Dominate the world

Chapter 811 Vitality Recovery

Duan Hong closed his eyes half-closed, and said lightly: "Everyone here is an emperor, and they are most sensitive to changes in the vitality of the world. I have guessed the purpose of this gathering."

All the elders nodded in unison, and they all guessed it.

Jin Zhi sighed lightly, and asked, "Second Elder, to what extent will the recovery of vitality reach this time?"

After all, their strength is lacking, and they can't sense too much.

Duan Hong exhaled slowly, and said word by word: "It's serious!"

After a pause, Duan Hong added again: "This is what the Great Elder said."

Suddenly, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the conference room.

"Elder Jin Zhi, tell me." Duan Hong said.

Jin Zhi was the oldest and most prestigious. His flesh seemed to be twitching uncontrollably, and he said slowly: "This recovery of vitality will be unprecedented, and it is destined to cause great changes in the world. It is an opportunity, but it is even more important. A catastrophe."

Everyone was silent, except for Jiang Xiaobai, who had practiced for many years. They had witnessed the changes brought about by the recovery of vitality, and the vicissitudes of life were not enough to describe the latter changes.

"I still remember the revival of vitality 60 years ago. The old man was the one who witnessed it. Overnight, the dead trees bloomed in spring, the sky filled with flowers, and the desert turned into mulberry fields, but what followed was the mutation of poultry and the surprise attack of monsters. The evolution of human beings is far inferior to the mutation of wild beasts. In the ten years after the recovery of vitality, monsters and beasts raged, and human beings suffered heavy casualties."

Jin Zhi's eyes were red, his eyes were confused, as if he saw the tragedy of the year again.His voice also trembled: "At that time, no laughing words were heard for thousands of miles, and there were white flags everywhere, catastrophe, catastrophe!"

"Second Elder, if this recovery of vitality is unprecedented, can we resist it?" Suddenly, Pan Feng asked.

Anxious eyes focused on the face of the second elder Duan Hong, and the meeting room was full of rapid breathing.

Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists involuntarily. After cultivating in the altar of the Western Holy See, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the vitality of the earth was still a little thin, and he could not help Pan Ge enough, so he was still looking forward to the recovery of vitality. Yes, I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

If they can't resist the invasion of monsters, the end will be the destruction of mankind!

Duan Hong slowly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be flickering, and finally he said: "It's man-made!"

These words seem to be talking about human affairs and obeying the destiny, which makes people extremely disappointed.

"No!" A clear voice suddenly sounded, the voice was full of affirmation, and the hearts of those who listened were warmed up.

Jiang Xiaobai hammered the table heavily, and shouted loudly: "Human beings will not perish, because of you, me, and everyone. As long as we are united as one, we are not afraid of hardships and dangers. I firmly believe that we can carve out a path even in desperate situations." A way to live."

"Because, man can conquer nature!"

Jiang Xiaobai held the case with both hands, his eyes seemed to have raging fire, and he looked at everyone scorchingly.

A gleam of relief flashed in the eyes of the Second Elder Duan Hong, and he suddenly understood why the First Elder insisted that he wait for Jiang Xiaobai to arrive before starting the meeting.

The latter is a stream of vitality, a stream of cleanliness, and the future lies in Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"Hmph, that sounds nice. Do you know how powerful those monsters are?" A yin and yang voice sounded, it was Pan Feng who had a rift with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his anger, and said proudly: "I have seen it, and I personally beheaded a few of them. If Elder Pan Feng wanted to see, there happened to be a few of them stored in our Wuhan University. If Elder Pan Feng doesn't believe it, there Come with me to Qilu Wu University, I have been besieged by monsters many times in Qilu Wu University, but my Qilu Wu University is united, no matter how powerful the monster is, it is nothing but the blood food in the mouth of my Qilu Wu masters and students."

Pan Feng was breathless. As an elder of the Martial Arts Department, he naturally knew that Qilu Wuda had fought monsters and even sea beasts many times. Every time, the weak defeated the strong and the strong defeated the strong enemy, which is amazing.

Over the past year, the reputation of Qilu Wuda has grown day by day, and there is a faint tendency to stand shoulder to shoulder with the magic capital Wuda and Kyoto Wuda.When it comes to staunch and brave, the name of Qilu Wuda is the best in the whole country.

"Hmph, Elder Jiang, it's better not to be careless. What if the monsters and sea beasts you meet later are ten times, a hundred times stronger than the ones you killed?" Ye Tiannan said suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and proudly said: "Then I will be ten times stronger, a hundred times, or even a thousand times stronger. If monsters dare to come, I will dare to kill them. If they dare to invade Qilu Wuda, I will kill them until their blood flows into rivers." , crumbled."

Pan Feng sneered, and mocked: "We certainly admire Elder Jiang's genius, but if he is ten times or a hundred times stronger, it would be a bit arrogant, right?"

"Hmph, Xia Chong can't talk about ice. Since I, Jiang Xiaobai, can become the emperor within a year, I might not be able to reach the imperial realm or even the holy realm in the next year."

Pan Feng laughed loudly: "Overthinking one's abilities!"

In the meeting room, the other elders also shook their heads.

Tang Shanhai said softly: "Elder Jiang, don't be conceited. The emperor level is completely different from the emperor level. The emperor level powerhouse has his own domain and is extremely powerful, but because of this, it is extremely difficult to achieve."

He glanced at the Second Elder Duan Hong, and said softly: "The Second Elder's talent is high, rumors are still higher than the First Elder, and there is no shortage of resources, but why didn't he reach the emperor level?"

Fei Yuming sighed softly: "The reason is actually very simple. To become an emperor-level powerhouse requires luck, so only a few major countries in the world can each have an emperor-level powerhouse."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that it was so.

"Hehe, Elder Jiang, do you still dare to speak out?" Pan Feng mocked.

Pan Feng's repeated provocations made many elders lose face.They had also heard about Jiang Xiaobai and Pan Feng's son. Pan Yan was clearly murdered instead of harming others. He deserved it a bit harshly, but he couldn't blame Jiang Xiaobai.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai had insufficient qualifications and weak strength, and Pan Feng, as the elder of the Martial Arts Minister and an emperor-level powerhouse, used his power to overwhelm others. They couldn't say anything. If they were themselves, they might be the same as Pan Feng.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai is powerful and full-fledged, and there is no way to be an enemy of Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai saw everyone's expressions in his eyes and sneered in his heart. This is the change brought about by strength.

"Big words? Pan Feng, seeing that you have made great contributions to Hua Guo as the elder of the Martial Arts Department, I have been patient with you again and again. Do you really think I have a good temper?"

Jiang Xiaobai's voice changed suddenly, his breath became harsh, and he shot towards Pan Feng unscrupulously with a strong killing intent.

In an instant, the temperature in the meeting room plummeted, and the dripping water turned into ice.

Pan Feng's complexion changed, and he quickly mobilized all his vitality to meet the enemy. He couldn't believe that Jiang Xiaobai had become so tyrannical. At that moment, he felt the intent to die.

"Enough!" The second elder Duan Hong, who had always been an old god, suddenly said, this sentence seemed to come out of nowhere, and the vitality of Jiang Xiaobai and Pan Feng quietly dissipated.

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