Dominate the world

Chapter 785 The last blow

Quiet and solemn.

The figures were wrong, and countless people stood up, turned around, and walked up the city wall again.

The right hand is raised above the head to look at the place where the national flag is flying.

A loud roar sounded from the crowd.

"Fight to the death!"

The next moment, tens of thousands of people shouted in unison.

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Turning away from the customs, thousands of sea people surfaced at this moment. Under the deep sea, Jiao Wujiu looked at Li Jingtang's figure, snorted coldly, turned his head, turned and left.

As soon as Jiao Wujiu left, an imperial dragon took over Jiao Wujiu's command and issued orders.


"Today, we are going to take down this broken wall!"

The roar of the beast sounded.

Hey, hey, hey.

The sea monsters walked onto the land step by step, slowly, advancing, accelerating, and accelerating again.

The sea monsters with long-distance attack ability stood ten miles away from the city wall, and fired water bombs at the city wall with long-range attacks.

After refusing to go through the customs, Wang An suddenly took off the hard bow on his back. This bow is a low-grade magic weapon, the military's standard magic weapon, the water-breaking bow, although it is completely incomparable with the magic weapons found in the secret realm. But it is better than mass production. Although the output is not much, it is enough to make no military emperor-level warrior who is good at bows and arrows have a strong improvement in combat effectiveness.

Wang An turned his head to look inside the city wall and shouted, "Listen to my orders."


At the same time, thousands of bows and arrows were stretched above the city wall, waiting for Wang An's order at any time.

Thousands of runs rang out, and the shells shot into the sky at a 45-degree angle, and then turned the warheads downwards.

In an instant.

Harsh explosions sounded on the battlefield, and the muddy ground became even muddier. Deep pits appeared one after another, and then they were submerged by the loess blown away by the next shell, and so on.

The fireworks of explosives enveloped the entire battlefield, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

A gust of wind blows and blows the smoke away.

Wang An suddenly drew his bow and roared, "Shoot!"

Arrows with thousands of words were shot at the sea monsters like shooting stars. The arrow Wang An shot was the king-level monster among the sea monsters. It pierced through three of them in a row, and then stopped. It has been smoothed, and there is no damage at all.

Thousands of water bombs fell slowly and hit the city wall heavily. The surface of the alloy block as a whole was slightly scratched, but nothing more.

Roaring and screaming sounded at this moment.

Below the city, [-] Sea Clans with outstanding firepower began to climb up. Wang An drew arrows again and again until there was no more arrow in the quiver.

Wang An pulled out his knife, turned around and picked up an alloy shield and stood in the forefront, waiting for the Sea Clan to climb up the city wall.

A king-level tiger shark climbed up the city wall first, with a pair of eyes rolling wildly, and then rushed towards Wang An with a roar.

"Human, die!"

Wang An also roared wildly, raised his shield and knife, raised his steps, and slammed straight at the king-level tiger shark.

The screams sounded suddenly and then stopped abruptly, and then turned into a pile of mud like the loess on the ground.

On every section of the city wall, someone fell down, someone was torn apart, and blood mixed with rainwater flowed and accumulated on the city wall along the terrain. Even so, no one turned around and fled timidly.

Fight to the death, fight to the death, fight to the death!

Only fight to the death!


On February [-], the dark clouds dispersed, the spring rain stopped, and the sun shone on the earth.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, where the Yanhuang organization is stationed.

A figure descended from the sky and went straight to where Jiang Xiaobai was, with lights flashing all the way without stopping.

"Urgent order from the Ministry of Martial Arts! Order Jiang Xiaobai to lead the soldiers under his command to go to the customs of the Demon Capital immediately!"

"The Customs is in a hurry! Elder Li Jingtang of the Martial Arts Department died outside the Customs yesterday in battle on February [-], the day when the dragon raised his head!"

"Jiang Xiaobai's troops are leaving immediately, there must be no mistakes!"

"Offenders will be subject to national law!"

Jiang Xiaobai's body that was originally slumped on the sofa suddenly tensed up, he stood up straight, strode out of the room, and said sharply: "Assemble!"

"Put down everything at hand, the construction of the resident is postponed, and go to the customs of the magic capital immediately!"

The next moment, thousands of figures rose from the ground and headed straight for the customs!

Jiang Xiaobai looked humanely and said: "Elder Tang, what's going on, how can you pass through the customs properly and you're in a hurry!"

Tang Shanhai shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "The Jiaolong clan used all their strength to attack the Customs. There is really no time left for us. Once the Customs is broken, the door to China will be completely opened."

"Jiao Wujiu, the leader of the Jiaolong Clan, will take the lead this time. This time, the Flood Dragon Clan is going to fight us desperately!"

Tang Shanhai looked sideways at the Customs Office of the Demon City, lowered his head and said softly: "I just hope that the Customs Office has not been breached yet."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a solemn face, rose from the ground, turned into a stream of light and shot towards the customs of the devil.

Twelve noon on February [-]rd.

More than five thousand figures descended from the sky in the city of Demon City.

Jiang Xiaobai's face turned iron blue in an instant as he looked at the disorganized side in front of him.

On the street, there were people smashing and looting everywhere, and houses were burned down, but there were no corpses of sea monsters on the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai waved at Li Daqiang with a livid face, looked at the rioting crowd not far away, and said coldly: "Kill them all!"

The crowd stared blankly at the legion that fell from the sky, and the moment Jiang Xiaobai spoke, they scattered in all directions.

Li Daqiang bowed his head to lead the order, rushed into the crowd with dozens of elites, raised his head and roared: "Wartime rioters!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Jiang Xiaobai, who was sober after seeing the magic city, did not relax at all, but ordered a simple repair and set off immediately.

Since the capital city has not been captured yet, the Customs must still be there!

It must not have been broken, there are still people guarding there!

Jiang Xiaobai thought in his heart.

"Target, reject the customs!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed his left hand to the reject customs, soaring into the sky.

According to the customs, the army of the Hai clan has already pressed within 500 meters, and the shouting and killing on the top of the city has never stopped for a moment since yesterday.

Wang An, the imperial warrior who boosted morale at the critical moment, was still alive at this time.

In the deep sea, Jiao Wujiu, who had been waiting for a day and a night, looked at Li Jingtang's figure and couldn't help but rushed out of the sea and went straight to the top of the city.

According to customs, 3000 meters away, Li Jingtang, who had turned into an ice sculpture, began to melt.

A bone-piercing chill went straight to Jiao Wujiu who was sweeping towards him.

Feeling this icy breath, Jiao Wujiu suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "Li Jingtang!"

The dragon's body instantly condensed, and Jiao Wujiu's figure began to fall down sharply!

The next moment, the ice layer shattered, and Jiao Wujiu's dragon body flew up into the sky once again, and quickly retreated into the sea, looking around vigilantly.

I'm afraid that Li Jingtang will blew himself up again. In that case, even if he is a dragon and has a strong defense force, he will not be able to withstand two blew ups in succession.

In the end, Li Jingtang's last blow after his death failed to kill Jiao Wujiu.

The last ray of energy disappeared, Jiao Wujiu jumped out of the sea little by little, and approached the city wall little by little.

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