Dominate the world

Chapter 789 Going West

A ray of moonlight shone on the ground through the gap between the clouds, and Jiang Xiaobai stood there blankly, looking at the many dragons that were all dead in front of him.

The palm of Great Elder Xie Guanying woke him up completely. It turns out that emperor-level warriors are nothing but ants in front of emperor-level, and they can't even resist!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. The ancestor of Jiaolong probably didn't use his full strength if he didn't directly kill himself. Even half-step emperor level is not comparable to emperor level.

Jiang Xiaobai lowered his head and cleared his throat, looked at the crowd, waved his hands and said, "This battle is over, let's take these dragon corpses back to the city."

The [-] master-level fighters raised their waists and cupped their hands, and said in unison: "I obey."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, and the figure stagnant in the air gradually moved forward, accelerated, and turned into a stream of light after a while, heading straight for the customs.

The news of the victory was quickly uploaded throughout the rejection customs, and even the magic city behind was full of joy at this time.

Standing on the city wall, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the neatly arranged corpses in the Customs Customs. He looked at Wang An with a serious expression and said, "This battle is over. After I leave, you will be the supreme commander of the Customs Customs."

"Don't forget to restrain the bones of these comrades who died in battle."

"In this matter, you must be as perfect as possible. If I find out that you are fooling me, don't blame me for turning my face and denying others."

Wang An straightened his face, cupped his hands and said: "The humble official will never be perfunctory in this matter. There is a special incense shrine in the customs, which is specially used to enjoy the incense of the world for the comrades of the heroic warriors."

"At this point, Beizhi will definitely do its best and strive to be the best."

"If something goes wrong, you don't need to say anything, my lord, I will apologize with death to comfort the spirit in heaven!"

Hearing Wang An's solemn promise, a smile finally appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face, he raised his hand and patted Wang An's shoulder, and said, "That's good, if there is another Hai Clan attacking the city according to customs, you must You must notify Kyoto as soon as possible, and the elite under my command will arrive as soon as possible, and I will never refuse to save you."

"I will not treat you badly either."

Wang An nodded heavily, and said: "My lord speaks seriously, this is what a humble job should do."

"Arrange a boat for me. I want to go out to sea from here to the waters of the islands." Jiang Xiaobai said looking at the sea level in the distance.

"Also, arrange a banquet. There is always something to celebrate after the war."

Wang An nodded silently, turned around and left.

The joy of the banquet is always short-lived, more than [-] people under Jiang Xiaobai's command boarded the warship and went to sea.

The warship was on its way to the waters of the islands, and seabirds flew in the air from time to time, chasing the waves.

Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the beach chair, drinking coffee leisurely, basking in the sun.

According to the speed of the warship, it only takes half a day to reach the soaring current, and after passing the soaring current, one can reach Yanhuang Island within a day.

As the seabirds flew by, Li Daqiang, who is now the leader of the Yanhuang Organization under Jiang Xiaobai's command, looked at his previous income at the customs.

A dazzling figure came into view.

Fifty king-level monsters and five emperor-level monsters.

Most of them are the corpses of the Flood Dragon Clan!

From the beginning to the end, every part can be sold at a high price in the market. Although some parts can only be used for personal use, those parts that are not used can be sold.

This alone made Li Daqiang a little unimaginable.

Li Daqiang stood up abruptly, crossed his hips, and laughed wildly. He thought that following Jiang Xiaobai would never make a lot of money, but this battle was dozens of times more than his income in business for more than ten years times.

"Brothers, we have money!"

A group of fighters who entered the waters of the islands for money and resources, and then were subdued by Jiang Xiaobai, look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

next moment.

Cheers like an explosion sounded on the ship.

At the rudder, Jin Baoguo also looked at Li Daqiang with a smirk, not to mention Haruko, whose purple pupils looked like they were full of money.

Li Daqiang gradually calmed down at this time, and then walked towards Jiang Xiaobai calmly.

Standing in front of Jiang Xiaobai just when he was about to speak, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and said calmly: "Li Daqiang, how about it, you won't lose money if you follow me."

"As for the money, you have the final say, just don't forget my share."

A smile appeared on Li Daqiang's face when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, and then he coughed heavily and looked at the younger brothers behind him and said seriously: "Since everyone has contributed a lot this time, the money , when the time comes, everyone will be divided equally according to the realm, our boss must take the lead!"

"From now on, little ones, our Yanhuang organization will make a fortune!"

Cheers erupted immediately, and the warriors looked at Jiang Xiaobai's fairness, but they were even more convinced by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Long live Lord Jiang Xiaobai!"

"Long live Li Daqiang!"

"If Li Daqiang's strength can reach the emperor level, our Yanhuang organization will definitely become the strongest existence in the islands' waters!"

Li Daqiang's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately reached out his hand to stop the cheers of many younger brothers, pretending to be deep and said: "If it wasn't for hiding my real strength, I would definitely make a move, but my uncle has always disliked these false names of."

"Although I am a king-level warrior, I can fight even as an emperor-level fighter at critical moments!"

Then Li Daqiang jumped onto the bow of the boat and laughed loudly excitedly: "I like money. In this life, I will definitely follow behind the boss and become the richest existence in Huaguo!"

Hearing Li Daqiang's declaration, Jiang Xiaobai laughed out loud in his heart. Li Daqiang's luck is really good, and he acted decisively. Immortality, the achievement of the emperor rank is almost a certainty!

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Qingzi beside him, and smiled secretly in his heart, these two people were really carved out of the same mold, it was really luck to meet such two strange creatures on the same boat.

Propelled by the fuel, the warship sailed at a very fast speed, and reached the soaring current just as the sun was about to set.

After a while of twists and turns, the warship sailed into the waters of the islands without incident and headed for Yanhuang Island.

Following Li Daqiang's loud voice, the warship began to move forward slowly. The deeper it went into the waters of the islands, the less light there was on the sea surface, and it didn't take long before it was completely plunged into darkness.

"Turn on the light." Jiang Xiaobai said calmly while sitting on the recliner.

Following Jiang Xiaobai's words, the battleship immediately became brightly lit.

A group of warriors immediately looked overboard, and even Jiang Xiaobai stood up and looked around at this time. For Jiang Xiaobai, this was the second time he entered the waters of the islands, and for this group of warriors, the same Too.

The waters of the islands are full of crises, but at the same time, they are also full of opportunities.

As the warship went deeper, the number of fish swimming freely in the sea gradually increased, and even rare fish that were rarely seen in the past can be seen here.

Surrounded by the lights and the killing intent emanating from the warriors, the warship was not disturbed in any way, but it was clearly visible that the surrounding sea monsters also began to increase gradually.

The sea monsters are no strangers to the ships entering the waters of the islands. Their huge eyes look at the warships that are gradually moving forward, as if they are thinking about whether they can beat them.

While everyone was admiring the wonderful scene around them, an ancient cannibal king-level giant crocodile that had been following the warship for hundreds of meters opened its mouth and rushed towards the warship with its thick and sharp teeth exposed.

Before the crew found out, Jiang Xiaobai turned around to look at the ancient man-eating crocodile and said coldly, "Get lost!"

Under the coercion of the imperial fighters, the arrogance of the ancient man-eating crocodile dissipated in an instant. Unwilling to let out a whimper, it turned around and fled frantically from the warship. It wanted to get as far away from the Li Daqiang as possible. To be precise, it was fleeing from Jiang Xiaobai. gaze.

Jiang Xiaobai, who is far beyond the ordinary emperor rank, just leaked a little bit of coercion, which made the surrounding sea monsters feel dangerous, and fled this sea area one after another.

Not long after, the warship has already arrived at the periphery of Yanhuang Island, ready to enter it at any time.

Jiang Xiaobai also walked into the power room at this time to increase the power of the warship. With the existing power, it is still a bit difficult to enter Yanhuang Island, not to mention that after so long, Jiang Xiaobai does not know whether Yanhuang Island is has been occupied.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and stuck it on the energy column of the warship. The next moment, thunder light flashed in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and the speed of the warship also increased instantly.

"Turn on the thrusters! Let this ship fly for me." Jiang Xiaobai gave the order at the right time.

At the bottom of the warship, there are a large number of propellers inlaid. Jiang Xiaobai, who has never used the warship since he got it, also shows its original appearance at this time.

The huge ship floats up and down in the air under the blowing of the propeller, and under the blessing of the electric magnetic field, it is completely able to fly in the air.

The warship flying in the sky immediately attracted the attention of everyone on Yanhuang Island.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about the big commotion it would cause. With a single finger, the warship immediately landed in the inner sea of ​​Yanhuang Island.

A large number of people appeared on Yanhuang Island, which was supposed to be uninhabited, and it seemed that it had already been occupied by other organizations.

Jiang Xiaobai stood at the bow of the boat, pointing down with his right hand: "Yanhuang Island belongs to us, take it back!"

When the warship fell into the sea smoothly, the members of the organization occupying Yanhuang Island had already filled the entire sea, surrounding the warship.

As the leader of the Holy See Expeditionary Army, Shelby held a trident and said loudly: "This is already the base of my Holy See Expeditionary Army, and any forces other than the Holy See are not welcome to log in here, please drive away your warships immediately! "

"If you dare to have other thoughts, don't blame us for being rude!"

With Jiang Xiaobai's backing, Li Daqiang's courage has long since grown fat. When he heard that the other party dared to threaten him, he rolled his eyes, looked at the warriors and shouted: "Little ones, go to the island!"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop Li Daqiang's actions, but said calmly, "Hurry up, this is our place, everything is ours, remember to cherish our own things!"

Li Daqiang's originally arrogant arrogance suddenly subsided, and he said with a sneer: "Don't worry, I have a lot, and of course I have to cherish some of my things."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded calmly, expressing his agreement, and Jiang Xiaobai also got up and stepped off the warship. Behind him, Qingzi and Jin Baoguo were impressively behind.

"What do you want to do!"

Shelby saw the Chinese people on the boat disembark one after another, his momentum changed, and his voice became louder unconsciously.

Li Daqiang rolled his eyes and shouted aggressively: "It's not up to you to control where I want to go!"

"Also, let me tell you, this is Yanhuang Island, we are the Yanhuang Organization, and this island belongs to our Yanhuang Organization!"

"If you are sensible, immediately take your people from the Holy See away!"

The moment he saw Li Daqiang, Shelby, the leader of the Holy See Expeditionary Force, suddenly shrank his pupils.

The news of the Holy See Expeditionary Force is not slower than the outside world, not to mention that Yanhuang Island is at the forefront of the sea area of ​​the islands. Ever since he landed on this island, Shelby has always been a little puzzled, why those warriors who are for money and resources are even Don't set foot on the island when you pass by Yanhuang Island?

Shelby, who has been collecting information consciously, knows exactly what kind of behemoth the Yanhuang Organization is, and how powerful Jiang Xiaobai is as the leader of the organization.

Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, Shelby's forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he was not willing to give up the Yanhuang Island that he had so hard to get so easily.

Shelby's face changed again and again, and his breath gradually calmed down. He said calmly, "Yanhuang Island is now under the jurisdiction of the Holy See. Please don't mess around."

"Our Western Holy See welcomes you to travel to the West."

Jiang Xiaobai, who was standing at the back, frowned when he saw Shelby's behavior. These people in the Holy See really don't know what to do!

There is no strong man who knows who he is even more, and dares to use the name of the Holy See to occupy his own island.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Shelby and said coldly: "The Holy See is far away from here, if you are sensible, get lost!"

If Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do something in Yanhuang Island at this time, no one could really stop him.

The weak don't have the slightest right to speak in front of the strong, and the only way to die is to bow their heads and surrender.

Jiang Xiaobai walked through the crowd and stood opposite Shelby, and said with cold eyes: "Leave immediately, I can let you go back alive!"

Jiang Xiaobai's appearance surprised Shelby, and immediately bowed to salute: "Shelby has seen you."

Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised by Shelby's salute, it was the respect a weak person should have for a strong person.

Even though the expeditionary force belongs to the power of the Holy See, Shelby had to bow his head when facing a real strong man. The main force of the Holy See is not here. If Jiang Xiaobai wants to do something, they will even protect themselves. There is no strength.

Shelby raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "On behalf of the Holy See, I invite you to go to the west to participate in my Holy See's grand ceremony, and I hope you will not refuse."

"In the meantime, please allow me to entertain you, my lord."

Jiang Xiaobai's heart was suddenly happy, he just wanted to see what the Pope looked like, and how did a magic stick create such a great influence!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will bother you."

Except for the group of warriors led by Li Daqiang, Jiang Xiaobai took Qingzi and Jin Baoguo to the fortress in the car provided by Shelby.

When the car was about to accelerate, Lufte, the No. [-] leader of the Vatican Expeditionary Force who got the news that outsiders had come to Yanhuang Island, surrounded the car with his men.

As the second leader of the Holy See Expeditionary Force, the overall combat effectiveness of the members led by Luft is even stronger than that of Shelby. Surrounded by groups, Shelby took up weapons to guard against Luft's attack. , dare not have the slightest extra movement.

Luft stood in front of the car and stared at Jiang Xiaobai and the others with stern eyes, and then looked at Shelby: "Shelby, how dare you protect outsiders, forget what I said!"

"If you forget, I will say it again! All outsiders must be handed over to me!"

Shelby's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Luft with a livid face and said, "Luft, you can't afford to offend the person who came this time, for your own sake, for our safety, you should leave quickly! "

Before the words fell, Luft snorted coldly: "Shelby, you are a coward, you are not qualified to lead the expeditionary force!"

Sitting in the car, Jiang Xiaobai waved to Jin Baoguo with a calm face, and said calmly, "Jin Baoguo, you go, hurry up, there is a grand banquet waiting for us to attend."

Jiang Xiaobai, who had a high-end combat power in his hands, finally didn't have to do it himself this time, and experienced the thrill of being a dog when the superior opened his mouth and the subordinate was exhausted.

Jin Baoguo nodded calmly, stepped out of the car in a flash, and appeared beside Luft the next moment, punching him hard.

"You little trash fish dare to come out to trouble us!"

"I really don't know how the word death is written!"

The sound of bursting through the air rang in Luft's ears, and he was punched to the ground just as he was about to counterattack.

Jin Baoguo stretched out his body, and his divine sense was instantly activated. All the surrounding soil and trees turned into powder and became molecularly attached to Jin Baoguo's body, forming a thick layer of armor.

Jin Baoguo, who was proficient in close combat, quickly rushed to the ground, clenched his right hand into a fist, and punched away.

"Gun punch!"

From the very beginning, Luft fell into a situation of being beaten passively, when the surrounding expeditionary soldiers reacted and wanted to step forward to help.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was sitting in the car, showed his momentum.

The huge coercion instantly spread outwards centered on Jiang Xiaobai. Under the coercion mixed with divine thoughts, none of the soldiers of the expeditionary army could stand still, and one after another fell into a coma.

Seeing this scene, Shelby hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, please be merciful, let me deal with these people."

As a member of the same family, Shelby did not want to see his compatriots die. Although their thoughts were a little fierce, at least they did not endanger the expeditionary army. This is why Shelby asked Jiang Xiaobai to keep his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and agreed to Shelby's request. Although Luft was brazen in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai did not take this unknown person seriously. It's too strong, they probably don't even have the qualifications to sail at sea.

But Jiang Xiaobai is not going to let Luft go. If he can challenge the majesty of the strong and survive, doesn't it mean that Jiang Xiaobai is someone who can be provoked by anyone?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jin Baoguo and said coldly, "Kill him, and leave the rest to Shelby."

Shelby, who was sitting in the front driving the car, didn't dare to make any more attempts after hearing this sentence, at least he had tried his best to save most of the people.

Jin Baoguo, who was stepping on Luft's head, immediately raised his leg when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's order, intending to kill him.

Luft, who was firmly suppressed, was released for a short time, and he gained the ability to move. He immediately took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

The strong medicinal properties of the potion made his eyes turn scarlet in an instant, and the muscles on his body swelled up as if they were inflated, and then he jumped up from the ground and stood opposite Jin Baoguo.

Jin Baoguo looked curiously at Luft who had completely changed his form, and then looked at the medicine dripping on the ground with a disdainful smile: "The power of medicine cannot make you stronger, except for the damage to the body, it will only make you stronger." Your own strength is constantly declining."

"What's more, the strength at that time is not your own. In the end, the side effects of the medicine will make your life worse than death."

Luft looked at Jin Baoguo with red eyes and said coldly: "As long as I can defeat you, I will not hesitate even if I die!"

"Water punch!"

The sea water not far away was immediately pulled and rushed towards Luft. With Luft's continuous beating, the water needles shot at Jin Baoguo one by one.

Jin Baoguo, on the other hand, rushed towards Luft as if he hadn't seen it. The water needle hit Jin Baoguo's armor and immediately scattered into ordinary sea water. This level of attack did not cause the slightest harm to Jin Baoguo, even The armor on his body failed to penetrate.

On the contrary, Jin Baoguo had already rushed in front of Luft once again, and his spiritual power was activated again at this moment, and the metal substances in the surrounding soil immediately attached to Jin Baoguo's hands and gradually turned into a three-meter-long beheading knife , the blade is sharp and extremely heavy.

Jin Baoguo took the beheading knife in his hand and chopped it down fiercely.

Luft barely escaped from Jin Baoguo's attack range in a flash, and then punched Jin Baoguo with both hands: "Shark fist!"

Sharks made of sea water suddenly jumped out of the sea and rushed towards Jin Baoguo.

Jin Baoguo swept across with the long knife in his hand, and the blood spread from the inside to the outside, and his whole body was like a demon returning from hell, surrounded by blood and blood.

Countless sharks charging towards Jin Baoguo were shot down and turned into a puddle of sea water.

Jin Baoguo stepped a little, and with a bang, the ground under Jin Baoguo's feet suddenly sank and a large circular pit appeared, and the figure appeared in front of Luft in an instant, and he raised his knife to chop it down.

"Take the white blade with empty hands!"

Luft, who had no time to dodge, raised his hands to grab the long knife that had been chopped down, trying to snatch the weapon from Jin Baoguo's hand.

But when his hands came into contact with the long knife, a huge pressure came, and the heavy knife was not something he could handle now, not to mention, compared to Jin Baoguo, he was just a king with some strength. It's just a super warrior.

The long knife pierced Luft's body and slashed all the way down. When Jin Baoguo put away the long knife and walked back, the wound on Luft's body gradually opened.

The screams sounded, and then stopped abruptly, leaving only blood floating in the sea with the waves.

Luft's body fell motionless on the ground, the wounds on his body were horrific.

The tragic scene appeared in front of Shelby, he closed his eyes, looked at Jin Baoguo who was pacing, and said calmly: "My lord, I didn't expect your subordinates to be so strong."

Regarding Shelby's praise, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands and said with a smile, "It's nothing. Jin Baoguo should have this strength. He has been in the waters of the islands for nearly 20 years!"

Jiang Xiaobai's words immediately surprised Shelby, his heart was filled with shock, and he murmured in a low voice: "No wonder it's so strong."

It wasn't until Jin Baoguo boarded the car that Shelby set sail and headed for the fort.

It wasn't until they gradually moved away from this area that the expeditionary soldiers who stayed in place stepped on the battlefield just now, looked at the big pit on the ground, and looked at the dead Luft.

The rest of the expeditionary soldiers who followed Luft were also taken away by the guards. Although they will not be executed, they will be held in prison for a period of time. At least no one will be detained before Jiang Xiaobai leaves. Release it.

When Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car, Hodges, who was the true commander of the expeditionary force and known as the great knight, walked out of the fortress to meet Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Hodges is the head of the expeditionary army, when facing Jiang Xiaobai, the emperor-level Jiang Xiaobai, the head of the expeditionary army has no role other than a title.

The sea area of ​​the Zhudao is a region that pays attention to strength first. Without strength, the so-called false name and title will be lost in an instant.

Jiang Xiaobai stepped on the steps step by step, and walked all the way in accompanied by Hodges. A dining table made of iron trees was already filled with food.

Hodges smiled and said, "Sir, please sit down."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly and led Jin Baoguo and the others to sit down before looking at the scene inside the fortress.

The fort, which was originally just a resting point, has been decorated with extreme luxury by the expeditionary army.

There are countless pearls inlaid on the gorgeous fortress, and there is a stage in the middle of the banquet hall, and the singers on the stage are singing loudly to enhance the atmosphere of the upcoming banquet.

A portion of meat food made by a master level monster was placed in front of everyone, and Yanhuang Island's special products even filled the entire dining table, and large barrels of rum were placed aside for the guests to take by themselves.

Everyone also started talking enthusiastically, and Hodges toasted again and again, expressing peace to Jiang Xiaobai.

Just as the banquet was at its climax, an ax smashed through the windows of the banquet hall and flew straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Before everyone came back to their senses, Jiang Xiaobai reached out and held the ax firmly in his hand.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and looked towards the edge of Yanhuang Island, where a figure was standing.

When Hodges saw the ax in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, he became even more furious. He slammed the table and shouted loudly, "Rafter, what do you want!"

As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands, Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly: "Hodges, do you need help?"

Hearing that Jiang Xiaobai was willing to help Hodges, he was overjoyed and immediately said: "Then thank you sir, this Raftel has been attacking me non-stop, trying to replace me, although his combat power is indeed higher than mine , but it is really not good in commanding operations, otherwise, how could I be reluctant to bear such a position, and now it is getting worse and worse, I hope the adults can punish him well."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, left his seat and walked out of the banquet hall, a little figure suddenly rose up and rushed towards the edge of Yanhuang Island.

When Rafter was about to flee, Jiang Xiaobai was already standing in front of him and said calmly, "Where are you going, Rafter?"

Raftel paused and looked at Jiang Xiaobai. As a fighter, he naturally knew who Jiang Xiaobai was. At this time, a real strong man was standing in front of him, and Raftel even had the strength to turn around and run away. I couldn't bring it up, so I could only look at Jiang Xiaobai nervously and said, "This is between me and Hodges, even if you are the master of Yanhuang Island, you shouldn't interfere."

Standing in the sea, Jiang Xiaobai walked towards Raftel step by step, and couldn't help laughing when he heard what Raftel said: "It seems that you know a lot."

Jiang Xiaobai looked Raftel up and down and said, "As a soldier, you only know how to sneak attack, don't you have any shame at all?"

Raftel looked at Jiang Xiaobai uneasily, and said unwillingly, "What do you know, if I challenge Hodges head-on, I'm afraid I'll die long ago."

"The people under him don't agree with me challenging Hodges!"

As he spoke, he quietly held the huge ax behind him with his left hand, and the energy in his whole body suddenly surged.

Turning around, Raftel jumped onto the giant ax decisively, and the giant ax rushed to the distance immediately after turning around in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, stretched out his hand calmly, and a flash of lightning in his hand accurately hit Raftel who was about to escape, and a scream sounded in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and grabbed Raftel's collar and returned. For him, Raftel, who was not even considered a strong man, was really a piece of cake for Jiang Xiaobai.

If he was not planning to go to the west, he needed an identity, otherwise he would not have made a move at all.

From the very beginning, Jiang Xiaobai never thought about entering the West in a big way.

Holding the collar of Raftel, Jiang Xiaobai stepped on his feet, and the surrounding ground was compressed in an instant. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai shot towards the fortress like a burst of shells.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai had already arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall, and the cooling time of the system ability had reset to zero.

Jiang Xiaobai carried Rafter into the banquet hall and threw him on the ground.

Hodges, who was sitting on the first seat, was overjoyed. The guy who had been attacking him for so long was finally caught, and finally solved a big problem. Hodges looked up at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face : "Thank you for your help, sir. If you need my help, you must tell me. Our expeditionary force will definitely do our best to help."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't refuse Hodges' thanks. Originally, he had a request.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "In this case, I really need to trouble you with one thing."

"If I want to go to the West, I need an identity. You know, my identity is more sensitive. I'm afraid Pastor Blue has been looking for me."

After listening to Jiang Xiaobai's request, Hodges breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned his head to look at the guard beside him.

"Go prepare a brand new identity for the adults, remember, it is an identity with no problems at all!"

In the middle of the night, Jiang Xiaobai stood at the bow of the expeditionary army ship, and the warship drove away at maximum power.

When the expeditionary warship reappeared, the sky was still pitch black, except for the moon hanging high, there was no color at all.

When the first ray of light radiated from the sea level above the sea, the ship that had sailed through the night finally arrived at its destination.

The sound of the ship approaching the shore awakened Jiang Xiaobai who was sleeping in the cabin. The next moment, all the members of the Yanhuang Organization walked out of the cabin and looked at the island in front of them.

Just glanced at it, and Jiang Xiaobai stopped looking at it. It seems that the above threat is not a small threat to ordinary fleets, but to Jiang Xiaobai and his party, it is extremely simple!

However, Jiang Xiaobai decided to do it himself in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and go to the West as soon as possible.

If it wasn't for not wanting to waste time, Jiang Xiaobai would not be willing to go to the island.

Under the guidance of the powerful divine sense, Jiang Xiaobai instantly locked the enemy's position on the island like a humanoid radar.

He beckoned to Jin Baoguo who was standing aside: "Take your subordinates who are strong enough to go to the middle of the island and find the most precious thing in this island!"

"Move them all back to me!"

Jin Baoguo nodded calmly, and then returned to his previous serious look.

As Jin Baoguo, who used to live in the waters of the islands and fought for so long, he really looked down on the people led by Li Daqiang. If possible, he hoped that the organization could have fewer personnel and just keep enough fighters.

But thinking about what Li Daqiang did, Jiang Xiaobai didn't object, so he couldn't say anything. He just hoped that some stronger guys would appear among this group of people in the next voyage.

Not to mention anything else, a few more kings are fine.

Led by Jin Baoguo and Li Daqiang, a group of people rushed to the laboratory in the middle of the island.

Hodges, the expeditionary force, stood beside Jiang Xiaobai, motionless.

After most of the staff entered the deep forest, Jiang Xiaobai took a glass of milk from the kitchen and walked into the deep forest with two slices of bread.

According to Jiang Xiaobai's words, no matter how tight time is, you still have to eat. As for those tool people, it doesn't matter whether they eat or not. They just save food when they die.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai gloriously carried forward his excellent character as a five-good youth in the 21st century, and a tool person is not a human being.

When Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the jungle, Jin Baoguo and his party had already clashed with the patrol team on the island.

Even though the members who stayed on the ship were all quite good after the battle against the Customs, they were still a bit weak with the reference of Jin Baoguo and Jin Baoguo.

Seeing that he was caught in the melee, Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and his spiritual sense was activated. Except for the members of Li Daqiang's pirate group, the rest of the people were all under Jiang Xiaobai's key care.

Looking at the survivors, Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, "Tell your boss to come out and see me."

Although the island looks a little closed, it is extremely well-informed in terms of news.

Quickly suppressing the fear in his heart, the man looked at Jiang Xiaobai, with a smile on his face at the same time: "My lord, I don't know what's the matter with you coming to Tianjidao?"

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at the surviving people and said indifferently: "Call your boss out first, you are not qualified to know what I am going to do."

The smiles on the faces of the surviving fighters were gone at this time, and they looked at Jiang Xiaobai expressionlessly: "My lord, if you don't tell me, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass it on for you."

"Even if it's death!"

The polite words made Jiang Xiaobai feel a little irritated and waved to Jin Baoguo who was not far away: "Tell him to shut up, and then call him to the center of the island, and tell their boss to come out and see me."

"Also, from now on, everything on this island belongs to us, remember, everything."

Before Jiang Xiaobai's voice fell, the boss of Tianji Island had already rushed to Jiang Xiaobai from the center of the island, and saluted Jiang Xiaobai respectfully with a smile: "Zhang Chaohui, I have met Mr. Jiang Xiaobai."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Chaohui calmly: "Come with me, Zhang Zhaohui, a late king-level warrior, shouldn't stay on this kind of island and die alone."

Zhang Chaohui was overwhelmed by Jiang Xiaobai's sudden invitation, and then agreed without hesitation: "Thank you for the invitation, sir, I will join."

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and said coldly, "Take everything and let's go."

Jin Baoguo nodded, looked at the people who were still alive, with murderous intent in his eyes, raised his finger and pointed at the group of reformed people: "Kill all of these people."

next moment.

Li Daqiang led the members to cheer and took out their weapons and rushed up.

Without the support of high-end combat power, this group of patrol personnel was cleaned up in a short while, and all the property on the island was carried onto the warship under Haruko's careful care.

Li Daqiang stood at the bow of the boat, resting his chin with one hand, and resting his forehead with the other hand. Looking at the island in front of him, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "My lord, when will we find a secret place?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and said patiently: "When we come back from the west, we should have the final say on this sea area!"

The corners of Li Daqiang's eyes twitched, and the corners of his mouth gradually opened into a crazy smile: "It seems that I am really going to become a rich man!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai immediately took a step back so as not to block Li Daqiang's rare moments of pretense, and at the same time began to count down silently in his heart.




In an instant, a group of members who were not qualified to disembark stood together under Li Daqiang, listening to Captain Li Daqiang's treasure chicken soup.

"Long live Li Daqiang!"

"Long live the treasure!"

"We want to be the happiest cubs in the seas of the islands!"

Jiang Xiaobai stood watching, then sat silently on the beach chair and enjoyed the exquisite service brought by his younger brother.

It would be perfect if the waiter could wear a suit and a small bow tie, instead of standing drunkenly with a plate in one hand and a glass of rum in the other, and what's more, hiccups!

The pearl milk brought from Yanhuang Island paired with a bite of oyster and scallop is simply delicious. The only thing that makes Jiang Xiaobai feel a little pity is that barbecue without happy soapy water is soulless.

As for the rum, Jiang Xiaobai really didn't want to drink it anymore. When he first drank it, he felt pretty good, but if he drank too much, Jiang Xiaobai still missed the days when he had Bingkuole.

Even now Jiang Xiaobai can still imagine sitting on a chair, taking a bite of mutton skewers on the left, and a bite of Bingkuo Le on the right, which brings the ultimate refreshing feeling in the hot summer.

When everything was installed, Li Daqiang shouted.

The kinetic energy of the warship was exerted to the extreme in an instant, and it left quickly.

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