Dominate the world

Chapter 798 Luxury

The church suddenly fell into a brief silence.

The young man in white silk slowly stood behind Pope Albert, and said softly, "When that day comes, Albert, I will personally send you to heaven."

"But, not yet."

"God still needs you to rule the Holy See in the secular world for it, and the young people of the Holy See also need to see that you are still alive, otherwise, the Holy See may fall into endless turmoil."

Pope Albert snorted coldly, sat upright slightly, stopped talking, looked at Jiang Xiaobai calmly and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this to happen when we first met."

"Today, let's go here first, and someone will take you to the resting place later."

"Next time, hopefully we can have a good result."

After finishing speaking, Pope Albert got up and left step by step.

The young man with a white silk body glanced sideways at Jiang Xiaobai, a smile appeared on his face, and then he quickly restrained himself to look at the blood-stained church, and said unquestionably, "Send someone to clean this place right away."

"Also, investigate what happened to Harry and Quilan."

"How dare you assassinate the Pope!"

"Who gave them such courage."

After all, he walked away slowly behind Pope Albert.

Not long after, two priests in white robes stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai and said expressionlessly: "Please come with us, Mr. Jiang Xiaobai, we have secured your residence."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, stood up, and said with a smile: "Then I will trouble you."

The two priests in white robes nodded slightly, turned and walked in the front.

Jiang Xiaobai and his party of four slowly followed behind them.

Li Daqiang looked around, walked slowly to Jiang Xiaobai, and said in a low voice, "Boss, are we going to follow them like this?"

"The people of the Holy See don't want to put us under house arrest!"

"I can't think of a way now, and we won't have a chance to run out by then."

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the white-robed priest five steps away, and said with a smile, "Since we're here, what are we going to do in such a hurry?"

"Don't worry, I have everything, and we haven't done anything, so why are you guilty?"

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Li Daqiang nodded silently, but his eyes were wandering all the time, thinking about where to go when he ran away.

After walking for about 10 minutes, passing through countless rooms and luxurious lobby, the two priests in white robes stopped, stood at the door of the room arranged for Jiang Xiaobai, opened the door slowly, and said: " This is where the few of you live for the past few days."

"If you need anything, please let me know in time, and I will take care of it for everyone."

"During this period, please let me know if you want to go out for a stroll. After all, the church is a bit big and the holy city is a bit chaotic."

"For the safety of everyone, don't go out for these three days."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly, and walked into the room, thinking, it seems that the Holy See will use this opportunity to reshuffle the cards.

It's just that I don't know how many members of the assassination team are left, but it's a pity that the assassination of the two emperor-level powerhouses, Harry and Quilan, failed!

No, it was successful, but it was saved by that weird and outrageous young man.

Who is that person!

Pope Albert is obviously dead, why is he alive again!

Holy See, what is the secret!

It wasn't until all four of them entered the room that the two white-robed priests slowly closed the room, and then immediately walked out.

Not long after, a group of king-level knights stood quietly in front of the door, standing there quietly, motionless.

Jiang Xiaobai, who saw the changes outside the door with his divine sense, didn't fluctuate at all, as if he didn't see it at all, but Li Daqiang and Hodges became a little anxious.

Especially in Hodges' view, the actions of the Holy See are obviously guarding against them, not to mention that they are guarded by a pair of king-level knights, and I am only a king-level knight!

If Jiang Xiaobai and the Holy See fail to reach a cooperation this time, I'm afraid I really won't be able to survive.

Maybe, I really shouldn't be taking them to Appletown.

As for Li Daqiang, apart from being afraid of death, he kept looking around in the room, as if he had never seen the world at all.

However, even Jiang Xiaobai was sincerely shocked by the level of luxury in the room.

The chandelier made of pure gold, the world-famous paintings hanging on the walls, and the carpets on the floor, everything in the room tells everyone that they are of great value.

As night fell, the door was slowly opened.

One after another, graceful and graceful girls walked into the room step by step carrying food. Li Daqiang noticed with sharp eyes that even the plates containing the food were made of sterling silver!

On the contrary, he didn't pay much attention to the looks of those girls.

He didn't pay attention, but it didn't mean that others didn't pay attention. When the door opened, Hodges' eyes widened, for fear of missing a detail.

The occasional grace exposed under the white dress, the straight long legs, and the enchanting figure attract Hodges' attention all the time.

But Jiang Xiaobai, who had long been immune to this, just watched with admiration. By his side, Haruko was many times better than these girls.

No matter in terms of temperament, appearance, or figure, they are crushed in all aspects. There is no comparison between the two. The most important thing is that Haruko has strength that most men do not have.

These, all added together, form a kind of infinite charm for men. Haruko's every move attracts many people. For this, Haruko's innate ability is activated all the time, just for avoid unnecessary trouble.

Two priests in white robes walked into the room slowly, looked at Jiang Xiaobai calmly and said, "These foods are given to you by the Pope."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the girls beside him, and continued: "These girls are also, if you want, you can keep them with you."

The white-robed priest paused, and added: "Everyone here has been carefully selected, so far, they are just a girl."

"My lord, you can enjoy it with confidence."

After finishing speaking, the two priests in white robes walked out of the room on their own, and closed the door behind them.

Hodges and Li Daqiang looked at each other, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai together.

Jiang Xiaobai wrapped his arms around Qingzi's slender waist with his right hand, waved his left hand, and said with a smile, "Just don't stand in front of me, take it back to your own room."

Hodges and Li Daqiang smiled, nodded in unison, and took the three girls straight to their bedroom, leaving Jiang Xiaobai and Qingzi in the living room.

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