Dominate the world

Chapter 791 The Man in Black, Priest

Fren, who was already a little old, although his physical strength had declined severely, his eyes were still piercing, looking directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Hodges said angrily, "Fren, what do you want to do?"

"They are my guests, but you say they will bring disaster and destruction to the town of Epp."

"Did you start to lose your mind when you got older?"

"Do you know what kind of big shot you are facing!"

"Your rudeness and recklessness will bring disaster and destruction to our town of Aipu!"

"Now, please get out!" Hodges said angrily, pointing to the door.

He tried his best to please Jiang Xiaobai all the way, just to let Jiang Xiaobai and others join the Holy See. As a referrer, his identity and status will inevitably rise with the addition of Jiang Xiaobai and others. At that time, there is no need to stay in the island waters full of barbarism and killing.

Even if there are abundant resources and opportunities, you have to have life to enjoy them, right?

What's more, more than half of the annual output has to be paid to the Holy See. For him, staying where he is is simply a chore, so he might as well go back to his hometown and enjoy life!

Marry a wife, get married, and have a bunch of children, that's the day he wants!

But now, the man in black wanted to drive away his guests, how could Hodges bear it!

Even if he had been a very good gentleman!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about Fren's words. An old grandmaster could not pose the slightest threat to him. Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand to stop Hodges, and said with a smile: "Perhaps this old gentleman There was a misunderstanding about us."

"We came here with kindness, and we will not do anything to harm the town of Aipu. On this point, the old man can rest assured."

Hodges fixed his eyes on Fren, and said in a bad tone: "Did you hear that, Fren, Mr. Man in Black."

"You have heard the assurance you want. Now, you can go. You are not welcome here."

There was no expression on Fren's old face. He stood up calmly, pointed to Jiang Xiaobai, then pointed to Hodges, and his tone gradually became serious: "Hodges, these people you brought will Bring disaster to the town of Apple!"

"They are ominous people."

"Hodges, you will be a sinner in Epp Town!"

After speaking, Fren turned and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

As soon as he left, Hodges quickly looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said with an apologetic smile, "My lord, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to you when you came here."

"Perhaps old man Fren is really old, his thinking has become solidified, and he has become obsessed. I hope you don't have the same knowledge as Fren."

"After all, he has always taken good care of the young people of our generation."

"I can become a king-level supernatural user, and there is also Fren's credit here."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, smiled indifferently, pointed to the chair, and said with a smile, "Maybe you should sit down. I'm not angry. Every old man should be respected, right?"

"No matter what he says now, his mind may be a little confused, but when he was young, he was not like this."

"We as young people must not be concerned or even angry about this."

Hearing that Jiang Xiaobai didn't care, Hodges had a smile on his face, nodded respectfully to Jiang Xiaobai, and said, "You are really a kind and important man."

"I think, as long as you join our Holy See, you will definitely become a powerful adult."

"At that time, I hope you will take good care of me, my lord. I will definitely show my loyalty."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

At this moment, Aldous finally walked out of the kitchen with the food, placed it in front of Jiang Xiaobai and the others, then poured a glass of red wine for each of the four, and then poured a small glass for himself, and he raised his hand to Jiang Xiaobai. He raised his glass and said with a smile, "I wish you a pleasant meal."

Jiang Xiaobai also raised his wine glass at the right time, glanced at the people who were dining in the restaurant, and said loudly: "I will pay for this meal, and the beer is enough."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of cheerful applause, and the guests who were dining in the restaurant were not polite, and ordered themselves a piece of food that they were not willing to eat on weekdays, and then filled a glass of beer and shouted at Jiang Xiaobai He smiled and said, "Thank you for this generous guest, we will always welcome you in Aipu Town."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai smiled inwardly.

It seems that it is not difficult to integrate into a town in the United States. As long as you can handle most people, you will not be hostile and rejected.

It seems that money is still needed to open the way.

Outside the restaurant, the old man Fren is walking towards the east of the town step by step. He is going to the church. It is not a good thing for a Chinese person who has not seen for a long time to come to the United States!

What's more, they still want to join the Holy See!

This is absolutely not allowed!

And Aipu Town must not take in these people, otherwise, when the Holy See is liquidating in the future, sending crusaders will definitely destroy Aipu Town completely!

The present pope is not a benevolent man!

dong dong dong.

Fren stood at the door of the church, knocking hard on the door of the church.

Not long after, with a creak, the door of the church slowly opened inwards. A priest in a white priest robe stood at the door, looked at Fren with a blank expression and said, "Fren, this is not a place for you!"

"Are you too old to forget your identity!"

"You are an inspector, not a knight or a priest. You need to observe everything you can see in a dark corner, and then report to the Holy See!"

Fren waved his hand, and walked slowly into the church step by step: "I'm old, even though I'm a master-level superhuman, I'm old after all, even if the Holy See knows about it, it won't blame an old man like me .”

Fren sat on the chair closest to the door, looked at the pastor, and said, "Dowrance, I must tell you that there are outsiders in the town."

Daowrence frowned, then loosened it again, and said, "So what if outsiders come, as long as they don't make trouble, just let them go."

Fren stood up abruptly, and said loudly: "Those who came are Chinese!"

"You haven't forgotten how the Holy See gave us orders, have you?"

"You haven't forgotten how the Hua people who stayed in our country died!"

"At that time, you were still young. Although you hadn't experienced it, you must have seen it and seen how those Chinese people died!"

"Now, Chinese people have come from the other side of the ocean!"

"Do you think this is a good thing!"

Daorance looked at Fren with strange eyes, and said calmly: "So what if you come? This is the sphere of influence of the Holy See. Huaguo doesn't have such a long hand to reach us."

"Even if there are Chinese people here, maybe they are just here for tourism?"

"Just like that time."

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