Ten thousand meters, 5000 meters, 3000 meters, 2000 meters.

Nothing changes, it's dangerous.

Jiao Wujiu looked up at the city wall of the customs office, roared wildly, and then said: "The human beings on the city wall, Li Jingtang is dead, if you want to live, please let me get out of the way!"

"Otherwise, once our Flood Dragon Clan breaks through, no one will be left behind!"

"I, Jiao Wujiu, promise that as long as you get out of the way, I will let you live, and I will never break my promise!"

A slash flew towards Jiao Wujiu from far to near, and a blue streamer with a horizontal knife in his hand, with thunder flashing, went straight to Jiao Wujiu.

Immediately after, five thousand figures descended from the sky on the city wall of the customs office.

"Who gave you dragon clan the courage to attack the pass of our country!" Jiang Xiaobai slashed at Jiao Wujiu, and shouted coldly in a low voice.

Sensing the special aura from Jiang Xiaobai's body, Jiao Wujiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he raised his head and roared: "You are courting death!"

After all, the dragon's claw blocked Jiang Xiaobai's knife, turned his body, and the dragon's tail slapped Jiang Xiaobai heavily.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, dodged the blow, and turned his back to the customs.

Behind him, the battle on the city wall has subsided.

Jiang Xiaobai pointed at Jiao Wujiu with his knife, and said coldly: "Back it back! Jiao Wujiu!"

"Land is not a place where you sea people can get involved!"

Jiao Wujiu sneered, his basketball-sized eyes looked at Jiang Xiaobai with irony, and said, "Who are you!"

"Dare to show off your might in front of my dragon clan!"

"After breaking through this barrier, my dragon clan will definitely tear you to pieces!"

And seeing that the battle at the top of the city has subsided, and the follow-up Hai Clan failed to attack, and at this time, according to the customs, there are already reinforcements. Considering that he has been fighting for a day and a night, Jiao Wujiu no longer thinks about it. He was able to break the city today, and said calmly: "Retreat, and attack the city tomorrow!"

After the words fell, all the sea people retreated one after another, walking into the sea step by step.

These shrimp soldiers and crabs will be able to leave, but Jiang Xiaobai is not going to let go of the commander of the Flood Dragon Clan in front of him. This time, as long as he is killed, the Flood Dragon Clan will not dare to lightly fight again.

After reading it.

Jiang Xiaobai moved forward with the saber in his hand, his figure flashed quickly in the air and turned into a stream of light as he rushed towards Jiao Wujiu, the horizontal saber in his hand flickered with thunder, and crackled under the interlaced arcs.

The point of the knife is backwards.

A roar sounded: "Thunder!"

The thunder light flashed, the blade moved forward, the muscles of Jiang Xiaobai's right hand suddenly tensed, the veins popped up, and he shouted angrily: "Chop!"

Jiao Wujiu let out a cold cry, and the dragon claws leisurely poked out from his stomach.

"True Dragon Claw!"

The originally ordinary four claws were instantly golden, and there was an extra claw foot.

Jiao Wujiu looked at the rushing Jiang Xiaobai, and sneered in his heart.

Although Laozi is still in the body of a dragon at this time, there is a secret technique that allows me to use the ability of a real dragon for a short time. Even if it is only the five claws of a real dragon, it is not something you humans can compete with!

The golden light flickered above the dragon's claws, and the claws struck each other.

There was a thunderclap, and lightning flashed.

Jiao Wujiu screamed in pain and suddenly withdrew his front paws, staring at Jiang Xiaobai with a pair of huge pupils and said coldly: "Boy, why are you a genus of thunder!"

"This should be the talent of my dragon clan!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and stood horizontally holding the knife, looked down at the paw prints on his body, and then said: "As long as you are still the dragon clan, that is, the four-legged snake transformed into a dragon, do you really think you are a real dragon?"

Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the top of Jiao Wujiu's head, and said sarcastically, "I don't even look to see if I have horns on my head!"

"Four claws are a dragon, and five claws are a dragon, don't you know?"

Jiao Wujiu's eyes turned red immediately, he roared angrily, and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai: "An ant of the human race dare to insult me!"

"you wanna die!"


A tornado appeared out of thin air and slammed into Jiang Xiaobai at high speed.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, put the saber back into the sheath with his right hand, and then took a deep breath, the Qi all over his body suddenly surged, the clothes on his body were completely torn, the muscles all over his body were tense and arched, and the veins on his body were even more severe. clear and distinct.

Punch out.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook, and there were layers of waves on the surface of the sea. Afterwards, the surface of the sea retreated directly for several miles, leaving a fist-shaped mark.

Jiao Wujiu, who was following the tornado, was unable to dodge in time, and was thrown thousands of meters under this punch, and the dragon body fell limply from the air.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward suddenly and shouted loudly.

"Your dragons are treasures, and they are still useful to our human race!"

"I want to pull out the scales on your body one by one and make me a pair of dragon armor!"

Ever since Jiang Xiaobai stepped into the imperial level, he has been doing leapfrog challenges. Now, he is not in vain in the face of an imperial level dragon, and his physical defense is beyond the attack range of the imperial level powerhouse. There was not even a single scar left by the dragon's claws.

At this time, I am afraid that only the legendary emperor-level powerhouse can fight Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiao Wujiu hit the ground heavily, and just as he wanted to get up, Jiang Xiaobai stepped on his head, unable to move at all.

Jiao Wujiu, who is the most powerful young generation of Jiaolong Palace, panicked at this moment, and hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, I, Jiao Wujiu, swear that the Jiaolong tribe will never set foot on land again."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, drew out the horizontal knife from his waist, held it high, and slashed towards Jiao Wujiu.

A dragon chant suddenly sounded from the sea, and a jet of water hundreds of meters wide hit Jiang Xiaobai heavily.

Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed suddenly, his hands moved slowly, and he stepped heavily on Jiao Wujiu's head and quickly retreated from the spot.

Water column impact.

The majestic seawater fell on the ground, Jiao Wujiu who was lying on the ground disappeared at this moment and returned to the sea.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiao Wujiu's figure calmly, he didn't have any killing intent in his heart at this moment, all he could think about was the dragon chant before, and the water column with a radius of hundreds of meters. Not to that point!

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai clearly felt a killing intent and danger. If he hadn't retreated decisively, he might have died on the spot by now.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Jiang Xiaobai's forehead.

Despite this, cheers erupted above the city wall.

The 5 people who were originally stationed here were now less than 3, and nearly [-] people were lost in the one-day and one-night battles. Most of the thousands of tanks and artillery inside the city walls were lying in pieces. , the driver in it is probably dead.

Jiang Xiaobai looked sideways at the city wall, jumped up from the ground, and then turned into a stream of light and landed gently on the top of the city.

"Who is in charge of the customs now?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

Wang An slowly walked out from the crowd, cupped his hands and said, "My lord, it's me."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slowly and looked outside the city wall.

"What's his name, where is Li Jingtang's body!"

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