Dominate the world

Chapter 783 February 2, the dragon rises

On February [-], the dragon looked up.

Yang Qi grows, and spring rains are endless.

Thirty miles away from the coastline outside Modu City, there is a huge city wall about 500 meters high and [-] meters wide.

At this time, it was just the light of day, but there were people's shadows on the city wall, and roars rang out one after another.

Li Jingtang, one of the twelve elders of the Martial Arts Department, stood with a saber in his hand, his face was as cold as frost, and he looked ahead.

Among the Hai Clan, the Jiaolong Clan gathered all their forces on this day, and they were about to break through this majestic city gate that had blocked them for several years.

If you look from the outside, the city wall is full of traces, most of which are caused by the sea monsters.

Behind this city wall, thousands of tanks stood quietly, their muzzles looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, ready to fire at any time under Li Jingtang's order.

On the city wall, there are no less than [-] warriors of high and low level, which can be said to be one of the most important towns in Huaguo.

A howl suddenly sounded, Jiao Wannian, the vanguard of the Jiaolong Clan, let out a roar, looked at Li Jingtang and said, "Li Jingtang, as long as you let go of the passage, I, the Flood Dragon Clan, guarantee that hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians under your command can live, and you, Li Jingtang, can be located Above ten thousand people!"

Li Jingtang sneered, drew his long knife out of its sheath, pointed it at Jiao Wannian and said in a cold voice: "I, Li Jingtang, blocked your Jiaolong clan for several years at this pass, and killed hundreds of members of your Jiaolong clan during this period. You are a vanguard, Jiaolong!" Is the role of cannon fodder in the clan qualified to mention this to me?"

"I'm not afraid that when you go back, your ancestors will scrape you alive!"

Li Jingtang suddenly took a step forward, his whole body's energy surged, and his spiritual thoughts enveloped Jiao Wannian in an instant: "As long as I, Li Jingtang, don't die for a day, your Jiaolong clan will never want to pass here!"

"Even if I die, there are still countless people in my human race who stand in my position today and say the same thing as me."

As soon as the words fell, Li Jingtang raised the saber in his hand and dropped it, a piercing roar suddenly sounded, and a bloody saber aura enveloped in divine thoughts rushed straight towards Jiao Wannian of the Jiaolong clan who was in the air.

The rain screen was cut in half by this knife for a short time.

A scream sounded.

Jiao Wannian's body was split in half in an instant, spraying blood and falling from the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, where it was swallowed up by a group of sea monsters who had no sense at all in an instant.

Seeing the blood, the rigid atmosphere of confrontation was completely broken at this moment.

Jiao Wujiu, the commander of the Jiaolong Clan, raised his head to the sky and roared, pointing his four fingers at the city wall, "Attack me!"

Li Jingtang waved the long knife forward with his right hand, and suddenly roared: "Fire!"

The next moment, thousands of tanks and long-range projectile artillery roared together.

On the city wall, warriors stood in an array, waiting for the Hai Clan to rush forward expressionlessly, as if they hadn't heard the roar behind them that had never stopped since the beginning.

The ground trembled slightly at this moment, and even the continuous spring rain seemed to be stagnant in the air for a short time at this moment, and then gently patted on the ground.

The shell fell on the ground, and there was a loud bang, which made the already muddy ground even more difficult to walk on.

Even so, the Sea Clan affiliated to the Flood Dragon Clan, who are the big clan of the Sea Clan, still rushed forward like crazy, just to climb the city wall.

Kilometers, the distance between life and death.

Cannons roared.

There was a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The sea monsters began to become more irritable, and their speed of advancement also began to accelerate.

Li Jingtang gave a cold shout, and jumped down the city wall with a knife in his hand. Along with him, there were even thousands of people who were killed. At the same time, the heavy-fire machine gun on the city wall began to ring out, drawing a line of fire in the air.

Over the sky.

Li Jingtang rushed towards the dragon in the air.

Jiao Wujiu, the commander of the Jiaolong Clan, let out a sneer, and greeted Li Jingtang together with the clansmen around him.

The saber qi flew rapidly in the air, roaring again and again, and the sound of explosions sounded.

Three flood dragons form an formation led by Jiao Wujiu to attack Li Jingtang.

Down below, several emperor-level powerhouses suddenly jumped up when they saw this scene, wanting to help Li Jingtang.

A bolt of lightning struck down suddenly, hitting one of the emperor-level powerhouses.

Jiao Wujiu, who was at the late stage of the imperial class, looked at the crowd of human imperial class warriors rushing up to the sky with sharp eyes, and snorted coldly: "You two, kill them all!"

"Li Jingtang, leave it to me!"

The two members of the Jiaoren clan gave a soft drink and nodded their taps: "Yes!"

After all, go straight to the human emperor-level powerhouse whose number is gradually increasing.

Seeing this scene, Li Jingtang sneered: "Jiao Wujiu, do you think that you alone have the chance to kill me?"

"Then you underestimate me too much!"

Jiao Wujiu's dragon head suddenly looked at Li Jingtang, staring at him closely with a pair of huge eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You are just a mid-stage emperor, and I am already a late-stage emperor, no matter how powerful you are Strong, but in front of my Flood Dragon Clan, it is useless!"

"As long as we, the Sea Clan, transform into the main body, our combat power will be double that of the avatar form, which is not comparable to that of your human race!"

After all, one person and one dragon rushed towards each other fiercely.

The long knife swung, and the dragon's claws rolled.

The two of them just had a simple confrontation, and the aura within a radius of [-] meters was temporarily emptied.

Li Jingtang clutched his chest, blood gushed out of his mouth suddenly, despite this, Li Jingtang roared brazenly, swung his knife forward again, and shot away.

At this moment, the energy of the whole body suddenly increased several times, and the spiritual thoughts possessed him, and a wave of icy cold quickly spread out from Li Jingtang's body.

Every drop of rain fell on Li Jingtang's body, but it would freeze between breaths, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Ice Slash!"

Jiao Wujiu sneered coldly, Jiaolongclaw suddenly poked forward: "True Dragonclaw!"

Jiao Wujiu's dragon claws turned golden yellow at this time, and bursts of light shone on the dragon claws.


Claws intersect.

The piercing sound of friction sounded between the sky and the earth, and sparks splashed in all directions.

Li Jingtang let out a loud roar, and the coldness in his body exploded suddenly.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

A thick white cold air suddenly swept across the entire sky, starting from Li Jingtang, expanding outward until Jiao Wujiu was in front of him.

The Sea Clan below was also affected by this blow, but they turned into ice sculptures in an instant, standing in place, motionless, and finally completely cut off their vitality.

Jiao Wujiu gently closed his red eyes, then opened them.

The breath of flame suddenly appeared.

The two lines of fire made of flames broke through the ice layer of cold air and then shot straight at Li Jingtang.

"However, a human race in the middle of the imperial level dares to compete with my dragon clan!"

Jiao Wujiu sneered coldly, stretched out his dragon body, opened his huge mouth and bit Li Jingtang fiercely.

Li Jingtang roared up to the sky, and dropped the knife.

With a flash, he bumped into Jiao Wujiu.

"Since I am not your opponent, then I will die with you!"

Say it.

A roar.

At this moment, there seemed to be no more sound between heaven and earth.

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