Dominate the world

Chapter 816 The Monster Beast Attacks

"Isn't it, isn't it?" Li Chan couldn't believe it. She rubbed her eyes hard, but she just rolled out more tears.

Zhao Chong shouted loudly: "Yes, the tornado has become smaller."

Li Chan's palm pierced into his arm, but he didn't notice it, his eyes were fixed on the tornado in the sky, and he was trembling with excitement.

"How is it possible?" Everyone was surprised.

They all looked at the vitality tornado in the sky, and after repeated confirmation, it was true that the vitality tornado had become smaller.

"The surge of vitality hasn't diminished!" The older generation observed carefully, they paid special attention to the column of vitality that spewed out, and the color of the latter was even deepening.

"Then how could the vitality tornado decrease?" Many people asked.

But looking at each other, no one has an answer.

Zhao Chong burst out laughing suddenly, his face was full of pride, and he shouted loudly: "Because that person is called Jiang Xiaobai, a person who always creates miracles."

People from the Confucian Mansion, Jixia Academy, and Martial Arts Department were all silent, Zhao Chong's words made them completely irrefutable.

"Everyone, we still don't want to stand here, there are still many things we need to do." Kong Shang suggested.

Du Pingfan echoed, "That's right, some monsters have already started to mutate. Wuhan University may be able to resist it, but many people will suffer."

"Okay, let's go!" Many people responded, and after looking back at the vitality tornado, they quickly retreated.

Li Chan didn't move, she just stared at the tornado in a daze, everyone retreated without calling her knowingly.

Jiang Xiaobai was suspended in the air, and the vitality around him flew into his body like being swallowed by a whale.The Tai Chi Yuanpan was slightly hotter, but it became more and more lively. Jiang Xiaobai felt a little scared when he saw it. This scene was really too terrifying.

Finally, he saw that the vitality around him had faded, and the tornado had quietly dissipated.

Jiang Xiaobai flew down from the sky, and saw a delicate person turning away with tears in his eyes.

"It's Li Chan?" Jiang Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, but gave up the idea of ​​following.

Li Chan is a proud woman, since she turned and left, it would only embarrass Li Chan to meet her.

The Yuan Qi tornado was gone, but the Yuan Qi surrounding it was thick, and the Yuan Qi column on the ground spewed more and more rapidly, sprinkled on the stone, soaked into the stone, and Jiang Xiaobai somehow felt that the stone seemed to be moving a little bit.

The Tai Chi Yuanpan was still frantically absorbing the vitality around it, and between puffing and puffing, a purple aura was brewed, and the aura entered his brain, and Jiang Xiaobai felt that his divine sense had condensed for a few minutes, enough to match the previous few breaths. month of penance.

"Brother Pan, mighty." Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed, excitedly rushing towards the pillars of vitality.

The previous recovery of vitality lasted for a whole day, judging by the extent of the current surge of vitality, it may last for more than three days.

And in these three days, except for some people who were lucky enough to meet the extremely pure vitality pillar, enjoy the vitality infusion, and make great progress in cultivation, even if other warriors can improve their cultivation during these three days, it is better than nothing.

But for monsters, these three days are the best period for them to mutate. The day when the vitality gushing stops is the time when these monsters attack aggressively.

He needs to improve his strength as soon as possible to deal with the dangers that will follow.

After helping the army to pacify the initial chaos, the teachers and students of Qilu Martial Arts University, as well as the Confucian Mansion, Jixia Academy, Martial Arts Department and others who came to help, all dispersed to find their own opportunities.

During the three days, not only the land of Qilu, but even the entire Hua Kingdom, and even the whole world, humans and monsters seemed to have automatically reached a tacit understanding, hibernating each other, and there were only small-scale chaotic wars.

It's like the calm before the storm, waiting for the turmoil after the tide of vitality.

For the past three days, Jiang Xiaobai had hardly rested. He kept flying over the land of Qilu, searching for one after another of pure vitality pillars for Qilu Wu masters and students to absorb.

He found that under the thick mist of vitality, the land of Qilu has already changed.The rich vitality makes the desert evolve into a grassland, and the grassland grows into a forest, which is rich and green and full of vitality.

Lakes appeared one after another out of thin air on the land, and rivers flowed along the low-lying places to form rivers. When they passed the cliffs, they turned into waterfalls, majestic and spectacular.

The hills are rising, the mountains are rising, piercing into the sky, and monsters are born in the form of monsters. They start to change from a small bug, and gradually become bigger and stronger, as if they are born with knowledge of skills and automatically Breathing out vitality, tempering the body, forging weapons, gathering together, whistling in the mountains and forests.

"The earth is getting bigger!" After measuring the ground repeatedly, Jiang Xiaobai confirmed this.

Today's Qilu land is more than ten times larger than before the recovery of vitality, and it is still expanding rapidly.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, Jiang Xiaobai felt some secret realms emerging from the void, appearing in a flash, but the coercion displayed in an instant made Jiang Xiaobai's face change in horror.

Some of the coercion was even stronger than the coercion given to him by Xie Guanying, the great elder of Huaguo Martial Arts Department!

Fortunately, those powerful beings didn't pay attention to Jiang Xiaobai, they appeared out of thin air and disappeared quietly.

For three days, with the help of Brother Pan, Jiang Xiaobai continued to absorb vitality, improve his realm and strength, and at dawn on the third day, Jiang Xiaobai returned to Qilu Wuda.

Jiang Xiaobai checked the attributes.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Boundary: the middle period of the emperor

Cultivation method: Taiyue True Explanation (10% proficiency), Bajiu Xuan Gong ([-]% proficiency)

Tactics: Covered, waiting for update

Supernatural powers: Divine thoughts become a network

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that in the past three days, he had been continuously absorbing the purple breath, and his spiritual sense had improved rapidly. He felt that there had been some changes in his spiritual sense, but he couldn't detect it specifically. It turned out that he had already touched the threshold of the domain.

The field is the mark of an emperor-level master. Once he fully comprehends it, Jiang Xiaobai believes that it will be the time for him to step into the emperor-level powerhouse.

Jiang Xiaobai flew up in the air, looking towards the east, the red light of the sun finally pierced through the thick haze of vitality, dyeing the clouds all over the sky red.

The glow in the sky gradually dimmed, and the clouds rolled into clouds, and then gradually dispersed.

The earth also gradually cleared up, and the pillars of vitality disappeared, leaving only a piece of greenery, which was beautiful and full of vitality from a distance.


Suddenly, in the waist-high grass, there was an ear-piercing roar, and a six-legged monster soared into the sky, rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai!

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were like lightning, with a cold light, the power of the emperor automatically condensed into a long knife in the air, and he slashed at the monster beast, cutting it in half.

But in the next moment, a group of monsters came out from the depression, the grass, and behind the rocks, gritted their teeth, hissed and roared.

Monsters are coming!

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