Dominate the world

Chapter 799 Alansman

outside the church.

The holy city is brightly lit tonight.

As a big city with a population of tens of millions, there are always countless dark corners.

Teams of crusaders walked the streets and alleys, pursuing their goals.

The news of the Pope's assassination spread within the Holy City in just one night, and it was gradually spreading far away. Even though the city gates were closed, some people always used special methods to get out of the city.

This news spread farther and farther. On the contrary, not many people knew the news that the Hua people had come to the Holy City.

In the tavern, the mercenaries sat together in twos and threes, drinking wine, chatting about the beautiful woman in the brothel, the boss who was generous and generous to his subordinates, and also shared some secrets and news that only they knew. I don't know what to say, so I just made up a story myself. Although the story is full of loopholes, there are always drunk mercenaries who believe it, no, and they are not tired of it.

Alansman is a member of the assassination force of the Holy See. After a long period of training and struggle, he has become a king-level assassin. Although this strength is not impressive in front of the huge Holy See, in the vast In the Holy City, it will not be shocking and noticeable.

But Alansman is still happy with his strength today.

Originally, he didn't appear here, he should appear in his own home, watching his wife cook and his son studying, but due to the incident during the day today, the two chiefs of the assassination force actually assassinated the pope .

Most importantly, it didn't work!

Now, everyone in the assassination team is being hunted down by the Holy See!

The crusaders of the Holy See began to search the whole city!

The Ombudsman, who was also in the dark like them, was also pursuing them.

The knights of the Holy See are already standing in front of his house, waiting for him to throw himself into the trap at any time.

Alansman believed that even if he surrendered himself, his wife and children would not survive. Over the years, every turmoil in the Holy See has never been merciful.

More than half of the water in the holy city's river is blood. The reason why the crops outside the city are so tall and grow so well is because there are many dead bodies buried under that field.

Companions were arrested one after another, and then they were killed without any explanation. There was no chance to show their innocence without even a single excuse. Although Alansman knew that no snowflake under the avalanche was innocent, he was still a little unwilling!

Alansman drank one glass after another, not at all worried that a crusader would walk in.

The most lively place is often the safest place. Alansman believed that even those who were as deeply in the dark as himself would not think of going to the mercenary tavern to see if there were any suspicious people.

A sneer appeared on Alansman's face, and he muttered to himself in a low voice: "You want to kill us all?"

"I'm afraid even you yourself don't know how many people there are in the assassination team!"

"Oh, by the way, I don't know either. Except for the people I developed, I really don't know anyone in the assassination team."

"Unfortunately, all of my people are dead."

"It's all damn Harry and Quilan's fault!"

"They drank too much, and dared to assassinate the Pope, that old bastard!"

"The key is that you didn't succeed! It's a shame among us assassins!"

"Shame! Two idiots!"

Alansman drank the rum in his hand in one gulp, slapped the table heavily, and shouted loudly: "Bartender, bring me another glass."

Seeing this scene, the owner of the mercenary tavern personally sat in front of Alansman with two glasses of wine, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, young man, you have enough wine, but if you break the table, you will lose money! "

Alansman grabbed the glass full of beer and muttered, "If you lose money, you will lose money. Sir, I have plenty of money."

The tavern owner smiled, and looked up and down Alansman with shrewd eyes, thinking about how to kill the alcoholic who was about to get drunk in front of him.


The door of the tavern was kicked open, and a group of crusaders walked in. The captain glanced at everyone in the tavern, and then said loudly: "The Holy See has a mission now, and you idiots are needed!"

"This is your chance to make big bucks, idiots!"

"Catch anyone with a dagger embroidered on their clothes, and the Holy See will reward each one with a thousand gold coins, regardless of whether they are dead or alive!"

"If you can do well, you can join the Crusaders!"

Alansmann, who was already a little drunk, suddenly raised his head, glanced at the Crusader Commander, and then quickly lowered his head to avoid attracting his attention, but what he didn't know was that this scene was watched by the tavern owner inside.

The crusader captain took out a reward order from his pocket and slapped it heavily on the bar, glanced coldly at the many mercenaries in the tavern, turned and walked out of the tavern.

"A group of idiots, they deserve to be able to work for others all their lives."

No one dared to refute, so there was no sound in the tavern, only the sound of breathing still sounded in the tavern, until it was confirmed that the crusaders were far away, the tavern gradually became lively.

However, most of them were shouting and cursing.

A group of people who have been dazzled by alcohol, and who have been wandering between life and death all year round, can't expect any beautiful words to come out of their dirty mouths, and they can say thank you, it's not that guy with a bad head Yes, you must have heard it wrong!

"Look, who is it? It's worth a thousand gold coins. With this money, I can buy a small house in the Holy City! And take my two idiots from the countryside, Teach them how to live in the Holy City."

"Bullshit, I think this money is life-saving! If it's so easy to earn, why don't those idiots earn it themselves? Instead, let us earn the money?"

"Go to hell, you are just a coward, you deserve to be a poor ghost all your life!"

Obscenities gradually resounded in the tavern.

Alansman stood up slowly, took out a gold coin from his pocket and put it on the table, wanting to leave.

Here, I can't wait any longer.

Just as he was about to leave, the tavern owner picked up the gold coin first, then stood in front of Alansman, and pushed him back: "Hey, boy, this money is not enough."

"I already know your secret, if you want to live, you have to give me five hundred gold coins as your money!"

Alansman stood up steadily, slowly raised his head, a trace of coldness appeared on his stern face, and he said coldly: "One gold coin is enough for my drink today."

"Boss, sometimes being greedy is really a good thing."

"But mostly a bad thing!"

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