Dominate the world

Chapter 782 The Oath

To be able to fight with the strong priest Blue of the Western Holy See, and not lose the wind, tomorrow, the biggest news will be them!

And he, Jiang Xiaobai, will become a world powerhouse in the true sense!

After receiving the order, Li Daqiang immediately issued the order and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

And Jiang Xiaobai rushed to Pastor Blue once again to buy time for his subordinates. If he didn't delay Pastor Blue, none of Li Daqiang and the others would be able to escape.



With one move and one attack, Jiang Xiaobai threw him at Priest Bruu for no money, and the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Priest Bruu rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai crazily like a tiger under the strong attack.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew the horizontal knife, and the muscles all over his body tensed and swelled instantly.

The two hit each other hard!

All of a sudden, the dust flew up, and the air was filled with thick dust everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai also began to consciously or unintentionally guide Priest Blue to transfer to the Neon Navy.

The two fought all the way, as long as the ship touched by the aftermath of their attack, people, there is only one way to die, and there is no second result.

In addition, most of the navy of the Neon Kingdom are low-level fighters. As long as they fall into the sea, they will die, or die.

In the sea, there are countless monsters!

Going ashore, Priest Bruce and Jiang Xiaobai were fighting non-stop. For a while, screams rang out again and again.

After a long time, Pastor Blush regained his senses, and at the same time he also understood that neither he nor Jiang Xiaobai could do anything to each other.

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his face turned pale, blue, and red: "Now I give you a chance to submit to my Western Holy See, and you can become the highest combat power of the Holy See like me!"

"Obtain the same status as me!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at him with a fake smile: "What if I don't!"

He looked around: "If you don't, I'm afraid all these people will die here today."

Glancing at Li Daqiang and the others out of the corner of his eye, seeing that they were already far away, Jiang Xiaobai gradually felt relieved.

"I said, truce!" Pastor Bruce panted heavily, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with red eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai flashed his horizontal knife, and looked at Priest Bruce in confusion: "A truce?"

Pastor Blue sneered: "My Lord Nihong, Huaguo can't interfere, I'll leave right away, and don't delay your rescue, how about it!"

Pastor Blue was anxious for a while, but thinking that the Pope might already be slapping the table and cursing, he would not get any benefit, and it might not be a good time to go back!

Jiang Xiaobai, who was in a hurry to go back, nodded. He didn't have any good feelings for the Neon Kingdom. Since the Western Holy See is interested, Hua Kingdom should simply be invisible.

A tiny country is useless except for wasting resources.

Turn around and fly towards Li Daqiang and the others!

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's back, Pastor Bruce said coldly: "Jiang Xiaobai, don't fall into my hands, or I will eat you alive!"

The battle between the Yanhuang Organization and the Neon Nation's navy finally came to an end.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the air, looked around, and said loudly, "Go home!"

"go home!"


The white clouds are misty, the blue sea and blue sky, and the warm and bright sunshine is shining on the body. After a while, the whole person will be warm and comfortable.

If it weren't for those sea monsters that jumped on the warship from time to time, Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to lie on the chair all the time, half-closed his eyes, bask in the sun leisurely, and sail slowly.

After passing the soaring ocean current, it is not far from Huaguo mainland.

Li Daqiang, who was originally just a businessman, has changed suddenly, and has suddenly become a prominent figure under Jiang Xiaobai's command, which can be said to be light and easy. It's just that the old wounds have not healed, and new wounds have been added, and the whole person's energy is a bit weak, but this is not the case. It doesn't prevent him from bragging with others while drinking.

As for the threat at the beginning, even the idea of ​​wanting to kill Jiang Xiaobai has long been forgotten by him, and when he occasionally thinks about it, he can't help but break out in cold sweat.

Shaking his head, Li Daqiang stood up, raised his wine glass and cheered: "Brothers, this glass is to our boss, the elder of the Kyoto Martial Arts Department, Jiang Xiaobai."

The noise and cheers continued for a whole day and night. It was not until the next morning that Jiang Xiaobai finally felt a trace of tranquility.

On the shore, Martial Arts Minister Tang Shanhai stood at the forefront, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai jumped up and came to Tang Shanhai in an instant, and said with a smile: "Elder Tang actually doesn't need to be so polite, I will go to the capital to report on my work myself."

Tang Shanhai looked at Jiang Xiaobai's young face, touched his chin subconsciously, and laughed secretly, it seemed that he was getting old, and the young man he watched step by step has now become a royal warrior. He even became one of the twelve elders of the Kyoto Martial Arts Department. Now, he is a serious elder with me.

Thinking of this, Tang Shanhai looked up to the sky and laughed, patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Jiang Xiaobai, oh, no, now I should call you Jiang Xiaobai, Elder Jiang.

"Thank you for your hard work this time, and show off for our country!"

Regarding Tang Shanhai's praise, Jiang Xiaobai nodded without hesitation, and then said with a smile: "These are all what I should do. As a child of my country, it is every one of my children who are proud of the country and not insulting the prestige of the country." The duty that a person should do.”

Tang Shanhai nodded heavily, turned to look at the many elders who followed, his eyes were full of complacency.

Look, this is the person I am optimistic about!

All the elders of the Martial Arts Department rolled their eyes, but they still gave Jiang Xiaobai the gentlest smile.

Seeing more and more people gathered around, the people brought back by Jiang Xiaobai have gradually landed, disembarked, stood quietly aside, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's instructions, Tang Shanhai coughed lightly, looked around, and spoke loudly. He said: "Although Jiang Xiaobai has been granted the position of Elder before, the ceremony has not been held. In my opinion, today is such a good occasion, so let's hold it here."

All the elders who followed nodded in unison, expressing their support.

Seeing that the elders agreed, Tang Shanhai stopped talking nonsense, and pulled Jiang Xiaobai up to the high platform that had been prepared long ago. Looking at the many warriors who came to greet him below, and the warriors who had just returned from the bloody battle, Tang Shanhai's expression became solemn in an instant, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Jiang Xiaobai from the Martial Arts Department is here!"

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said in a deep voice, "Jiang Xiaobai is here."

Tang Shanhai: "I think you have made great contributions to the country and raised our country's prestige, and your strength has reached the emperor's level."

"Today I formally confer on you the position of Martial Arts Minister Elder, and the elite under your command are still at your disposal!"

"You may never judge the country, always stand on the front line, and even if the world falls apart, you will not retreat half a step."

Jiang Xiaobai stood up straight, his eyes were shining brightly, and his voice was loud and clear.

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, swear here that I will never betray the country!"

"Even if the world falls apart, I, Jiang Xiaobai, will not take half a step back!"

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