Dominate the world

Chapter 815 Vitality Tornado

With a bang, Jiang Xiaobai landed heavily on the ground, creating a hole half a meter deep.

A scream sounded from under his feet.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly looked down at his feet, and it turned out to be a bug the size of a wild boar.Looking at the overall appearance of the bug, it should be a small bug called a soil dog. Compared with before, this bug has become more than a hundred times bigger.

Sure enough, compared to humans, other creatures are more likely to accept the mutation of vitality.

The surrounding land is still gushing vitality, and the momentum is becoming more and more majestic. Before, what was sprayed was only the thickness of a faucet, but now it is the size of a bucket.

The glow in the sky also rose sharply, impacting on the pillar of vitality, causing the pillar of vitality to spin up, forming small tornadoes one after another.

The tornadoes naturally attracted each other, and in just a few seconds, similar vitality tornadoes gathered together, directly doubling in size.

And the strengthened vitality tornado is like a cat that successfully steals fish, aiming at other vitality tornadoes again.

In just a few minutes, a super huge vitality tornado roared into shape, and its powerful destructive force spread towards the surroundings.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly, the current changes have completely surpassed Elder Jin Zhi's explanation of the vitality tide, and now it is just the beginning.

"Everyone, don't absorb this vitality!" But after a moment of annoyance, Jiang Xiaobai roared loudly, this is his responsibility as the dean.

Although these vital qi are rich, they are mottled and impure in nature, and absorbing them will cause harm and no benefit.With his strength, after absorbing a wave of vitality just now, he felt that the vitality in his body was unstable. If it were someone else, he might be blown away by the vitality and become an idiot.

At this moment, only monsters can withstand the impact of these vitality.

In the mist, familiar voices yelled, calling on everyone not to absorb the vitality.But under the roar of the tornado, the sound could hardly spread.

But at this moment, the vitality tornado has become a monstrous giant, and hundreds of students have already been swept into the air by the vitality tornado.Not to mention the tearing power inside the tornado, if these vital qi continue to enter the body, their cultivation foundation will be abolished.

And once they fall from the sky, they will surely die.

"Brother Pan, it's up to you." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were bloodshot. He is the dean, and it is his responsibility to save the students.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed towards the huge vitality tornado quickly. At this moment, he had no other choice.


"Back off!"

Relying on the Tai Chi disc, Jiang Xiaobai had already controlled the violent vitality in his body. His body was like electricity, and he ran on the edge of the tornado, throwing out one after another warriors who were sucked by the vitality tornado.

The warriors trapped in the tornado were already desperate, but they didn't expect to be thrown out.After fear of being lucky, they realized that the person who rescued them was the courtyard Jiang Xiaobai.

"Dean Jiang!" The students cried out one by one. They experienced the horror of being swept in the tornado for themselves.It has nothing to do with the state, the vitality is simply not obeying, it is extremely dangerous.

"Dean Jiang!" A series of mournful calls sounded, and gradually became louder.

Jiang Xiaobai heaved a sigh of relief. Sure enough, he still had to rely on Brother Pan at the critical moment. Although these vitality were domineering, they were like a docile puppy in front of Brother Pan, allowing Brother Pan to play.

Jiang Xiaobai kept familiarizing himself with the current situation, and finally he flew up. Without thinking, Jiang Xiaobai rushed into the tornado.

Before, he just wandered around the periphery of the vitality tornado, but more fighters fell into the heights of the tornado.

Many figures were unconscious, their clothes were torn, and their flesh and blood were bloody. Jiang Xiaobai wrapped their bodies with his spiritual thoughts and sent them back to the ground one by one.

After a lot of hard work, until the last person was sent out, Jiang Xiaobai took a breath and flew directly into the core of the vitality tornado.The Tai Chi Disc didn't hold anything back anymore, it frantically absorbed vitality.

When some fighters flew out of the vitality tornado, Li Chan noticed the wounded.She greeted the students and sent the injured away. From the mouths of everyone, she also knew that it was Jiang Xiaobai who saved them.

"I knew that at such a critical moment, Xiaobai would definitely stand up, and only he has the ability to stand up." Zhao Chong appeared beside Li Chan holding Lan Yingying's hand.

After the initial chaos, many students surrounded themselves with relatively strong mentors.Gradually, they also recovered a little bit of strength, controlled the vitality in their bodies, and had [-] to [-]% of their fighting strength.

And after gathering the wounded from all sides, most of them gathered on the edge of the tornado, looking at the huge tornado that seemed to connect the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Principal Kong, when you proposed Jiang Xiaobai to be the dean, now it seems that you are far-sighted. He is indeed a qualified dean." Du Pingyuan praised.

There was a bit of worry in Kong Shang's brows, and he sighed: "But I'm afraid he will get hurt because of this!"

Lin Xiao held a long sword in his hand, and stared at the vitality tornado in the sky with eagle eyes.Before leaving, the teachers of Jixia Academy reminded him to pay attention to the dangers of all kinds of vitality explosions, but under the violent vitality tide, all preparations were useless.

He had to dodge in embarrassment, waiting for the tornado of vitality to weaken. In the process, he saw Bai Yu and Kong Xuan, and they were as embarrassed as himself.

However, Dean Jiang, who had gained fame in the past year, shocked his vision. He rushed alone into the tornado that they couldn't resist, and they didn't even dare to approach.

This requires a fearless mind and a determination to see death as home.

What's more, Jiang Xiaobai really rescued those students and warriors who were trapped in the vitality tornado.He tried to get closer, but within a short while, he felt that the vitality in his body was disordered, and he absolutely dare not enter again.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but sighed, "I'm not as good as him!"

"Brother Xiao, it's different, he is the dean of Qilu Wuda University." Behind Lin Xiao, a junior sister from Jixia Academy comforted him.

Lin Xiao shook his head: "No, there's no need to explain, it's not as good as it is!"

On the other side, Kong Xuan said with emotion: "Sure enough, under the great name, it is actually hard to live up to it!"

On the side of the Martial Arts Department, Bai Yu looked back at the frightened crowd, and slowly shook his head.In the past year, he has been fighting abroad, and he learned that there is a newcomer in the domestic Martial Arts Department, who overwhelms the juniors of the elders. Now it seems that these people are really far behind Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hey, the vitality tornado is smaller?" Li Chan exclaimed suddenly.

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