Dominate the world

Chapter 810 Arrangement

Seeing that Shenzhou was in sight ahead, the warship stopped advancing and was suspended in the air.

Jiang Xiaobai stood on the side of the boat, looked down, and looked at the Shenzhou shrouded in a thick vitality. The mountains are vast, like pillars supporting the sky, and Heze is winding like dragons with nine turns. Agitation.

He looked towards the east, and saw a tall and majestic mountain, which was Mount Tai, the eastern mountain of Huaguo.Now, his strength has climbed to the emperor's realm, and he faintly saw a column of purple air on the top of Mount Tai, piercing the sky, and on the edge of the purple column, a cyan entwined, although not as brilliant as the purple air, but it also bloomed a burst of righteousness , the meaning of straight and straight.

The purple qi is naturally the imperial qi. Since ancient times, there have been many emperors enshrining Zen in Mount Tai, so the purple qi has the proper meaning, and the green qi is the literary qi. Jiang Xiaobai has felt it in Zhang Chulan.

Involuntarily, Jiang Xiaobai looked towards the location of Qilu University, and he felt like returning home for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at the people on board and asked, "What do you think about the future?"

For everyone, he had already made arrangements in his heart, but after several battles, he had already regarded these people as brothers, so naturally he had to consider their thoughts.

Li Daqiang glanced at the others and said loudly, "My lord, we will obey you in everything."

Everyone on the boat shouted together: "My lord, we will obey you in everything."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand with a smile: "It's not necessary, you should have your own plans."

An Baoguo said in a deep voice: "My lord, it is you who let us have Yanhuang Island, so we don't have to wander anymore. We have all kinds of property and cultivation resources, and our strength has been significantly improved. All of these are bestowed on us by you, as long as you give us an order. Come on, we go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, it is our duty!"

An Baoguo is serious and doesn't talk much, but every time he speaks, he is convincing.

After hearing An Baoguo's words, everyone on board shouted loudly again, expressing their loyalty.These days are the most comfortable days for them. As soon as the name of the Yanhuang organization is branded, no one will obediently give way.

This time, they returned from the west and made the most powerful Holy See obediently back down, and the days to come will only be better.They are all men running around in the sea, they are used to all kinds of dangerous deaths, and they know how much benefit Jiang Xiaobai has brought them.

Haruko's purple pupils are full of admiration, and the neon girl admires the strong most. In her heart, Jiang Xiaobai is the strongest man in the world.

Jiang Xiaobai stopped the crowd's cheering, and he said loudly: "Thank you brothers for your love. You believe in me if you are willing to follow me, but I have to be responsible to you. You have long been used to living in the sea. Going back to the land will only make you uncomfortable, so I think the best place for you to go is Yanhuang Island."

On the battleship, no one spoke, you looked at me, I looked at you, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Li Daqiang raised his arms high and shouted loudly: "Boss Jiang is benevolent!"

"Boss Jiang is benevolent!"

In an instant, shouts rang out one after another. The crew members and warriors all blushed, opened their mouths, and yelled vigorously over and over again.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and lowered his palms, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

In an instant, everyone shut their mouths tightly and looked at Jiang Xiaobai enthusiastically.

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately suppressed his voice, and said solemnly: "Yanhuang Island is located at the outermost edge of the sea area of ​​the islands. It can be said that it is the main throat for entering and leaving the waters of the islands. To protect Yanhuang Island, our Yanhuang organization can attack and retreat. , we can become the most powerful force in the waters of the islands."

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely protect Yanhuang Island."

"We will also inevitably develop the Yanhuang organization into the most powerful force."

"In the future, our Yanhuang organization will be your backup force, Boss, to escort you!"


Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly, these people are still very good!

In his plan, the Yanhuang Organization is his backup force.And once the sea monsters attack, the Yanhuang organization will be the front line, not to mention resisting the sea monsters, it is enough to give Huaguo a period of time to integrate its forces.

"Qingzi, your task is heavy." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qingzi and said seriously.

Haruko's bright eyes were full of reverence, and she replied in a deep voice, "Please tell me."

"Okay, I need you to go to Yanhuang Island. As you have seen before, the onmyojis of the Neon Kingdom have colluded with the sea monsters. They are seeking skins from tigers, and they will eventually harm others and themselves. I need you to monitor them closely. "

"Yes!" Haruko's purple eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Li Daqiang!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

Li Daqiang stepped out of the crowd and responded loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "As the captain, the waters of the islands will be your sphere of activities in the future. You have to monitor other forces, and more importantly, pay attention to the movements of sea monsters, so that you know what you are doing."

"Yes! Boss, don't worry." Li Daqiang quickly expressed his loyalty.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes fell on An Baoguo and the others, and he said in a deep voice: "Your tasks are also very heavy. I have a hunch that a bigger crisis is coming. You need to improve your strength as soon as possible, so don't neglect it and hurry up to practice. .”

"Yes!" Everyone responded again.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, convinced that everything was in place, he looked around the crowd and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's say goodbye, and we will meet again someday."

"Send off the boss!" Li Daqiang suddenly knelt down on one knee and shouted with his head raised.

The others followed suit and knelt down, shouting loudly: "Congratulations, Boss!"

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, and was about to jump off the side of the ship. Coincidentally, a piece of news came, which was an emergency summoning order from the Ministry of Martial Arts.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to neglect, and quickly flew towards the Martial Arts Department.

An hour later, Jiang Xiaobai came to the Martial Arts Department and was directly welcomed into the meeting room.

In the conference room, except for a few elders who were unable to escape, most of the rest of the elders arrived.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, Tang Shanhai, Fei Yuming and others who had good friends with Jiang Xiaobai greeted him with smiles. They watched Jiang Xiaobai grow from a student to the current state. Share the gratification of my family's juniors becoming talents.

Ye Tiannan and Pan Feng's eyes were gloomy. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, they each snorted secretly. They didn't expect this kid to grow to this extent.

First Elder Xie Guanying Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end. This time the second elder Duan Hong is presiding over the meeting. His strength is unfathomable. There are rumors in the Martial Arts Department that the second elder is at least a half-step emperor-level powerhouse.

Duan Hong saw everyone's attitudes in his eyes, he exuded a little momentum, as if a tangible gust of wind swept past, scraping his face like a knife, all the elders were stunned, and they all fell silent.

"Alright, since Elder Jiang Xiaobai has arrived, let's start the meeting!"

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