Aipu Town is a small town, especially in this era of aura recovery, it has the custom of advocating the strong.

At the same time, they also believe in the Holy See of Light. In Aipu Town, the pastor in the church east of the town has a great reputation in Aipu Town. Almost every word and deed is regarded as the holy word by the people in this town.

A group of four figures walked slowly inward from the east side of the town.

Hodges, the leader of the expeditionary force, stood beside Jiang Xiaobai respectfully, leaning slightly, and introduced to Jiang Xiaobai the town where he was born and raised and grew up.

"My lord, coming here is like coming home."

"A strong man like you will be admired by many young people in our small town."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly with a smile on his lips, looked at the buildings with a very different style from Huaguo, and looked at the pedestrians on the street who were looking at them, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's not what you said."

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the man in black at the corner of the street who was looking at them with cold eyes and said, "Maybe some people don't welcome us very much."

Hodges looked along Jiang Xiaobai's left hand, looked at the man in black, frowned, then stretched it out, stopped looking at the man in black, turned his head and whispered: "That is our Aipu Town The inspectors are people who monitor the town for abnormalities, and they will report the situation to the Holy See every other week."

"As long as we don't mess with him and make trouble, he won't pay attention to us."

Hodges paused after finishing speaking, and added: "This inspector has lived in our town of Aipu for more than ten years, but his personality is a bit weird. Apart from secretly observing outsiders, he doesn't care about other things. won't do it."

"There is also a church of the Holy See in the small town, and it is not his turn to be in charge."

"We don't have to worry."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, but the spiritual sense in his body had already enveloped the entire Aipu Town, investigating the people and affairs in Aipu Town in every detail.

It seems that this small town is really a small town that respects the strong. Almost every family has at least one warrior.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be a very strong existence, and the highest is only two master-level warriors.

It seems that as long as the warriors reach the master level, they will leave the small town and venture out.

"Maybe we should find a place to eat." Jiang Xiaobai said softly, looking at the restaurant not far away.

Hodges' eyes lit up immediately, and he said quickly: "That would be great, if we want to stay here for a few days, having a meal at a restaurant and letting people in the town get to know us may avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles. trouble."

With that said, Hodges walked ahead and led the way.

The restaurant has a very simple name called Aldous Restaurant. When a group of four people walked into the restaurant, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. The owner Aldous's hair volume was a little sparse due to his age, and he had a big beer belly. He wiped his oil-stained hands, and looked at Hodges with a split corner of his mouth: "Look, who is back, it turns out that our legion commander Hodges is back."

Apparently, Aldous and Hodges knew each other.

A smile immediately appeared on Hodges' face, he opened his hands, hugged Aldous tightly, and said with a smile: "Old Aldous, I thought the restaurant was inherited by little Dodge."

"Come on, take a look, I brought a big client to your restaurant, you must serve your specialty dishes, this is a big guy from the other side of the ocean!"

The two let go of each other, and Aldous walked up to Jiang Xiaobai with a smile, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Hua people are really rare these days."

"The last time I saw a Huaguo was 30 years ago."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and stretched out his hand, and the two held it firmly.

"Isn't it? It's all due to the damn recovery of spiritual energy."

"Let us Hua people not even come to the other side of the ocean easily. I heard from my fathers that the United States was a good place to travel and make a fortune."

Aldous nodded, turned back and took out four glasses of beer from the counter and put them in the hands of the four of them, saying: "Who said it wasn't true? At that time, the United States was the center of the world economy. How could it be like now, where all the untalented people became workers? , cook, farmer."

"Okay, what would you like to eat, guests from Huaguo?"

"Steak or meatloaf."

Jiang Xiaobai and Qingzi looked at each other, they exchanged eyes and exchanged opinions. Finally, Qingzi said sweetly: "You can give us a steak and meat roll. You know, warriors can't eat less."

Saying that, Haruko stretched out her hand and raised her index finger: "If there is wine, give each of us a glass of wine."

Hearing this, Aldous twitched his eyebrows, gave a thumbs up, and said, "There are not many other things in our town of Apple, but wine is definitely enough."

"Please wait a moment, the food you want will be delivered to you soon."

After speaking, Aldous turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Under the greeting of Hodges, Jiang Xiaobai and the three slowly sat down, and then looked at the guests dining in the restaurant from the corner of their eyes.

Most of them were elderly people, and the young people didn't see any of them. Hodges seemed to see the doubts in Jiang Xiaobai's heart, and said with a smile: "In our town of Aipu, young people are still working at this time. , After all, they are the main labor force in our town of Epp, talented young people should now be training on the training ground behind the church."

"There is a lower knight of the Holy See teaching them there."

At this time, the door of the restaurant opened, and the inspector in black pushed open the door and slowly walked into the restaurant. His aging body made every step of him very light and weak.

He walked towards Jiang Xiaobai step by step, stood still in front of Jiang Xiaobai, then stretched out his hand to pull a chair and sat down, took off his coat and hat, and said, "Sorry, please forgive me, after all, I'm already alone. old man."

"I am the inspector of this town, Fren. People in this town usually call me the man in black."

The arrival of the supervisor made Hodges a little angry. He stood up angrily, glared at Fren with his eyes, and said, "The man in black, you shouldn't be here."

"They were invited by me, what do you want to do!"

"Don't forget, according to the rules of the Holy See, my position is higher than yours!"

Fren raised his head and glanced at Hodges, then looked down at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "I know, little Hodges, how can I not know who you are, I watched you guys grow up."

"Before you send me away, I have to tell you."

"Hua people can't stay in the town for a long time, otherwise there will be trouble."

"It will bring ruin to our town of Apple."

"After living here for so long, Apple Town is already my home, and I don't want to see such a beautiful town destroyed, destroyed."

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