Dominate the world

Chapter 812 Shocking 1 Gamble

Pan Feng glared at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, and sat back on the chair pretending to be calm, only then did he feel a chill down his back.

"Second Elder, do you trust me?"

Pan Feng looked up in a daze, only to see Jiang Xiaobai standing upright, talking gracefully with the second elder, showing no timidity on his face, and an extraordinary temperament.

Pan Feng couldn't help but feel empty, a thought came to him, would he really want to fight against this kid?

But the next moment, he felt another pain in his heart, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Xiaobai became hatred again.

Why did Yan'er die instead of this kid? Yan'er has been gifted since she was a child and has a strong mind. If she survives, she might be worse than Jiang Xiaobai today!

Hmph, maybe this kid stole Yan'er's luck!

"Second elder, what if I can make you an emperor-level powerhouse?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

Duan Hong's eyes widened suddenly, and the other elders were even more confused.

"How to say?" Duan Hong pondered for a while, but still couldn't suppress the expectation in his heart, he asked.

Tang Shanhai glanced at Pan Feng. He had dealt with Jiang Xiaobai the most and knew Jiang Xiaobai's temperament best. He suddenly felt that Pan Feng was going to be in trouble.

Jiang Xiaobai said sincerely: "Simply put, the subsequent recovery of vitality may be an opportunity."

"You mean to become famous in the subsequent expeditions and compete for luck?" Duan Hong said, his tone returned to the calm tone before.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, and no!"

"Let's put it this way, the Great Elder has carried the luck of our Hua country, so he has become an emperor-level powerhouse. But as soon as our vitality recovers, as long as our Hua country resists the invasion of monsters and sea beasts, our Hua country's luck is bound to be great." Let alone another emperor-level powerhouse, two, three, or even ten might not be impossible!"

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and said: "After the recovery of vitality, we will not lack resources! So, as long as we become famous all over the world in the next big battle, win glory for China, and grab a life for mankind, why is there not enough luck?"

Duan Hong nodded slightly, what Jiang Xiaobai said was to the point.

Not to mention Duan Hong, even the other elders' eyes are also red hot. Once they shine in the future war against monsters and save mankind from desperation, they will naturally be entitled to enjoy the luck of the world and become emperor-level powerhouses It is indeed not a dream.

Jiang Xiaobai gently rubbed his chin, seeing the fanaticism on the faces of the elders, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he has a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly, but the reality that disasters are imminent and they fly separately. Compared with the nobility of human nature, he trusts the temptation of interests more.

Except for a few emperor-level powerhouses in the world, the emperor-level powerhouses are the core power at the moment. If these people don't work hard, human beings will perish.

"Of course, the kid also has some suggestions on how to effectively become an emperor-level master." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.The righteous problem is solved, and then it is natural to seek some personal gain for oneself.

But after saying this, Jiang Xiaobai sat back on the chair directly and stopped talking.

In the meeting room, who is not human? Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's actions, many people laughed, and felt a little less afraid of Jiang Xiaobai in their hearts, after all, he was still young.

Tang Shanhai said with a chuckle, "Elder Jiang, don't be fooled, let's listen."

Jiang Xiaobai just looked at Duan Hong.

A wry smile flashed in Duan Hong's eyes, he didn't expect to be caught by a little guy who could be a grandson.

"Well, what conditions do you have, tell me?"

Jiang Xiaobai was grinning, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, but his finger suddenly pointed at Pan Feng.

Pan Fengteng jumped up suddenly, his expression was furious to the extreme, but he smiled instead: "Good boy, what a trick to kill with a knife!"

Tang Shanhai shook his head speechlessly, sure enough, he knew that this kid was after Pan Feng.

Duan Hong said in a deep voice, "Elder Jiang..."

"Hey—Second Elder, don't misunderstand, and elders, don't misunderstand, the boy has always been kind to others, so naturally he won't threaten Elder Pan Feng's life with this." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Duan Hong's words, with an unusual tone serious.

Many elders laughed secretly, so they didn't believe Jiang Xiaobai's words.After learning about Jiang Xiaobai's past, they didn't know that this time, he must take revenge. If others bullied him, he would definitely bully him back.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows the grievances of my Elder Pan Feng. I think I am right, but Elder Pan Feng doesn't think so. Look at the hatred in his eyes, I wish I could kill me soon."

The elders were all silent, they knew very well that if it wasn't for the protection of Tangshan Haijinzhi and others, Pan Feng would have shot Jiang Xiaobai long ago.

"I don't want to be an enemy of him, but I can't let him plot against me secretly. So I hope all the elders will witness again. I want to make a bet with Elder Pan Feng that I will become an emperor-level powerhouse in a year. I lost, I resigned from the position of Martial Arts Minister, and I will no longer serve as the principal of Qilu Wuda University, and I will go to the border alone, and I will not return if the monsters are not destroyed!"

"But I won, and Elder Pan Feng doesn't need to do anything, just step down as the Martial Arts Minister, how about it?"

In the meeting room, the atmosphere was terribly oppressive, and a needle could be heard.

"Hmph, half a year." Pan Feng said suddenly, his face slightly embarrassed, and he turned his head sideways.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly: "Okay, half a year will be half a year, everyone has witnessed, the bet is established!"

A hint of secret joy flashed in Pan Feng's eyes, this kid is still young, so he can't stand it.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart. It didn't matter to him whether it was a year, half a year, or three months. If he had enough vitality, with Brother Pan, there was no upper limit to his practice.

"Hey, Old Pan, why bother?" Ye Tiannan suddenly let out a long sigh, maybe it's time to persuade the juniors, this kid is too ruthless.

A trace of loneliness also flashed across the faces of many elders. They have been martial arts ministers for many years, and they and Pan Feng don't say that they are inseparable, but they are also used to each other's existence. Maybe it will be difficult to see each other after half a year.

Without the care of the Ministry of Martial Arts, Pan Feng's fate can be imagined.

But everyone didn't say anything. Jiang Xiaobai was already benevolent enough. If Pan Feng hadn't been aggressive, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't have made such a gamble.

"Okay, let's talk about the conditions, how about your suggestion?" Duan Hong said.

Everyone was silent, this statement also showed that the previous bet had been revealed, and winning or losing depended on their respective fortunes.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Qilu Wuda!"

Jiang Xiaobai's face was serious, and he said solemnly with his hands clasped in his hands, "Qilu Wuda welcomes Elder Duan Hong! The current situation has gradually become clear, and the army and Wuda have become the mainstay of resisting the invasion of monsters. But compared to the army, Wuda is more powerful. Vigorous, more talented, and more representative of the future, I am 100% sure that the future of the human race lies in various martial arts universities, and Qilu Military University will become the number one martial arts university in the future, the cradle of dreams for emperor-level powerhouses!"

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