the waters of the islands!

Jiang Xiaobai raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet. He stood up, drew out the horizontal knife, and cut off the table in front of him with one blow. He roared loudly, "From today on, we will fight for ourselves!"

"We're going home!"

"Starting today, we don't belong to anyone, we belong to ourselves!"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Haruko jumped over the crowd in an instant and looked at Jiang Xiaobai anxiously: "Sir, we can't fight against the Neon Country. It's a country, and our strength may not have reached that level yet."

Jiang Xiaobai looked directly at Qingzi: "If you don't want to, you can quit, but you should have known the situation in the Neon country long ago. This country has never taken you civilians seriously. , everything I did was for the ambitions of the upper echelons of the Neon country, and I never cared about the lives of you Neon civilians! If you don't have the strength you have today, Haruko, do you think you can live to this day?"

Regarding what Jiang Xiaobai said, Qingzi knew very well that what he said was the truth, and the upper echelons of the Neon Kingdom never took them seriously.

Thinking of the situation where she had survived several times, the upper echelons of the Nihong country had never cared about them civilians, and even did not even give any help. Haruko's eyes gradually dimmed, and she stopped insisting, and said bitterly: "I, I agree .”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Li Daqiang: "Have all the fighters been assembled?"

Li Daqiang raised his head enthusiastically and proudly: "It has been prepared for a long time. There are a total of 50 people in the middle stage of the king class, and a hundred people in the early stage of the king class. The rest are all at the master level, with a total of 5000 people!"

Jiang Xiaobai showed a satisfied smile. It is not in vain that he has been trying to win over his own people. With this result, it can be said that he is not surprised!

"Everyone gathers!"

"Go towards the sky current and defeat the fleet of Neon Nation and Aso Yamato!"

Everyone let out a roar at once!

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