Dawrance's expression gradually became serious and dignified. He slowly closed the door, then turned to look at Fren and said, "Fren, are you sure which Chinese people from the other side of the ocean have problems?"

Fren shook his head, and then said: "I'm not sure if there is something wrong with him, but there have been no Chinese people here for decades, but today, they are here."

"I'm a little worried. This is not a good sign, Dawrence."

"Once they are doing something, the Holy See will definitely investigate to the end. As the first town to receive them, we, Aipu Town, will definitely be thoroughly investigated by them."

"You know, once the Holy See's crusaders come to Aipu Town, I can't think of whether Aipu Town will remain in its current state."

"It's been a peaceful, safe life these years."

"Once the town of Aipu is destroyed, the two of us will definitely be interrogated by the Holy See. I think, if we really reach that point, we may not be able to survive the interrogation of the Crusaders."

"What do you say, Dawrence?"

There was a trace of seriousness on Daorance's dignified face. He nodded heavily, looked at the statue in the church, nodded up and down, left and right, and then said: "I understand, I will immediately find someone who dares to go out of this group of Chinese people .”

Fren also stood up at this time, and said with a serious expression: "This time we have to be more careful, and try to find some strong people as much as possible. Those people were invited by Hodges."

"Hodges is already a legion commander in the expeditionary force, and his strength is already above ours."

"The Chinese people who can be invited by him with such respect will definitely be stronger than Hodges."

"We'd better not use force as much as possible, just push them away."

"After all, we are only grand masters, and even Hodges can't beat us."

Daowrence thought for a while, and felt that what Fran said made sense, the solemn expression on his face gradually dissipated, and a smile appeared: "In this case, I think that as the pastor of Aipu Town, I will definitely let the people in the town Trust me."

"At that time, let's drive these outsiders out together."

"For the sake of our safety, for the sake of the quiet life in Aipu Town."

"At the same time, to be on the safe side, I'd better ask the three resident knights who go to the church to come with us."

"Although the strength of these lower knights is not very good, at least they can give us some help in frontal fights."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the interior of the church, and Fren followed immediately.

Not long after, the five people walked out of the church and walked towards Aldous's restaurant step by step.

A smiling priest walking on the street, together with the man in black and the three lower knights, attracted the attention of many people in the town. Although they didn't understand what the priest wanted to do, driven by instinct, and With curiosity in their hearts, people in the town followed behind them.

Before long, most of the town had almost arrived.

Standing in front of the Aldous restaurant, Daorance gently opened the door and led the four people behind him into the restaurant. As soon as he entered the door, Daorance locked his eyes on Jiang Xiaobai, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was sitting there. Opposite Hodges.

He said in a heavy and serious tone: "Hodges, you shouldn't bring outsiders into our town!"

"Especially the Chinese people on the other side of the ocean!"

"You don't know what you're doing!"

"Take your guests out of App Town before it's too late. They're not welcome here."

Behind him, a large number of residents of Aipu Town, old and young, have poured in, but every one of them is a warrior.

Although they didn't know what would happen and why Reverend Dawrance did this, as the pastor of the church, the people they believed in, the residents still subconsciously watched Hodges and Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hodges, take them out of Aipu Town, they are not welcome here!"

"Get out!"

"Outsiders are not welcome in Aipu Town!"

Hodges stood up abruptly and looked at Daowrence angrily: "Pastor, these guests I brought are big men who want to join the Holy See, and they will never bring harm to the town of Aipu."

As he spoke, he looked at Fren and shouted angrily, "Fren, the man in black, what are you trying to do!"

"Are you old and confused!"

Then he looked at Dawrence again: "Dawrence, you can't believe what Fren said, he is old and his brain is not working anymore."

Listening to Hodges' words, Dorren hesitated for a moment.

What Hodges said is not unreasonable. Even though Fren is a master-level supernatural user, he is old after all. As long as a person is old, his mind will definitely be confused, and he will not know what he is thinking all day long.

Maybe I shouldn't trust Fren so easily?

No, Fren's thinking is very clear, Huaguo people must not stay in Aipu Town, not even for a day!

Even if they want to join the Holy See, it will be a matter of the future. If they fail to join the Holy See and are chased and killed by the Holy See, then every resident of Aipu Town, I, Fren, and Aipu Town will suffer disaster!

The crusaders of the Holy See will never listen to my explanation!

Everyone will die by then!

Thinking of this, Daorance slowly raised his head, looked at Hodges expressionlessly and said, "Hodges, maybe you should also listen to Fran, although he is old, his mind is still normal. "

"You shouldn't bring outsiders into our town, it will harm Apple Town."

Dawren paused, looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was still dealing with the steak, then turned to look at Hodges, and said, "Perhaps you should also stay away from this group of outsiders."

Dawrance took a deep look at Hodges and said, "This is not a good thing for you!"

"If you want to retire, you don't have to do that. Just report to the Holy See, and the Holy See will definitely approve your application!"

Hodges was dumb for a moment, and looked at Daorance silently, and Jiang Xiaobai glanced from the corner of his eyes, hesitating what to do now.

If I listen to what Dawrance said, maybe I can really retire safely and live the life I want to live.

But will the person behind me agree with me?

He is a big shot across the waters of the islands, someone who even the War Priest Blue can't do anything about!

If he really joins the Holy See, will I be able to survive under the anger of this lord?

Moreover, the Holy See has always been very tolerant towards these powerful people. There are also many people from other countries in the Holy See, and the Pope has never said that Chinese people are not allowed to join the Holy See!

If I agree, I'm afraid I can't live now!

Lord Jiang Xiaobai is an imperial martial artist!

Behind him, there are two people at the same level as me. Can people in Aipu Town bear the anger of these three people?

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