Dominate the world

Chapter 788 The Great Elder

Hundreds of dragon chants resounded loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai pulled Qingzi's foot and stepped on it repeatedly, his speed was no less than that of a dragon in the water.

Behind him, hundreds of dragons followed closely behind Jiang Xiaobai, relentlessly chasing him.

After the old ancestor sent his words, these descendants of them naturally did not dare to disobey, even if they were about to go to sea, not even a single dragon gave up.

With a swish sound, two figures suddenly jumped out of the sea, and then went straight to the land.

On land, Jiang Xiaobai has arranged [-] master-level fighters, and tonight, he will kill all the living forces in Jiaolong Palace!

One after another silhouettes followed closely behind, and the sound of dragon chant echoed in the night sky one after another.

"Human race boy in front, if you don't want to harm your customs wall being breached, just go back with us honestly!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, without turning his head, he just said loudly: "Come after me if you have the guts!"

"What nonsense!"

"If you dare to break through my customs, people from my human race will naturally be able to enter your Dragon Palace!"

"Don't think that only your Jiaolong Palace has an ancestor!"

"Our human race also has great elders!"

Twenty miles away from the city wall, a trap is waiting for these dragons to step in.

A long-range attack was sprayed at Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai dodged it one after another. If he hadn't tried to pretend to be a little bit, Jiang Xiaobai resisted a few attacks, trying his best to make himself look very embarrassed, so as to attract people behind him. Many dragons took the bait.

"Brothers, hurry up, the humans in front are dying!"

"It's still a little short, brothers, I feel that just one blow can kill the humans in front!"

Every time hundreds of dragons of the Flood Dragon Clan want to give up, there will be a voice, if Jiang Xiaobai hadn't made sure that he didn't have any people installed, Jiang Xiaobai would have turned around and hugged the voice to cheer and encourage the many dragons.

Isn't this a fool?

Among the dragons, there are also naive ones?

At this moment, a terrifying aura enveloped and locked Jiang Xiaobai.

A dragon claw protruded from the bottom of the sea, so fast that Jiang Xiaobai had no time to react. If the defense power of his body had not reached the emperor level, Jiang Xiaobai might have been torn to pieces by now.


After one blow, the ancestor of Jiaolong didn't make any more moves. In his mind, if this could not kill these two human races, there would be no need for these descendants to exist!

To live is to waste the resources of Jiaolong Palace.

Wisps of blood oozed from the wound, and then dripped, Jiang Xiaobai staggered, and his speed dropped suddenly.

At this time, it was only ten thousand meters away from the big formation.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced back at the many dragons behind him, gritted his teeth suddenly, his aura surged, his left hand tightly covered the wound, and his flying speed suddenly increased.

The many flood dragons behind them burst into laughter seeing this scene, and also speeded up. Several imperial-level flood dragons were closest to Jiang Xiaobai at this time, and the lowest-strength master-level flood dragon stayed at the end, but they did not give up.

A blue streamer flashed across the night sky.

After the blue streamer, hundreds of pale yellow streamers followed closely behind.


hundred meters.


Jiang Xiaobai let go of his right hand, stopped suddenly in the air, turned around, and looked at the many flood dragons that followed with a sneer.

Jiang Xiaobai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Everyone, welcome!"

The next moment, countless attacks suddenly shot from the pitch-black ground to the sky.

A total of [-] fighters above the master level rose into the sky, surrounded hundreds of dragons, and the attack never stopped even after they took off.

The highest-level dragon among the dragons wanted to break his breath, but was always blocked by several emperor-level warriors. He wanted to continue to move forward, and killed Jiang Xiaobai in one fell swoop, but he suddenly found that even Jiao Wujiu died in his hands. How could he possibly be the opponent of this human being?

He raised his head and roared suddenly.

"Let's form an formation, let's rush out!"

However, in an instant, dozens of flood dragons were buried, their bodies crooked and falling from the air, and then hit the ground heavily.

Inside the Jiaolong Palace, Jiao Yingtian, the patriarch of the Jiaolong Clan, suddenly opened his eyes, got up, rushed out of the sea in an instant, and headed straight for the formation.

At the same time, deep in the underground of the Kyoto Martial Arts Department, a figure also slowly opened its eyes at this time, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the customs.

"Boy, dare you!" Jiao Yingtian rushed over in an instant, and in his human form, wearing a golden robe, he punched Jiang Xiaobai.

In the distance, a snort suddenly sounded.

"Jiao Yingtian, if you dare to violate the contract and go out to sea to attack my human children, don't blame me for leaving no room for it!"

Hearing the voice like a bronze bell, Jiao Yingtian's body froze immediately, he who had already punched out suddenly retracted it, and looked around vigilantly.

"Xie Guanying, this is the game you set up!" Jiao Yingtian snorted coldly, flicked his long sleeves and stopped looking at the descendants who were being slaughtered.

An old man in green shirt appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai in an instant, looked at Jiao Yingtian, and said with a sneer, "Is it still necessary for me to set up a trap against you?"

"If it wasn't for the contract that restricts the powerhouses above the half-step emperor level from making moves, do you think your Jiaolong clan can survive to this day?" Xie Guanying snorted coldly, and suddenly slapped Jiao Yingtian with his palm.

The color of the world changed, and suddenly there was a storm.

The waves rolled back, and the ground cracked even more.

Jiao Yingtian, who had already stepped into the half-step emperor level, let out a scream, and was sent tens of thousands of meters away with a single palm!

Xie Guanying didn't chase after him, but just looked at the direction Jiao Yingtian flew out and said: "If you dare to step into my Huaguo, I will let you taste my power. Anyway, you violated the contract first, and I will let you go!" Kill you, no one dares to speak more!"

Jiao Yingtian stood tens of thousands of meters away, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked fiercely, and said with a ferocious face: "Xie Guanying, okay, you are ruthless, I will wait until the day you die and I will go to land again!"

"My dragon family has a long lifespan, it depends on whether you die first or I die first!"

Xie Guanying sneered, patted Jiang Xiaobai beside him and said, "After I die, there will still be this kid, you can just stay in the sea for me for the rest of your life!"

After saying that, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the still alive Jiaolong in the formation, raised his hand and waved it out.

The air vibrated, and the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of ten thousand miles was evacuated in an instant.

The Jiaolong who was still alive was completely wiped out under this palm.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were full of shock, and his body was even a little stiff. He looked sideways at the ordinary old man beside him: "You, you are the great elder of our martial arts department, the legendary emperor-level strong Or, Xie Guanying?"

"The great elder who single-handedly fought against all the sea tribes in the Lianghai in the southeast?"

Xie Guanying raised his head, and when Jiang Xiaobai began to talk about his past, a trace of complacency flashed in his eyes, but in order to maintain his image of a master, Xie Guanying just nodded lightly and said: "Well, I am."

After finishing speaking, he raised his foot and disappeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai's eyes in an instant.

"Boy, work hard, my seat will be yours from now on."

Then, there was no more sound.

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